OBJECTIVE(S): The student will be able to.....

·  Use the computer, Internet, save work correctly, & upload work to Moodle for grading

·  Use the Internet to search & find two (2) website sources (you may NOT use wikipedia this time)

·  Pick a famous Architect or Architectural Style. Either Google and find one or pick one from off of the lists given.

·  You cannot use Frank Lloyd Wright as he is the example

·  If there is another famous Architect or Engineer that was left off the list that you would like to do, show this person to your teacher for approval.

·  Find 10-12 important facts & dates on your subject.

·  Put them into chronological order

·  Now put those dates into the Excel file given.

·  You have been given the Frank Llloyd Wright Timeline to start off of. Customize it for your subject. (If you feel you can’t use #1-Excel, you may create your time line by #2-Web 2.0 site or #3- hand on poster paper)

·  Don’t forget to to add a graphic of your subject; graphic of what known for; & 6-8 additional graphics that help the timeline become more understandable.


Use one of these methods to create a Timeline on the Architect &/or style you choose:

Option #1-Frank Lloyd Wright Excel file that you download and then customize for your subject

PDF Example file

Option #2- Use free Web 2.0 service to make your timeline; below are just a few I found when I
Googled "free online timeline generator"








Option #3-Make "old school" one on paper

Finish & submit your Timeline for grading

BONUS = Create a: Prezi, Animoto, Photostory video, etc...... about your subject.

Timeline – Rubric

DIRECTIONS: This form is designed to help you evaluate student-created time lines. Read each statement below. Then indicate from the following rating scale the score which best reflects your assessment of the student's or group's work.

2=Weak / 4=Somewhat Weak / 6=Average / 8= Strong 10=Very Strong

______1.  The time line has a title, dates, and labels.

______2.  Time line accurately shows the passage of time.

______3.  Any artwork on the time line is appropriate and carefully executed.

______4.  The time line is clean and neat, and the information on it is well organized.

______5.  Time-line entries are accurate and appropriate to the time line's topic.

______6.  Entry captions contain appropriate and accurate information.

______7.  The spelling, punctuation, and grammar on all labels and captions are accurate.

______8.  The time line shows an understanding of the events being depicted.

______9.  The time line has two work cited websites NOT Wikipedia this time.

______10.  Overall, the final result represents the assignments’ full potential.

Additional Comments: ______



Total Points: ______/100