Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Avaya Communication Manager Release 1.3 Availability Matrix

Version 2.0 – May 30, 2003

Table of Contents

Avaya Communication Manager 1.3 Feature Availability Table 3

MultiVantage Distributed G700 Media Gateway Issues Table 6

Avaya Communication Manager Software and Firmware Compatibility 8


AEA.2 Media Encryption 9


15 Tone Detection Channels 10

Communication Manager 1.3 Specific Software Issues and Fixes 10

List of New Communication Manager 1.3 Features 10

Capacity Considerations 11

S8300/G700 Call Center Support 11

Network Assessment for IP Configurations 13

Installation and Upgrade Tools 14

Avaya Communication Manager 1.3 Feature Availability Table

Avaya Communication Manager 1.3 software is initially available in all G11 countries. Additional country availability is dependent upon regulatory and in-country functional testing. The respective country manager should be contacted for the latest testing status and regulatory information.

Any variances or unavailable features in countries other than the U.S. are documented in the Non U.S. Countries rows of the Unavailable / Dependent Capabilities column in the table below.

The Status column in the table below shall be updated in future versions of this document as these features’ availability information become available via patches, field trial loads, or future releases.

Product / Unavailable / Dependent Capabilities / Status /
Avaya™ S8100 Media Server / QSIG LWC / See QSIG LWC section below.
MultiTech MultiVOIP Gateway / Available only in U.S. and Canada.
RSVP Dependencies / See RSVP section below.
AEA.2 Media Encryption / See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.
Non U.S. Countries / MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada
Avaya™ S8300 Media Server / G700 Media Gateway / AEA.2 Media Encryption / See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.
QSIG LWC / See QSIG LWC section below.
Non U.S. Countries / MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada; Using AIW for default translations only supported in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, France, & Japan
MultiTech MultiVOIP Gateway / Available only in U.S. and Canada
RSVP / See RSVP section below.
G700 Distributed / See the MultiVantage Distributed G700 Media Gateway Issues Table for additional information
15 Tone Detection Channels / See the 15 Tone Detection Channels section for additional information
Avaya™ 8700 Media Server / TN2312AP Firmware Dependency / An S8700 running Communication Manager 1.3 requires TN2312AP (IPSI) Firmware Vintage 4 (tn2312ap_f4.bin) or later to operate correctly.
Besides the media server not operating correctly, a major alarm is generated for each PKTINT module on the TN2312AP, an error of type 770 is generated in the hardware error log (display errors command) for each alarmed PKTINT, and a packet interface demand test (test packet-interface <Uc>) results in test #886 failing with error code 5.
AEA.2 Media Encryption / See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.
QSIG LWC / See QSIG LWC section below.
Non U.S. Countries / MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada
MultiTech MultiVOIP Gateway / Available only in U.S. and Canada.
RSVP / See RSVP section below.
Data Modules / Not available unless connecting between 2 data modules
G700 Distributed / See the MultiVantage Distributed G700 Media Gateway Issues Table below for additional information
DEFINITY® Server R / AEA.2 Media Encryption / See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.
QSIG LWC / See QSIG LWC section below.
Non U.S. Countries / MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada
MultiTech MultiVOIP Gateway / Available only in U.S. in Canada.
RSVP / See RSVP section below.
DEFINITY® Server SI/CSI / AEA.2 Media Encryption / See AEA.2 Media Encryption section below.
QSIG LWC / See QSIG LWC section below.
Non U.S. Countries / MutliTech MutliVOIP Gateway available only in the U.S. & Canada
MultiTech MultiVOIP Gateway / Available only in U.S. and Canada.
RSVP / See RSVP section below.
Endpoints / 1.8 Firmware is unavailable until sometime in June / 1.8 phone firmware is needed to support the following:
·  Media Encryption AEA.2
·  Call Appearance & Administrable Feature button label download for 4630 & IP Softphone
·  Remote trace route cancel
·  NAT with shuffling
·  New RTCP requirements
Integration Management Suite / ASA, MFPM, MPA, MCM, and DEM / The ASA, MFPM, MPA, MCM, and DEM applications need patches that will be available 1 – 2 weeks after launch. Check the Avaya Communication Manager Software and Firmware Compatibility section for availability of the latest IMS patches.

