

II. Mission Statement
III. Emergency Communications
IV. Specific Incident SOP's

Accident: Hazardous Materials

Accident: School Bus

Accident: Student Down

Accident: Teacher Down


Bomb/Explosive Device Threat

Bus Accident

Chemical Spills

Dangerous Person

Drugs/Medications Observed or Suspected Duck and Cover

Emergency/Security Alarms



Fire (Drill)

Fire Sprinkler System

First Aid

Group or Gang Fight

Gun or Knife Displayed

Gun or Knife Suspected


Hazardous Materials

Hostage Situation


Injury: Faculty/Staff

Injury: Student Down


Kidnap Attempt

Knife or Gun Displayed

Knife or Gun Suspected


Lockdown Stage 2

Media Presence

Medical: Faculty/Staff

Medical: Student Down

News Media Presence

Red Cross Shelter


Relocation (Tornado)

Scene Safety and Personal Protection

Security Alarms

Severe Weather Watch (Thunderstorms)

Shelter Management

Shots Fired

Sprinkler System

Student Down

Student with Hostage

Suspicious Item/Bomb Threat

Teacher Down


Tornado Warning (observed)

Tornado Watch (possible)

Unauthorized Person(s) on Campus


Weapon Displayed

Weapon Suspected

Weather: Hurricane

Weather: Thunderstorms

Weather: Tornado Warning (Observed)

Weather: Tornado Watch (Possible)



From time to time situations may arise, or threaten to arise, on the campus of Clay High School requiring use of emergency management methodologies beyond the scope of normal day to day operations. The purpose of this Emergency Procedures Manual is to provide a structured framework within which certain specified occurrences can be handled.

The following objectives must be considered:

A. The greatest safety factor for the largest number students and staff is of primary importance.

B. The dictates of this plan are intended specifically for Clay High School.

C. Everything in this Manual should be interpreted as consistent with, and in support of, the Clay County School Board Emergency Procedures Manual.

D. The use of appendices in the design of this Manual is to facilitate routine update and maintenance of the Manual.

E. The design of this Manual specifically promotes rapid implementation and utility rather than information resource.



A. Emergency Telephone Numbers:

1. Police/Fire Rescue: 911 (For Dispatch only)
264-6512 (For Non-Dispatch)
2. School Board: 272-8100 or 284-6500 (School Hours)

See Appendix A (Non-School Hours)

3. Clay High School School 529-3000 (School Hours)

See Appendix C (Non-School Hours)

B. Radio Communications: Clay High School

1. Administrative Net: VHF Walkie-Talkies
a. Normal school hours location:
Administrators: 3
Custodians: 3
Main Office: 1
Attendance Office: 1
Youth Resource Officer: 1
School Nurse: 1

b. Non-school hour’s location:

Main Office Complex: 2

Head Custodian's Office: 3

Attendance Office Complex: 3

Youth Resource Officer: 1

C. Radio Channel Allocations:

Channel 1 - General

Channel 2 – ESE

Channel 3 – Administration



A. Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.'S) are arranged alphabetically in the
following pages.

B. S.O.P.'S are cross-referenced alphabetically in the pages that follow.

C.  All S.O.P.'s are formatted as follows:

Situation: A description of the type of emergency.

Notification Received By: The sources by which CHS is likely to receive notification of the specified emergency.

Action: A sequential listing of actions required to handle this emergency.

Post Action: A specified listing of actions to be taken after the emergency is over.

D. Items Labeled "Insert" were received from sources outside CHS.


S.O.P. Type: Accident - Hazardous Materials

Cross Reference: Chemical Spills, Hazardous Materials


Notification has been received that a hazardous materials accident/spill has occurred on or near Clay High School campus.


A. Sheriffs Office

B. Clay High School Faculty/Staff

C. Students

D. Civilian (person or telephone)


1. Clay High School Staff receiving notification will immediately inform the Senior Administrator.

2. If notification by A or B above, the Senior Administrator will immediately implement the “Lockdown Stage 2" S.O.P. and send an Administrative team to investigate.

3. Upon confirmation, a damage/threat assessment will be determined, including wind direction/speed in case of vapor hazard.

