January 12, 2017
Greetings SC Boys & Girls Clubs Professionals:
On behalf of the members of the Palmetto Chapter of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Professional Association we wish you great success in 2017. The All Staff Training dates are February 24-25, 2017 located at the Midlands Technical College, Academic Center,1260 Lexington Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170. Laura Ruffin, Boys & Girls Clubs of America,Coordinator of Learning Experienceshas been working with the All Staff Planning Committee to assist with finalizing the training sessions. We are very excited to have BGCA provide us with National Certified Trainers and ON-LINE REGISTERATION LINK. Please forward this information to your staff and we look forward to your organization taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by this GREAT Training Event.
“Building on Success” is this year’s theme. Included in this packetare the organization and individual registration forms,the award nomination forms, and the training schedule/agenda for you to review and become familiar with before registering on-line. For your convenience there are also instructions to pay with credit cards via PayPal link or you can pay by check.
If you have questions contact:
Molly O. Smith, State TAPDAC Rep843-757-2845
Jean Ford,Chairperson 803-775-5006
Vanessa Hall, Co-Chairperson803-463-7021
Registration FEES: (see attached details and use the link to register on-line)
$65 per person- Early-Bird Registration Ends February10th
$85 per person- Regular Registration – Deadline February 17th
Registration is limited to 400 and will NOT be confirmed until individual registration is completed with organizational payment. Fees are non-refundable.
Again, I hope that you will allow as many of your staff as possible to attend this GREAT Training for the professional growth and development for the wonderful staff that we have in South Carolina. We are most excited about this training where BGCA will introduce 3 brand new sessions.
JBVanessa O. Hall
James E. BrownJean FordVanessa Hall
TPA Palmetto ChapterAll Staff Training Midlands Director
Midlands Technical College
Individual Registration Information
Name: ______
Organization: ______
How Long with BGC? ______E-mail Address: ______
Select One: Full-time StaffPart-time Staff
FridayFebruary 24th Trainings
Half Day (3 Hour SessionsBGCA) 9:30am-12:30pm
____ Principles of Management
____ Child Safety – Management
____ Set Up For Success: Ensuring Teen Accountability
____ They Vote With Their Feet: Addressing Teen Retention From The Beginning
Two Hour sessions (Select one session per hour)
____New Professional Orientation
____Hands-On STEM
____ Building Emotional
____New Professional Orientation
____Hands-On STEM
____Building Emotional
____New Professional Orientation
____Hands-On STEM
____Building Emotional
____ Child Safety: What Every Youth Development
Professional Must Know
____ Building Resiliency in Youth
____ Social Recreation: Effective Gameroom
Management & Leadership
____ CareerLaunch: Take Control
3:45-5:45pm (BGCA)
____ Five Key Elements
____ Passport to Manhood
____ CareerLaunch: Take Control
____ Social Recreation: Effective Gamesroom
Management & Leadership
Saturday February 25th Trainings
All Day Training 9:30am-5:00 pm
____Building a BGC Work Team
Half Day (3 Hour Sessions BGCA) 9:30am-12:30pm
____ Youth Development at Every Age & Stage
____ They are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For
____ Be There: Supporting Grieving Youth
Two Hour sessions (Select one session per hour – total of 3)
____New Professional Orientation
____NBA Math Hoops
____Creative Writing
____ Building Emotional
____My.Future Extensions:
Computer Programming
____ Partnerships with Diverse
____New Professional Orientation
____NBA Math Hoops
____Creative Writing
____ Building Emotional
____My.Future Extensions:
Computer Programming
____ Partnerships with Diverse
____New Professional Orientation
____NBA Math Hoops
____Creative Writing
____ Building Emotional
____My.Future Extensions:
Computer Programming
____ Partnerships with Diverse
____ Child Safety: What Every Youth Development Professional Must Know
____Power Hour
____Five Key Elements
3:45-5:45pm (BGCA)
____ My.Futures:Essentials Digital Literacy
____ Power Hour
____ Building Resiliency in Youth
12:30-1:30pmSchedule a Career Consult withBGCA Director of Development, BGC CPO(s)
James Brown: SC Alliance Director of B&GC& other Senior Staff. Explore the opportunities
Boys & GirlsClubs offer with the Boys and Girls Club Movement.
Join the Keystone/Torch Clubs Round Other Teen Programs Table Discussion
Contact Person:______
Email:______Phone ( ) ______
Conference Registration FEES:
$65 per person- Early-Bird
$ 85 per person-After Feb 10th,Deadline to register - Feb 17th
Includes: breakfast & lunch on Fri/Sat; refreshments throughout the training sessions and materials; and BGCA bags. Registration is limited to 400 and will NOT be confirmed until individual registration is completed with organizational payment. Fees are non-refundable.