MultiVantage Distributed G700 Media Gateway Issues Table

The following table provides an overview of the known issues with Distributed G700 Media Gateway configurations operating in an ICC (S8300 controller), ECC (S8700 controller), or LSP (S8300 or S8700 controller that has switched to an LSP) mode. R in the ICC, ECC, or LSP column indicates that the capability is not currently supported for that configuration, Y indicates that the capability is supported in some capacity, and G indicates that the capability is supported.

Capability / Issue / ICC / ECC / LSP / Resolution / Alternative Solution /
4-wire Auxiliary Trunks and Analog Trunks:
·  Malicious Call Trace (MCT)
·  Loudspeaker Paging
·  Music on Hold / 4-wire auxiliary trunks and 4-wire analog trunks are not supported on the G700/S8300. / R / R / R / There are no plans to support 4-wire trunks on the G700/S8300.
Adjunct Support
·  CMS
·  CDR
·  Voice Mail (AUDIX, Intuity, Octel) / Adjuncts are supported in an ICC or ECC configuration. However, manual intervention is required following a switchover to an LSP.
CDR in an LSP works for LSP registered gateways. / G / G / Y / Following a switchover to the LSP it is necessary to assign the IP address of the LSP rather than the primary controller C-LAN to the adjunct.
A potential CDR enhancement would allow local records to be stored in a file when the media gateway is operating in an LSP mode.
Hospitality (PMS) / PMS hospitality features are not supported on the S8300/G700. / R / R / R / There are no plans to support PMS hospitality features for S8300/G700 configurations.
Announcement Source / Local announcement sources are supported. / G / G / G / The S8300 primary controller now supports 50 announcement sources (because it supports 50 gateways), while the S8700 primary controller supports 10 VAL + 250 locally sourced announcement sources.
TN750C Announcement Boards / TN750C announcement boards are not supported on the S8700 / S8300 / G700. / R / R / R / It is possible to use TN750C boards in the S8700, however it is not possible to save announcement modifications to the board. It is recommended that the VAL (TN2501) board be used.
Migration from LSP to Primary Controller / Transitioning control from the LSP to the primary controller is a manual process that is not call preserving. / Y / Y / Y / There are plans to support more flexible management of the migration from an LSP to the primary controller in a future release.
BRI Line/Station / BRI stations are not supported on the G700/S8300. BRI trunks are supported via the MM720. / R / R / R / There are no plans to provide BRI station support on the S8300/G700 platform.
Call Progress Tone Detection (CPTD)
·  Answer machine detection
·  Answer Supervision by call classification
·  Outgoing Call Management (OCM)
·  Trunk answer detection
·  Busy tone detection (International analog) / CPTD is supported on S8300/G700 configurations, but capabilities that rely on CPTD are not supported as they have yet to be verified via testing. / Y / Y / Y / CPTD is now supported. However, applications such as CCRON, etc. that rely on CPTD have not been verified or tested.
DCP data modules / DCP data modules are not supported on the S8300/G700. / R / R / R / There are no plans to support DCP data modules on the S8300/G700 platform.
Emergency Transfer / Emergency transfer is not supported on the S8300/G700. / R / R / R
Facility Test Call (Tones and Time Slots) / Facility test calls require a TN775 maintenance board, which is not available on the S8300/G700. / R / R / R
Non-shufflable IP endpoints / The following endpoints are not supported on S8300/G700 configurations: IP Telephone firmware 1.4 or earlier, IP Softphone R1, IP Agent R1, Microsoft NetMeeting. / R / R / R
List Trace / Monitoring of G700 VoIP resources by an S8700 controller is not supported. Consequently, it is not possible to provide per-call VoIP statistics (e.g. packet loss, etc) for G700 calls. / R / R / R / Provide remote (S8700) monitoring of G700 VoIP resources to support list trace. This is targeted for a future release.
Multi-Location Feature / The Multi-Location feature supports a maximum of 250 locations for trunk and E911 call routing and correct date/time display. / Y / Y / Y / The number of locations supported is being increased from 64 to 250. However, this functionality is coming in a 1.3 field load after the initial launch of 1.3.
Multi-Media Call Handling (MMCH) / Multimedia calls are not handled natively on the S8300/G700 / R / R / R / There are no plans to support MMCH on the Linux based platforms.
PSTN Fallback for IP Trunks / Monitoring of G700 VoIP resources by an S8700 controller is not supported. As a result, there is not provision to fall back to PSTN facilities when G700 resources are congested. / R / R / R / Provide remote (S8700) monitoring of G700 VoIP resources to support PSTN fallback on the G700. This is targeted for a future release.
Release Link Trunks / Release link trunks are not supported on G700/S8300 configurations. / R / R / R
Class of Restriction (COR) / The current limit of 95 CORs is not sufficient to accommodate a large number of media gateways in an ECC configuration. / G / Y / G / There are plans to increase the number of CORs supported by MultiVantage in a future release.
Remote Service Observing over IP Trunks / Remote service observing is not supported for calls that originate from or terminate to an IP trunk. / R / R / R
RSVP / RSVP is now supported on S8300/G700 configurations. / G / G / G / See the RSVP section for dependencies on support of RSVP.
X.25 Interfaces / X.25 interfaces are not supported on S8300/G700 configurations. / R / R / R / There are no plans to support X.25 interfaces on Linux platforms.