4. If warranted, Emergency Services will be called via 911.

5. If warranted, "Evacuation S.O.P." will be implemented.

6. If warranted, traffic (pedestrian and vehicular) will be restricted from the affected area.

7. If warranted, the District Safety Office will be notified and Maintenance Repair crews requested.

Post Situation Action:

A. If the Lockdown Stage 2 S.O.P." was implemented; it should be canceled once the damage/threat assessment permits.

B. If the "Evacuation S.O.P." was implemented, it must remain in effect until Emergency Services personnel give an "All clear".

C. The affected area must remain a restricted area until District/School Maintenance personnel confirm discontinuance of the restrictions.

D. The Senior Administrator will, at the earliest convenience, complete an Emergency Procedures incident report, if Lockdown Stage 2 S.O.P. is enacted.


S.O.P. Type: Accident: School Bus

Cross Reference: Bus Accident


Clay High School has been notified one of our school buses has/may have been involved in an off campus accident in which injuries have/may have occurred.


A. Sheriff’s Office

B. District Safety or Transportation Office

C. Faculty/Staff of Clay High School

D. Students/Civilians


1. If A or B above, Clay High School staff will notify Senior Administrator and District Safety/Transportation Office. (If "A" above)

2. If C or D above, Clay High School staff will:

(a) Call 911 after obtaining name of reporting person

(b) Notify District Transportation.

(c) Notify Senior Administrator

3. Senior Administrator will appoint one person to handle all inquires or information regarding the situation. (Public Information Office or P.I.O.) An Administrator may also be sent to the scene for direct information and coordination purposes.

4. If the accident involves a Special Education bus, a member of that unit will accompany the Administrator to the scene.

5. The P.I.O. will maintain communications updates for the Senior Administrator as often as needed.

6. The P.I.O. will release to the public and/or media only information authorized by the Senior Administrator.

7. When District Transportation confirms that the involved students are in route to CHS, the School Nurse and/or an Administrator will meet them at the bus loop.

Post Situation Action:

A. The Senior Administrator will relieve the P.I.O. of duties as soon as the situation permits.

B. The Senior Administrator will complete an Emergency Procedures Incident Report as soon as possible if P.I.O. enacted.


S.O.P. Type: Accident-Student Down

Cross Reference: Injury, Medical, Student Down


A medical emergency situation has occurred on campus in which a student(s) is unconscious or unmovable due to sickness, accident, or injury.

Notification Received From:

A. Faculty/Staff or Youth Resource Officer at scene

B. Students


1. If A above, CHS staff will;

a. Notify School Nurse and immediately call 911 if advised in notification.

b. Notify Administration to respond.

c. Notify Youth Resource Officer as needed.

2. When calling 911, CHS staff will try to:

a. Advise 911 of critical scene information.

b. Advise them of best vehicular ingress closest to scene.

c. Advise them if CHS will have someone meet them at the point of ingress to walk them directly to the room/scene.

3. The Administration and School Nurse will give medical assistance to the level of their training including use of the AED (defibrillator).

4. If possible, Administration will clear the area/room of students.

Post Situation Action:

A. CHS Staff will attempt to notify person identified on student emergency notification card.

B. A member of Administration will follow the EMS unit to the hospital for purposes of school representation. A member of the Self-Contained ESE unit may accompany the administrator if the student is in the Self-Contained ESE unit.

C. The Senior Administrator will complete an Emergency Procedures Incident Report as soon as possible if warranted (in multiple patients)


S.O.P. Type: Accident - Teacher Down

Cross Reference: Injury, Medical, Teacher Down


A medical emergency situation has occurred on campus in which a member of the CHS faculty/staff is unconscious or unmovable due to sickness, accident, or injury.


A. Faculty/Staff or Youth Resource Officer

B. Students


1. If A above, CHS staff will;

a. Notify School Nurse and immediately call 911 if advised in notification.

b. Notify Administration to respond.
c. Notify Youth Resource Officer as needed.
d. Call 911 if administration or YRO at the site confirms necessity of E.M.S. dispatch.

2. When calling 911, CHS staff will try to:

a. Advise 911 of critical scene information.
b. Advise them of best vehicular ingress closest to scene.
c. Advise them if CHS will have someone meet them at the point
of ingress to walk them directly to the room/scene.

3. The Administration and School Nurse will give medical assistance to the level of their training.

4. If possible Administration will clear the area/room of students.

Post Situation Action:

A. CHS Staff will attempt to notify person identified on faculty/staff emergency notification card.

B. A member of Administration will follow the EMS unit to the hospital for purposes of school representation.

C. The Senior Administrator will complete an Emergency Procedures Incident Report as soon as possible if warranted.


S.O.P. Type: Alarms and Utilities

Cross Reference: Security Alarms, Utilities, Sprinkler System, Fire

Sprinkler System


Notification has been received that an emergency or security alarm has been activated or that a utilities failure has occurred.


