City of Phillips

Phillips Planning Commission

To Be Held in the Municipal Hall: Council Room

174 S Eyder Avenue

Thursday May 29th, 2008 at 5:30 PM


Commission Members: Mayor Jeffrey Fahl, Jenny LaChance, Joe Perkins, Deanna Hertlein, Linda Johnson, Mike Henningfeld.

City Attorney Bruce Marshall

City Administration: Mary M. Willett

This meeting may constitute a quorum of the Common Council, or other city committees.

  1. Call to Order (presiding officer).
  2. Greeting
  3. Certification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  1. Roll Call

Mayor Jeffrey Fahl____ Jenny LaChance___ Joe Perkins___Deanna Hertlein____Linda Johnson____

  1. Discussion/conversation by the Planning Commission and business representatives and public regarding the draft of a new sign ordinance for the City.

-Working discussion sessionto read and discuss each section –

-input encouraged

  1. Adjournment.

Meeting Minutes

Phillips Planning Commission

May 29, 2008

Mayor Fahl called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Present: Committee members Mayor Fahl, Jenny LaChance, Joe Perkins, Deanna Hertlein, Linda Johnson, Mike Henningfeld, and public members Laddy Hlavacek, Al Jesunas of Red Pines Resorts & Suites and Jesunas Cabinetry, Ira Hartman of Skyline Motel, Tom Schrader, Terri Kaliska of Sandwiches, Ted Harvey, Lucy Harvey of Back to Basics, Ron Kendziera of The Crazy Loon, Jay Halmstad of Sign Studio & Printshop, Dave Carlson of Ross’s, Diane Gryskiewicz of Flambeau Home Health & Hospice, Jay Reinke, Nick Blomberg or Glass to Go, Judith Boers of Phillips Area Chamber of Commerce, Kathy Weimer of the R-Store, Shelley Moon of Connie’s Diner & Up North Phillips, Doug Rasmussen of Rasmussen Service Center, Paul Precour of Precour Insurance, Kim Kaletka of The Bee, Brad Dehmlow of WCQM, Steve Koch pf Meister’s Bar & Grill, Joe Rasmussen of Rasmussen Service Center, Dorothy Hanish, Barb Chapman of 5 Senses, Roger Samuels.

The Mayor started to read the new sign ordinance line by line and ask for comments at the end of sections.

Paul Precour stated that the opening section of the ordinance under “purpose” should also state to “promote the livelihood and growth of business”.

Joe Rasmussen wanted to know why “off premise” if defined as billboard for this definition if a billboard is describing an owner’s business on the property.

Mayor Fahl told him that this is the definition for this ordinance.

The definitions need to be researched further.

Steve Koch stated that “substantially alter’ on page 6 under 15.03 needs to be defined better. Paul Precour and Steve Koch felt that this could be accomplished with a 15.03 (a).

Under 15.05 (A.) second paragraph – the 250 lineal feet needs to be checked out by measuring some of the properties – Birchland or IGA – to see if this is applicable or pertinent.

!5.05 (A.) third paragraph – freestanding signs? Are they addressed?

On page 7, under 15.06 – several questions surfaced:

Does the Chamber Sign need to be 5’ from the road? The Chamber Sign is fine where it is.

Ira Hartmann wanted to know if a wind storm snapped off his sign, would he be able to replace it with an identical sign? Answer was “yes”.

The word “iron” was removed from the Fixed/Retractable section on page 8.

Sandwich/Café Signs will be exempt from the portable sign permits – designated as number 5 under 15.08 (D).

Al Jesunas informed those present that it took him 12-13 years to acquire the necessary permission to place his signage on the airport property.

A discussion ensued regarding “off-premise” signs – but no conclusions other than what the planning commission proposed in the ordinance was officially considered.

The process for the sign ordinance was explained. The meetings with the planning commission and the business owners are to address all concerns before a final version of the ordinance is brought forward for a public hearing.

The next meeting of the planning commission for this purpose was set for Tuesday June 17th at 5:30 p.m.

Johnson/Henningfeld motioned to adjourn. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.

Mary M. Willett

City Clerk-Treasurer