Number of Staff Attending ____ x $______per person=______Total Registration Fee______
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: SC Professional Association, Palmetto Chapter
Online PayPal link:
Amount: enter total registration fee
Payment type: select donation/other
Comments: enter “2017 All Staff”
Then complete the rest with your billing info and SUBMIT
If you have questions contact:
Molly O. Smith, State TAPDAC Rep843-368-0055 or
Jean Ford, Training Chair 803-775-5006 or
Anne Walker, TPA Secretary 843-812-4357 or
James Brown, TPA President 803-269-1025
Vanessa Hall, Co-Chair803-269-1025
Friday, February 24, 2017
7:30 am - 8:30 amRegistration
8:30 am - 9:15 amGeneral Assembly - Opening & Overview
9:30 pm – 12:30noonHalf Day 3 Hour Trainings
9:30 pm –11:30 amTwo Hour Sessions I
11:30 am -1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:30 pmTwo Hour Sessions II
1:30 pm – 3:30 pmTwo Hour Sessions II (BGCA)
3:30 pm-3:45 pmBREAK
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm Two Hour Sessions III
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm Two Hour Sessions III (BGCA)
Saturday, February 25, 2017
7:30 am - 8:30 amRegistration
8:30 am - 9:15 amGeneral Assembly – Recognition/Awards
9:30 pm –5:00 pmALL DAY
9:30 pm –11:30 amTwo Hour Sessions I
11:30 am -1:30 pm Lunch
12:30pm-1:30pmCareer Consult
12:30pm-1:30pmRound Table Discussions
1:30 pm – 3:30 pmTwo Hour Sessions II
1:30 pm – 3:30 pmTwo Hour Sessions II (BGCA)
3:30 pm-3:45 pmBREAK
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm Two Hour Sessions III
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm Two Hour Sessions III (BGCA)
Traveling Grace Prayers for a safe return home………
Please note that each organization is responsible for your own lodging. Lodging is rate $65.99 plus 11% tax $73.25 for doubles/ king rooms and full breakfast.
Call 803-926-9260Jennifer Perry, GM
Sleep Inn Hotel for reservations by February 17thto get special rate (Boys & Girls Clubs-SC Professional Association group rate).
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Full Day Workshops
Building A BGC Work Team
The goal of this workshop is to increase your ability to build an effective work team in your Club. By completing this workshop you will be able to create an action plan that indicates how you will apply team development tools, strategies and techniques to increase your team’s effectiveness.
Half Day - 3 Hour Sessions
Principles of Management
The goal of this workshop is to increase your ability to build an effective work team in your Club. By completing this workshop you will be able to create an action plan that indicates how you will apply team development tools, strategies and techniques to increase your team’s effectiveness.
Set Up For Success: Ensuring Teen AccountabilityBy the end of this session, participants will be able to create a plan that reflects their ability to integrate 21st Century skills into their Club’s activity plans.
They Vote With Their Feet
By the end of this session, you will be able to create a plan that reflects strategies and tools for engaging older and harder to engage teens.
New Professional Orientation
The New Professionals' Orientation offers a learning experience to new professional workers to help them understand the scope of the Boys & Girls Club Movement, how youth are served through Club program, the services provided by Boys & Girls Clubs of America, the National organization, and how to work effectively as a Boys & Girls Club professional.
Child Safety: What Every Youth Development Professional Must Know
The purpose of this session is to increase participants’ awareness of the importance youth development professionals play in child safety, steps to take to minimize risks and where to access available resources
Building Resiliency in Youth
The purpose of this course is to support youth in developing skills that will make them stronger, happier and ultimately more resilient by reinforcing the 7 Crucial C’s of Resilience throughout the “Outcome-Driven Club Experience.”
CareerLaunch: Take Control
During this session, participants will be provided with an overview of the revised CAREERLAUNCH program, BGCA’s new Workforce Development Approach, resource materials, and session activities.
Social Recreation: Effective Gamesroom Management and Leadership
The purpose of this session is to help Clubs impact members' commitment to forming positive relationships in order to ensure Healthy Lifestyles.
Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development (S)
The purpose of this session is to prepare participants to infuse the Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development into everyday Club programming. The content of this session is the same as the Key Elements of BGCA's Impact Model distance learning course.
Passport to Manhood
This session is designed to introduce Club staff to the revised version of the Passport to Manhood program curriculum.
Youth Development at Every Age & Stage: Understanding the Developmental Characteristics of Teens
By the end of this three-hour session, participants will be able to create a plan that reflects how they will apply teen developmental stages and needs to Club culture or environment, activities and goals
They are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For: Cultivating and Valuing Teen Voice
By the end of this session, you will be able to create a plan to implement and/or modify activities in your Club to reflect your understanding of teen voice in action.
Be There: Supporting Grieving Youth
Club staff are often the adults that grieving Club members turn to during times of need. In this three hour session, Club staff will learn how to recognize common reactions to grief; understand responses to these reactions; and connect grieving families to local resources in order to deepen the impact on the young people you serve. This session will highlight bereavement loss and other major life-altering losses that our Club members experience and give Club staff helpful approaches to supporting members who are grieving. In this session, Club staff will discover how cultivating the Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development create an ideal supportive environment for grieving members and create a plan to enhance the care they provide for grieving members and their families
Power Hour
The purpose of this session is to help Clubs increase members' Academic Success.
