557 West 57th Avenue

Merrillville, Indiana 46410


Pastor: Very Rev. Basil Hutsko, (980-0600) Very Rev. Michael Evanick Cantor: Mr. Edward Petyo Social Center: 980-9074 THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST June 5, 2016

SAT 4:15pm Sacrament of Penance

5:00pm For the Parishioners


10:00am +Betty Chornack (Andy & Helen Voloch)

MON 8:00am +Michael Ivanyo, Jr. (MM John Zimnowada)

TUE 8:00am +Mary Tkach (Cathy & Mark Pampalone)

SAT 4:15pm Sacrament of Penance

5:00pm +Peter Polomchak (Russ & Kathy Olds)


10:00am For the Parishioners


CONFESSIONS (Sacrament of Penance): On Sunday from 9:15am to 9:35am---On Saturday from 4:15 – 4:35pm.

FRIDAY: FISH FRY/PIROHI (June 10) Delicious Fish, Shrimp and Pirohi Dinners will be served in our social center from 2:30 – 7:00pm.

A SINCERE THANK YOU to the people who bring food/donations to the Needy --- to the People who assist with the envelope/financial systems --- to the People who worked on the

church publicity --- to the Altar Servers/Instructor --- to the People who visit the sick/shut-ins --- to the People who serve as Ushers --- to the People who cleaned the church/center/school --- to the People who did repair work/cleaning up around the church property (tractors, greeters,

electrical, cafeteria equipment, plumbing/sewers, etc.) --- to the People who worked before/during/after the Fish Fry, Pirohi and Guild Bake Sale --- to the People who made generous contributions to our Parish and Eparchy Stewardship Program.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: --- John Dunda, Julie Cullen, Richard Bossey, George Stroia, Frank Kylsa, Edward Ivanyo, Dorothy Kozma, Paul Hook, Scott Cipa,, Father Michael Evanick, Richard Anstak, Larry Bella, Janet Kompier, and Anthony Slinker. If you wish to be added or removed from the prayer list please call the parish office at (219) 980-0600.

BYZANTEEN RALLY 2016 – The Lord Is My Rock and My Refuge – FEARLESS: The Eparchy of Parma is excited to host the upcoming National ByzanTEEN Rally this year from Thursday, July 7 – Sunday, July 10, 2016 at Notre Dame College in South Euclid, Ohio. The keynote speaker will be Father Damian Ference (Priest, Musician, Philosopher, and Youth Minister). The dance that always takes place at the Rally will be at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.

The Rally is open to teens from the age of 13 – 19 (participants must age 13 by November 1, 2013). To attend you must fill out and send in a registration/medical authorization form by June 16, 2016. If anyone is interested in going, please let Fr. Basil know, as he has the registration forms. There will probably be a group going from Annunciation Parish in Homer Glen, so you could attend with them. The parish will pay the $300.00 registration fee for anyone going.

ECF CLASSES ON SUNDAY: Since we want to have the ECF classes for the year 2016 – 2017 following the Liturgy on Sundays, we need everyone’s cooperation. Classes will begin the first Sunday in October. There will be a light snack for the students before the classes begin. If you taught previously, Fr. Basil hopes that those teachers will be able to do this again. So if you can, please let him know as soon as possible. He will contact each teacher. On the bottom of the bulletins in upcoming weeks and this week, there will be a registration form for the students. Please cut it off and either put it in the collection or give it to Fr. Basil.

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Laczkowski (219791-9802) or Fr. Basil (219-980-0600)

ANNUAL BYZANTINE CATHOLIC BOYS CAMP 2016: The annual Byzantine Catholic Boys Camp sponsored by the Eparchy of Parma will take place from Thursday, June 23 – Sunday, June 26, 2016 at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mariapoch in Burton, Ohio. The camp is a spiritual camping weekend for guys ages 8 – 18. The weekend is designed to enrich guys lives by enhancing their Byzantine Catholic faith and equipping them with the tools necessary to live a Christian life on a daily basis. The cost is $90.00. If anyone from the parish will be going, the parish will cover the cost.

Registration materials are available at You may also contact Fr. Dennis, Director of Vocations at the Chancery at 216-741-8773.

PARISH PICNIC: We are planning on having the parish picnic, where the parish provides all the food for the parishioners this year on Sunday, June 12, 2016. It is open to anyone from the parish and all are welcome to attend. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and watermelon, and refreshments. A sign up list is on the table in the vestibule. Please sign up by Sunday, June 5, 2016.

EPARCHY OF PARMA – GIRLS CAMP: Teen girls ages 13 – 18 are invited to the 8th Annual Eparchy of Parma Girls’ Camp, June 23 – 26, 2016, hosted by Christ the Bridegroom Monastery in Burton, Ohio. This year’s theme is “His Mercy Endures Forever.” The camp is an event sponsored by the Eparchy of Parma Office of Vocations, which provides an opportunity for teen girls to discover different vocations in the church and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. More information and online registration can be found at click on the “For Teen Girls” tab. Space is limited to 20 girls! Register as soon as possible to guarantee your spot. Registration will close June 10 if not already full. With questions, please email r call 440-834-0290.

PLANTING OF GERANIUMS IN OVAL GARDEN IN FRONT OF CHURCH: Thank you to the parishioners who came out on Tuesday to help plant the geraniums and a couple of new Knock Out rose bushes in front of the Church.

SICK CALL VISITS: The sick call visits for June will be done THIS Monday, June 6, 2016. For month of July the visits will be made on Monday, July 18, 2016. The visits are usually made on the first Monday of the month, but Father Joseph will be visiting Father Basil in early July. Please not that in July the visits will be on the third Monday.

GCU SECOND QUARTER MEETING: The Second Quarter meeting for GCU Lodge 66 will take place TODAY, Sunday, June 5, 2016 at St. Michael Social Center. Lunch will be at 1:00pm and the meeting will follow at 2:00 p.m. They will be honoring the volunteer Fire Fighters of Merrillville. This is a change of the original meeting date due to the parish picnic here at St. Michael Church.

ENTHRONEMENT OF BISHOP PAZAK: The Enthronement of Bishop John Pazak as Bishop of the Eparchy of Phoenix of the Protection of the Mother of God will take place on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 (Feast of St. Elias). Because of size restrictions it will take place at St. Helen Roman Catholic Church in Peoria, Arizona.

BIBLE STUDY CLASS FOR 2016 – 2017: This is an open invitation for anyone wishing to attend the Bible Study on “Catholicism,” which will begin on Tuesday, September 13, 2016. If you wish to explore your faith and deepen your understanding and relationship with

Jesus Christ and His Church then this is the course to take!

“Catholicism” is an eleven week course and includes a video presentation by Bishop Robert Barron s he teaches us what Catholics believe and why. This course uses both spiritual and artistic treasures of the Faith to illuminate the key teachings of the Church. Scriptural reading as well as readings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church is required. Tis followed by; additional oral presentation, workbook assignment and open discussions. Each class is approximately 2 – 2 and one half hours long.
If you are interested in taking the class please call Bridget at: 219-663-6025 by July 10th so that I may have a “count” for ordering books! Looking forward to seeing you and sharing our Faith! Bridget.



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