Guide to CIHR e-approval Main Operating Grants Competition(Sep 15/Mar1)
How to Choose the Most Appropriate Agency (CIHR, NSERC & SSHRC)
CIHR, Health Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) share federal responsibility for the support of scholarly research and research training in health. Mutually exclusive research areas are difficult to define and some research proposals will necessarily overlap the individual jurisdictions, priorities and interests of these federal departments and federal agencies. In some instances, Nominated Principal Applicants seeking support for interdisciplinary research that bridges the areas covered by one or more of the three agencies might be uncertain about the agency to which they should submit their proposal. Nominated Principal Applicants must consult the mandates of each agency to select the one best suited to their application. The researcher must apply to the agency that deals with the dominant research discipline. If still in doubt, Nominated Principal Applicants can contact the agencies who will work in co-operation to determine which agency the application should be submitted to.
Additional information can be obtained from:
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Tel.: 1-888-603-4178 (select option 1) - Health Canada
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Tel.: 613-995-6295 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Tel.: 613-992-0691
Applying for CIHR Funding? Get 3 important tools NOW!
Getting the right tools can take the better part of a day. It is important to access these tools ahead of time before you begin to write your proposal. The tools you need to apply are:
1) A ResearchNet Account - access ResearchNet and use the 'Register' link to request a new account.
2) A CIHR PIN - connect to your ResearchNet account and use the 'Register for a CIHR PIN' link to request a new PIN.
3) A Common CV Account
Should you need further assistance, please contact:1-888-603-4178 or
YouYour Department Research Office
(Faculty)(within McMaster)(HRS/ORS)
-register for CIHR PIN,-assist with Admin and-application materials admin, Common CV, and PEER REVIEW and support at all stages
ResearchNET-PRF Form signed-INTERNAL deadline & review
-application materials-HRS Checklist signed-acquire Institutionsignature
written per Guidelinesby Dept Chair-return sig. pages for upload
-SUBMIT by deadlines-liaise with HRS/ORS-SUBMIT to CIHR
- Have all your “tools” (ResearchNET, Common CV accounts, PINs, etc-see above) and application materials ready
- Coordinate with your Department to see if they have any prescribed process that you need to follow concurrent to an online submission
- Complete and “SUBMIT” by the deadline, a Registration for funding on ResearchNET, being careful to attach the related Registration CV
- Solicit PEER REVIEW, where appropriate, with a substantially completed draft version of your submission including the research proposal, budget and budget justification for reviewer feedback. Get all review paperwork completed (PRF Form), and signed by facilitator and reviewer.
- Complete all required paperwork for the Research Office by the INTERNAL deadline as prescribed on both the institutional website and via ResearchNET (and the related e-mail notifications). You must hit “SUBMIT” by the Internal Deadline for online review by the RGO of your institution; hitting submit for an e-approval fudnign opportunity DOES NOT send it to CIHR. Once reviewed by the RGO, it is returned to Current Activities in the researcher ResearchNET account for further revision and Resubmission by the FINAL CIHR deadline. RGO e-mail comments are sent separately. Research Office will return completed signature pages to be uploaded into online application prior to preview and submit.
- Applicant must re-“SUBMIT” online, a completed application which includes a signature page .pdf file, by the FINALdeadline.
Signature pages are no longer required to be mailed to CIHR
CIHR Guidelines & Policies related to submissions for Funding
For eligibility, eligible budget items, participant descriptions and anything related to funding with CIHR:
Useful CIHR Contacts
General Inquiries: 613-941-2672
Grants & Awards Information: 613-954-1968
Knowledge Translation Portfolio: 613-948-2318
Partnerships: 613-957-6138
Ethics Office: 613-946-4773
Technical/IT Help Desk: 613-941-0068