My.Futures:Essentials Digital Literacy
During this session, participants will learn how to use My.Future to engage members in STEM opportunities, including digital media and technology. Additionally, a thorough overview of the Essentials digital literacy pathway is provided.
Additional General Sessions
Partnerships with Diverse Families
This session will explore family diversity. Discuss of various tips on embracing each family’s diversity to create a safe space for positive, productive partnerships. Family involvement is one of the most important factors in the success of youth. Although families come in various forms, they are our allies.
Hands-On STEM
Want to engage your members in fun and creative STEM activities? This hands-on workshop will give you lots of ideas on how to implement STEM activities at your Club. You will learn about BGCA's DIY STEM program as well as some other great STEM resources. Then you'll have a chance to try some of the activities and experiments yourself. You'll have the opportunity make lights light up using conductive dough, create bracelets using binary code, make gliders and rockets using straws and paper, or do some STEM challenges using common materials that you may already have at your Club!
My.Future Extensions: Computer Programming
Not a technology wizard but want to use your computers for more than just playing games and watching videos? Even if you have NO computer programming experience, you can bring Computer Science to your Club! It's fun and easy to learn. In this hands-on workshop, you'll learn aboutsome of the coding programs that are available as part of the My.Future Extensions program. You'll also learn about a robotics lending program where you can get robots that even your youngest members can program. You'll also get to play with some fun technology that lets you do things like play music using bananas and make game controllers out of Play Dough!
NBA Math Hoops
In this session, we will cover the curriculum of a Fast-Paced board game that uses the statistics of your favorite NBA and WNBA players to teach fundamental math skills.
Creative Writing
Participants will be able to: List at least one creative writing strategy to promote creative writing for young children. Complete a collaborative writing project based on a creative writing strategy.
Building Emotional Intelligence in Ourselves and Others
In this introspective and interactive workshop participants will learn the four domains of emotional intelligence and specific activities and practices to develop each domain. Some of the activities will be practiced in the workshop, and all will be provided in a handout for future use.
Torch Club/Keystone Round Table Discussions
The goal of this round table discussion is to plan the South Carolina Keystone Conference and we can provide impact in three focus areas: academic success, career preparation and community service. The purpose is to form an effective committee who will implement this conference (3rd year).
Career Consults
Schedule a career consults with BGCA Regional Svc Director, James Brown-SC Alliance of B&GC Director,Carter Clark-Midland CPO other BGC Senior Staff. Explore the opportunities Boys & Girls Clubs offer with Boys & Girls Club Movement.
***Conference Tips ***
*All training classes are located in the Academic Center of the Midlands Technical College Airport Campus. All sessions are identifiable with signage.
*All training classes are limited to 30 participants. Your choices will be selected at
registrations on a first come first serve basis. Be prompt for best choices.
*Cell phones off during programs/workshops/sessions.
*Breakfast is served at the Sleep Inn Hotel for person registered at the hotel. A Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be served in the Academic Center on campus
*You are responsible for all dinner accommodations.
*Schedule your Career Consultations Regional Svc Director, James Brown: SC Alliance of B&GC Director or BGC Senior Staff. They will be happy to take the time and talk with you about furthering your career with Boys & Girls Club Movement.
* Dress Code is Business Casual…No jeans or sweat suits
*If you have any questions during the trainings, please ask anyone on the training
committee for assistance. Committee members are easily identified by their special
name-tags and ribbon.
*Lunch on Saturdaywill be served in general assembly during the Awards.
*Take the time to network and talk with other Youth Development Professionals from
other organizations. This is where you will gain an abundance of knowledge and ideas.
*This is a professional conference, please be on time for all trainings.
*Please remember to complete the evaluation at the last training session. The evaluation
lets us know how well we served you. It is very important that everyone complete the
*JOIN THE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION. We encourage everyone to join The Professional Association of Boys & Girls Clubs Professionals. 50% of your membership fees will be returned to your local chapter. Take the time to let your voice be heard. The Association sponsors four main state-wide events: All Staff Conference, State Education Day, SC Keystone Conference, and State Games Room Tournament. We encourage all organizations to participate in each of these events. By joining the Association you will have opportunities to apply for scholarship funds to attend BGCA trainings and help create ideas for us to grow professionally both as individuals and as an organization.
The Professional Association
Palmetto Chapter
The Arts Program Specialist of the Year Nomination Form
The Arts Program Specialist of the Year is presented to any part-time or full-time staff member who holds a title, duties and responsibilities of any Art position within their Boys & Girls Club Organization. The recipient will have made significant contributions to enable youth to develop their creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts, crafts, performing arts and creative writing. Candidates must have been employed in the Movement for a minimum of six months, faithful attendance, good communication skills, worked well with Club members and staff, demonstrates enthusiasm and creativity when planning and implementing programs and activities, demonstrates professionalism, and has a desire to learn more about the Boys & Girls Club Movement and how to better serve the Club.