Published Oct. 2017

National Crossdresser’s Month Meeting Oct. 28

Sigma Nu Rho

The Halloween meeting will be costumes optional, but you must wear something as the hotel, and some of our stomachs, will not permit nudity.

NJ Support

There was a good discussion that did not upset anyone. At least I have forgotten what was said. I really should take some notes.

Lehigh Valley Meeting

The meeting was very interesting. A girl who is mentoring an Amish girl through transition explained what she was doing. The girl hopes to remain with her family and the Amish community,

During the meeting, Be, who has recently had surgery and could not talk, became ill needed an ambulance.

King of Prussia

Wonder Woman was at the meeting along with some other girls in costumes.

The idea of bringing all the transgender groups together.

New members

If you contact anyone who might want to come to a meeting, remember the basic requirement is that you meet them before you tell them where we meet. Any member can bring a guest or prospective new member but you must meet them in person first.

Glamour Boutique

Voucher Code to use on whenever you wish to place an order is:

There is no minimum; no date expirationand our members can use the code over and over. The Code should be ordered when checking out - there's a Voucher field and once you add in the Code the deduction will be made. Alternatively, we have our phones open 7 days weeks and girls are free to call

us on 1-888 721 8688 to place orders or to ask any questions regarding sizing or anything else.

Tel: 973 226 5588 Fax: 973 226 5589


Oct 28 Sigma Nu Rho

Nov 4 NJ Support

Nov 11 LehighValley


Nov 18 Renaissance King of Prussia

Nov 25 Sigma Nu Rho

Dec 2 NJ Support – SNR

Holiday Dinner

Dec 9 Lehigh Valley Holiday Dinner

Dec 16 Renaissance Holiday Party

Dec 17-24 Diet



Morning Coffee

An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his advice on reviving her husband's libido.

"What about trying Viagra?" asked the doctor.

"Not a chance" she replied. "He won't even take an aspirin".

"Not a problem," said the doctor. "Give him an Irish Viagra."

"What on Earth is Irish Viagra?" she asked.

"It's Viagra dissolved in his morning cup of coffee. He won't even taste it. Let me know how it goes," he said.

She called the doctor the very next afternoon. "How did it go?" he asked.

"Oh faith, bejaysus and begorrah, doctor, it was terrible. Just horrid, I tell ya! I'm beside meself!"

"Oh, no! What in the world happened?"

"Well, I did the deed, Doctor, just as you advised. I put the Viagra in his morning coffee, and he drank it.

Well, you know, it took effect almost immediately, and he jumped straight up out of his chair with a smile on his face, a twinkle in his eye and his pants a-bulging.

Then, with one fierce swoop of his arm, he sent the cups, saucers, and everything else that was on the table flying across the room, ripped me clothes to tatters and passionately took me then and there, right on top of the table.

T'was a nightmare, I tell ya, an absolute nightmare!"

"Why so terrible?" asked the doctor. "Wasn't the sex good?"

"Freakin jaysus, it was the best sex I've had in me last 25 years, but sure as I'm sittin here, doctor, I'll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again!"