1. A central theme of the Puritan Ethic is its emphasis on:
(A) world economic dependency on the institution of slavery.
(B) the mobility of America's class structure.
(C) the damaging effects of slavery on the South's economy.
(D) patriotism and the glorification of the American nation.
(E) hard work, thrift, and sobriety as signs of election.
2. In colonial America the enlightened view that reason can solve humanity's problems helps explain the:
(A) early growth of New England education.
(B) eighteenth century belief in Deism.
(C) lack of public libraries.
(D) Puritan and Quaker attitudes toward slavery.
(E) curriculum of higher education.
3. The competition for North American territory was a major cause of:
(A) the Mexican-American War.
(B) the French and Indian War.
(C) the Revolutionary War.
(D) the Civil War.
(E) the War of 1812.
4. To promote public libraries and the study of philosophy in colonial America was a major objective of the:
(A) Moravian Community in colonial Pennsylvania.
(B) Knickerbocker magazine of the 1840's.
(C) Rappites and Shakers.
(D) American Phrenological Journal in the 1840's.
*(E) Philadelphia Junto Club.
5. A major objective of the New England Transcendentalists was to:
(A) expand humanity's vision of itself by stressing individual initiative.
(B) subject the community to the moral and political leadership of a few.
(C) promote the ideals of economic and political equality.
(D) raise the public's consciousness concerning the immorality of slavery.
(E) promote public awareness of the bad effects of alcohol by urging sobriety.
6. Who among the following was the first to circumnavigate the world, although he died on route?
(A) Juan Ponce de Leon.
(B) Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
(C) Giovanni da Verrazano
(D) Hernando de Soto
(E) Ferdinand Magellan
7. All of the following are characteristics of the Puritans EXCEPT:
(A) a belief in hard work, sobriety, and material success.
(B) a respect for education.
(C) a belief that intellectual leadership is supplied by the clergy.
(D) a disbelief in Democracy.
(E) a toleration of other religious beliefs.
8. A central objective of John Rolfe was:
(A) to encourage centralization and cooperation.
(B) to increase the wealth of the mother country.
(C) to keep the colonies friendly.
(D) to develop the fur trade.
(E) to encourage the Virginia tobacco crop.
9. During colonial times, the Congregationalists settled in:
(A) Pennsylvania.
(B) New York.
(C) New Jersey.
(D) New England.
(E) Maryland.
10. A central objective of the early New England Puritan leadership was to:
(A) establish religious liberty for all.
(B) eliminate the use of alcohol and tobacco.
(C) eliminate any distinction between church and state.
(D) reproduce the ecclesiastical structure of the Church of England.
(E) establish the moral authority of the community over individual self-interest..
1. The eighth Amendment to the Constitution that establishes the principle of "bail" deals with:
(A) the principle of reasonable search and seizure.
(B) the right to have an attorney provided by the government.
(C) the issue of preventing detention.
(D) the issues of tuition and tax credits private schools.
(E) the prohibition against self-incrimination.
2. The economic idea of regulating intrastate commerce best matches:
(A) the powers reserved by the states.
(B) the powers held concurrently.
(C) the powers delegated to the Congress.
(D) a loose interpretation of the Constitution .
(E) the Preamble to the Consititution.
3. Because of the Townshend Acts:
(A) the Committees of Correspondence were formed.
(B) the First Continental Congress was convened.
(C) the principle of "salutary neglect" ended.
(D) the colonists resented mercantilist economic policy.
(E) colonists demanded "no taxation without representation."
4. Wisconsin was carved out of the:
(A) annexation of Texas.
(B) Mexican Cessian.
(C) Oregon Territory.
(D) Northwest Territory.
(E) Louisiana Territory.
5. The United States Constitution provides for all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) two terms for the president.
(B) equality under the law.
(C) direct election of senators.
(D) presidential nominating conventions.
(E) trial by jury.
6. Which of the following had the LEAST number of followers in America in 1775?
(A) The Dutch Reformed
(B) The Anglicans
(C) The Congregationalists
(D) The Presbyterians
(E) The Unitarians
7. The quotation "... those who indulge themselves will soon drop to the lower levels of society" best describes:
(A) a view of Alexander Hamilton.
(B) families dominating the older Atlantic states.
(C) a view of Benjamin Franklin.
(D) the life of Thomas Paine.