Audible sound

Visual loss of electrical power

A. Clay High School Faculty/Staff report

B. Student report

C. Outside source report


A. A CHS Administrator will investigate to verify report if needed. The Senior Administrator will be notified of the findings.

B. If the fire alarm system has been inadvertently triggered by a known cause, evacuation must be cancelled within 15 seconds via intercom announcement or else programtried evacuation must occur.

C. Consult Appendix E for procedures designed to accommodate different situation needs.

Post Situation Action:

None required unless specified in Appendix E


S.O.P. Type: Bomb/Explosive Device Threat

Cross Reference: Suspicious Item/Bomb Threat


Notification has been received an explosive/incendiary or suspicious, device has been planted, or discovered at, or proximal to, Clay High School.

Notification Received From:

A. District Safety Office telephone notification

B. Clay County Emergency Service notification

C. Clay High School Staff

D. Civilian notification (telephone or person)


1. Each bomb threat must be treated as a legitimate threat to the safety of students and staff.

2. If A, B, or C above, Clay High School staff will notify Senior Administrator and YRO immediately and call 911.

3. If D above, Clay High School staff receiving the notification must:

(a) Alert someone else to call 911 and ask them to trace the call after giving them the specific telephone line number.

(b) Have someone else notify the Youth Resource Officer and
Senior Administrator immediately. Radio/walkie talkie communications should not be used.

4. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Ask the caller to repeat the message.
Record every word spoken by the caller, as you fill out the District
"Bomb Threat Report" (MIS 25511) on the following page.
5. The Senior Administrator will implement the "Lockdown Stage 2 S.O.P.” immediately.

Notify the District Safety Office.

6. A cursory search will be made if a special location is known and a detonation time has been given allowing time for such search. If the object is found it must not be moved or touched and "Evacuation or Fire (Drill) SOP must be ordered immediately.

7. As soon as Law Enforcement officials arrive the Senior Administrator will maintain direct liaison with their command center and will ascertain if radio communications can be used again as soon as possible.

8. It is the Senior Administrators responsibility to decide upon the appropriateness of implementation of Evacuation S.O.P. based on the following factors:

A. The caller's specificity or lack of specificity.

(1) Did the caller say where the bomb was hidden?

(2) Did the caller say when the bomb may explode?

B. Did the caller say why the bomb was planted?

C. The timing of the bomb threat.

Did the threat occur during, a period of testing or similar event which might motivate a disruptive event?

D. The presumed age/demeanor of the caller.

(1) Was the caller most likely juvenile?

(2) Was the caller adult-sounding, believable, calm?

E. The results of a search, based upon information given by the caller.

F. The recommendation of Emergency Services personnel if time permits.

G. If the object is found or if the Senior Administrator deems it necessary, the "Evacuation S.O.P. will be implemented immediately.

9. Evacuation S.O.P. will remain in effect until the Senior Administrator receives clearance from Emergency Services personnel. Extended evacuation S.O.P. may have to be implemented.


Post Situation Action:

A. The Senior Administrator will ascertain as soon as possible that normal school functions may resume. If not, the District Office must be notified and transportation arranged for students, including EHSC students.

B. In the event of facility damage due to explosion or fire the Senior Administrator will:

1. Conduct a damage assessment survey

2. Restrict all traffic (pedestrian or vehicular) from the area except for official emergency response.

3. Notify the District Safety Office using Appendix "A".

4. If warranted, an Administrative Field Command Post will be established.

C. The Senior Administrator will, at the earliest convenience, complete an Emergency Procedures Incident Report.


S.O.P. Type: Bus Accident

Cross Reference: Accident: School Bus


Clay High School has been notified one of our school buses has/may have been involved in an off campus accident in which injuries have/may have occurred.


A. Sheriff's Office

B. District Safety or Transportation Office

C. Faculty/Staff of Clay High School

D. Students/Civilians


1. If A or B above, Clay High School staff will notify Senior Administrator and District

Safety/Transportation Office. (If “A" above)

2. If C or D above, Clay High School staff will:

a. Call 911 after obtaining name of reporting person