Avaya Communication Manager Software and Firmware Compatibility

Due to the large amount of hardware that is now firmware downloadable it is very difficult to determine compatibility between firmware vintages and software releases. The following link references a document that provides guidance in what vintages of firmware should be used with what releases of Communication Manager software, as well as the latest Communication Manager patches available.

Avaya Communication Manager Software / Firmware Compatibility Matrix



There are currently two known issues pertaining to the QSIG LWC feature.

The first issue occurs when there is an Intuity AUDIX Message Center with QSIG Networking. When any user on any Communication Manager system in a QSIG private network attempts to activate “Leave Word Calling” (LWC) toward a user B1 on switch B, and the Intuity AUDIX that is the messaging system for B1 is at another switch, and user B1’s station is administered with the “LWC Reception” field is set to “audix”, sending a message from served user switch B to the remote voice mail system at the message center switch A so that the LWC message can be stored in user B1’s mail box is not supported. Therefore, the message-waiting indication (MWI) lamp at B1 does not light.

The second known issue occurs when a user or messaging system with digital set emulation integration attempts to activate or deactivate MWI using LWC, and the switch on which the user or messaging system activating/deactivating the feature is served is a DCS+ node (A) sending a LWC message through an inter-working node (B) and then over QSIG to the served user node (C). Inter-working of the DCS+ LWC message to a QSIG LWC message (in node B in this example) is currently not supported in the Communication Manager software.

A possible workaround for this issue is to put an IP DCS+ signaling group between nodes A and C (in this example) and send the LWC messages from A to C over this link. This is possible since DCS still exists in the network and the dial plan must still be 4 or 5 digits in length. Once inter-working the messages at node B is supported, the DCS+ signaling group should be taken out of service and the messages transported over the DCS+ / QSIG network.

Configurations where messaging systems such as Aria and Serenade are in use and have digital set emulation as the integration methodology support the full functionality of QSIG LWC. That is, they do not experience the two issues specified above. These messaging systems rely on Communication Manager LWC functionality to light and extinguish MWI lamps in a centralized messaging environment. This can be supported in either a DCS or QSIG networking topology.

Note however, that QSIG LWC is Manufacturer Specific Information (MSI) being transported in the QSIG protocol, and while it is passed through a non-Avaya Communication Manager system to an Avaya Communication Manager system, it does not light a served user’s MWI lamp on the non-Avaya served user system.

AEA.2 Media Encryption

The following is needed to fully support AEA.2 Media Encryption:

·  Communication Manager 1.3

o  Super-patch 5505 or later is needed for S8300 and S8700 Media Servers

o  The TSO must be contacted for a DEFINITY Server R / SI / CSI patch

·  TN2302AP firmware v47 or later

·  IP Terminal Endpoint firmware 1.8 or later

·  IP Softphone R4 V1.03 with Service Pack 1 or 2, or later