(E) Jefferson's delight in the exploration of the Northwest.
8. The United States Constitution provides for all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) delegated powers.
(B) concurrent powers.
(C) federalism.
(D) "elastic clause."
(E) immigration laws.
9. A result of the Macon Act was:
(A) an increase in sectional self-awareness.
(B) a boycott against England.
(C) improved conditions for construction of a canal through Central America.
(D) improvement of agricultural education.
(E) stimulation of migration westward.
10. Which of the following is a motive for the Currency Act of 1764?
(A) Taxes on newspapers
(B) The goal of regulating trade with the West Indies
(C) Prohibition of paper money in the colonies
(D) The prevention of frauds and abuses in trade
(E) Imposing high tariffs on imports from the West Indies.
1. American belief in the progress of technology from 1830 to 1860 encouraged:
(A) free public libraries and museums.
(B) democratic goals of political, social, and economic equality.
(C) local communities to raise intellectual and moral standards.
(D) nineteenth-century reforms toward free public education.
(E) applied rather than theoretical science.
2. All of the following concepts are remembered about Washington's policy of neutrality EXCEPT:
(A) the Era of Good Feeling.
(B) an American desire to avoid involvement in the Napoleonic Wars.
(C) Washington's Farewell Address.
(D) the development of political parties.
(E) the recall of Citizen Genet by the French government.
3. Andrew Jackson advocated all of the following issues EXCEPT:
(A) Democratic reform.
(B) the extension of suffrage.
(C) property qualifications for voting.
(D) the convention system.
(E) popular participation in government.
4. Martin Van Buren supported an independent treasury in order:
(A) to weaken a banking monopoly.
(B) to separate the national government from the banking system.
(C) to stimulate investment in the North and the West.
(D) to put United States credit on firm ground.
(E) to increase capital investment in the South.
5. Arrange the following in their proper time order: (A) Webster-
Hayne Debate, (B) Missouri Compromise, (C) "corrupt bargain",
(D) South Carolina Exposition (1832)
(A) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
(B) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
(C) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
(D) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
6. Alexander Hamilton advocated all of the following policies EXCEPT:
(A) a lower duty on imports.
(B) the use of excise taxes.
(C) rule by the intelligentsia.
(D) a national bank.
(E) a protective tariff.
7. The era of the late 1830's was accompanied by:
(A) the prominent activism of the Beecher family.
(B) an economic panic abruptly ending labor reform.
(C) the upsurge of social reform.
(D) the continued expansion of the "Protestant Passion."
(E) a growing consensus for free public education.
8. All of the following are true of Protestantism in the nineteenth century EXCEPT:
(A) that most followers remained in the Congregational, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches.
(B) that the materialism of American society was incorporated into the religion.
(C) the belief that God continued to be active in human affairs.
(D) that Orthodox Calvinism grew more stringent.
(E) that ordained churchgoers still believed in the Trinity.
9. The heavy migration to the west called attention to the need for better roads and canals is true about:
(A) the economic basis of sectionalism.
(B) the internal improvement policy of 1815.
(C) Jefferson's economic policy.
(D) rechartering the Second National Bank 1816.
(E) Jackson's economic policy.
10. Man's awareness of nature and its many natural wonders is a theme in:
(A) Thomas Jefferson's Notes on Virginia.
(B) Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" and Age of Reason.
(C) George Fitzhugh's Cannibals All and Sociology for the South.
(D) Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac.
(E) Jonathan Edward's "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."
1. All of the following concepts are associated with the settlement of California EXCEPT:
(A) the Forty-Niners contributing to a population explosion.
(B) the Mexican cession.
(C) the Bear Flag Revolt.
(D) John C. Fremont's proclaiming the Republic of California.
(E) French colonization during the eighteenth century.
2. Henry Clay is closely associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) the American System.
(B) supporting War Hawks in 1812.
(C) compromising on slavery.
(D) writing the Compromises of 1850.
(E) opposing popular sovereignty
3. Stephen A. Douglas is closely associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) the presidential candidacy in 1860.
(B) the Freeport Doctrine.
(C) Popular Sovereignty.
(D) the Kansas Nebraska Act.
(E) the abolition of slavery throughout the United States.
4. The term "abolitionist movement" refers to:
(A) a Southerner who controlled the new state governments following the Civil War.
(B) a black who is willingly subservient to white Americans.
