Looking ahead to SDMs
At SDM1 (21 June all day at SvcCenter)
1)Staff introduction exercises (John)
Who Me Game
2)Review: Gathering (Cub) activities, Blue and Gold, crossover
a)Values, Mission and Vision-John (confirmed)
b)Front end alignment-Carol (absent, to be done at TG meeting)
c)Inclusiveness- Mike Smith
d)Stages of team development-Jim
e)Instructional Worship (Tom)
f)Who will do: Conservation project (deferred?)
4)Discussion of staff-gifts (Bill)
5)Songbook (Bill 15-20 min)
6)Scribes/Tech review how paper and presentation will happen
7)Final decision on shirt, hat, patch, flag, … whatever
8)Meds, fees due
9)Review Rockets, Game Show, and Win all You Can (Tom)
10)Review Day 1, 2, 3 schedule (Al)
11)‘round the room: Questions, Comments, Concerns (Al)
a)Start Stop Continue reflection
b)Reminder of next meeting(s)
12)Back to Gilwell (Bill)
13)Scoutmaster’s Minute (Chuck)
14)Absent: Bennie, Carol
a)Start Stop Continue
Looking ahead to SDMs
At SDM2 (25-26 July at SvcCenter)
2)Final presentations due to Bennie
a)Gathering (Cub) activities
b)Opening Gilwell
c)Blue and Gold, crossover
a)(done earlier) Instructional worship
b)Leading Teaching EDGE
c)Leading Change
d)Project Planning
e)October Sky?
f)Valuing people/leveraging diversity
5)Round robin assignments
6)Review Day 4,5,6 schedule
7)‘round the room: Questions, Comments, Concerns (Al)
a)Start Stop Continue reflection
b)Reminder of next meeting(s)
8)Back to Gilwell (Bill)
9)Scoutmaster’s Minute (Chuck)
a)Start Stop Continue
At SDM3 (22 August 2008 at Cub Camp)
a)Staff (TG) project
b)Instructional Campfire
c)Leaving a Legacy
d)TG patrol presentations (all three)
e)Problem Solving and Decision Making
f)Coaching and Mentoring
g)Self Assessment
h)Summary Session
2)Course Logistics
a)Physical Arrangements
3)Health and Safety Issues
4)Venturing LNT review
5)ASM-Support and QM issues
6)(brief) Schedule review
7)‘round the room: Questions, Comments, Concerns (Al)
a)Start Stop Continue reflection
b)Reminder of next meeting(s)
8)Back to Gilwell (Bill)
9)Scoutmaster’s Minute (Chuck)
Notes to self
Fears, concerns
Bennie Good has 5 weeks of scout events planned. Hasn’t confirmed dates
Geoff: “Someone suffering from physical ailments and not telling anyone they are suffering until they are in serious, debilitating pain, as was the case in my course.”
John: “Roman Catholic - Weekly Mass is a must; options are Sat. eve at 5:30, Sunday morning, or Sunday at 5pm. I believe we need to be considerate of this requirement, which has not been accommodated in our schedule. Provide a van for first Sun. Mass?”
Note: Mike Lynch will not be at SDM1
John McCulla wil not be at SDM2
Bennie: 1, 2
Carol 1
LDS: Scott Davis and Brad Brewer (w Lloyd)