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December 1 2004 № 504

Today in line:


BAKU, 1 DECEMBER, AZER-PRESS. The draft regulations of the state anti-corruption commission of the Civil Service Board have been submitted for consideration of the Milli Mejlis today, Azer-press learned from the chairman of the parliamentary committee for legal policies and statehood Ali Hassanov.

'These regulations will be passed before the end of this month because the Law on Corruption will become effective on 1 January next year', Mr Husseinov mentioned, telling us then that, following the Regulations, the new commission will have twelve members; each of the president, the Parliament and the courts will be represented by four commission members. The president's representatives are the head of the Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev, the Presidential Administration department heads Shahin Aliyev and Fuad Aleskerov and Home Minister Ramil Ussubov. The representatives of the Milli Mejlis will be the deputy speaker Ziyafet Askerov and MPs Bahtiyar Aliyev and Mr Husseinov himself, and the head of the statehood legislation department of the Parliamentary Administration Lyatif Husseinov. The courts will be represented by the chairman of the Constitution Court Farhad Abdullayev, the Procurator General Zakir Garalov, the chairwoman of the Supreme Court Sudaba Hassanova and one more person.

The commission will be a public entity but it will have a standing secretariat all the same.

The commission will hold meetings at least once in three months. In addition, the commission is bound to co-operate with non-governmental organisations and the mass media.

The parliament of Azerbaijan enacted the Law on Corruption on 13 January this year and it will come into effect on 1 January next year. Passing such a law was one of the membership obligations of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe.

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