(C) inhabitants of a territory deciding for themselves the issue of slavery.
(D) a series of secret stations used to smuggle runaway slaves out of the South.
(E) a vigorous anti-slavery movement demanding the freeing of slaves without compensation to their old masters.
5. A feature of the Constitution that is often considered a guard against dictatorial acts of a powerful president is:
(A) the Bill of Rights.
(B) the method of selecting Supreme Court Justices.
(C) the system of checks and balances.
(D) federalism.
(E) the impeachment power of Congress.
6. In pre-Civil War America, the main crop of Virginia was:
(A) tobacco.
(B) sugar.
(C) hemp.
(D) rice.
(E) corn.
7. Which of the following was an argument used by the United States to claim the Oregon Territory?
(A) The refusal of the Mexican government to receive the American negotiator John Slidell.
(B) The Peace of Paris of 1783.
(C) The impressment of American sailors into the British navy.
(D) The Monroe Doctrine.
(E) The settling of American missionaries and fur traders after the exploration of Robert Gray and Lewis and Clark.
8. A major cause of the prosperity of the early 1850's was:
(A) bank failures.
(B) easy credit and land speculation.
(C) the increasing amount of gold in the economy.
(D) an embargo.
(E) the Commercial Revolution.
9. Stephen A. Douglas, leading spokesman for westward expansion, is most closely associated with:
(A) states' rights.
(B) popular sovereignty.
(C) internal improvements of roads, canals, and railroads.
(D) the federal government's assumption of the national debt.
(E) the nationalist theory of the Union.
10. The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) heightened the sectional crisis because it:
(A) repealed the Missouri Compromise.
(B) repealed the Fugitive Slave Act.
(C) made Kansas and Nebraska free states.
(D) stimulated Southern emigration to the territories taken from Mexico.
(E) signaled acceptance of the principle of the Wilmot Proviso.
11. During Reconstruction, Southern Blacks typically did which of the following?
(A) Worked as day laborers in towns and cities.
(B) Migrated Northward, exercising their new freedom.
(C) Owned and worked small farms.
(D) Worked in mines and factories.
(E) Tilled farms as renters and sharecroppers.
12. Which of the following BEST characterizes the response of Great Britain and France to the American Civil War?
(A) They saw advantages in a divided Union, but pursued cautious policies toward both sides.
(B) They favored restoration of the Union and actively worked to arbitrate the conflict.
(C) They favored permanent separation of the Union and openly supported the South.
(D) They favored permanent separation of the Union and openly supported the North.
(E) They had no interest in the conlict and remained aloof from it.
13. In part, President Lincoln refrained from taking action to emancipate slaves until the Civil War had been in progress for almost two years because:
(A) he sought to retain the loyalty of the border states.
(B) slavery still existed in most Northern states.
(C) Congress had not granted him the authority.
(D) he was preparing a plan to send all of the slaves to Liberia.
(E) he feared hostile reaction on the part of the British and French.
14. " ... the descendants of Africans who were imported into this country, and sold as slaves ... are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word 'citizens' in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States."
The passage above is from which of the following?
(A) Marbury v. Madison
(B) The Liberty Party Platform
(C) McCulloch v. Maryland
(D) Dred Scott v. Sanford
(E) The Freedmen's Bureau Act of 1865
15. Which of the following is a correct statement about the use of slave labor in colonial Virginia?
(A) It was forced on reluctant white Virginians by profit-minded English merchants and the mercantilist officials of the Crown.
(B) It was the first case in which Europeans enslaved Blacks.
(C) It fulfilled the original plans of the Virginia Company.
(D) It first occurred after the invention of Eli Whitney's cotton gin, which greatly stimulated the demand for low-cost labor.
(E) It spread rapidly in the late seventeenth century, as blacks displaced white indentured servants in the tobacco fields.
16. The Southern reaction to the Nat Turner revolt and the publication of The Liberator was to:
(A) begin to argue that slavery was a good institution.
(B) encourage the migration of slaves to the Middle West.
(C) agree to discuss the issue of abolition in Congress.
(D) invite Garrison to address the Virginia legislature on abolition.
17. The North's advantages over the South at the outbreak of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) greater agreement over war aims.
(B) more substantial industrial resources.
(C) a more extensive railroad network.
(D) dominance in foreign trade.
(E) naval supremecy.