Issue No. 6 Friday 13thFebruary 2015
HALF WAY THERE!!Unbelievably we reach half term! The first few weeks of the year have flown by and if ever there was any truth in the saying ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ this is it! I’ve enjoyed a great start to my time back here at Hafren and although I know we have some challenges ahead, I believe that we are well and truly on that road.
We have achieved so much already and have brand new reading and maths schemes which will be put into action after half term. There will be an opportunity to discuss these schemes and your child’s performances at the Parents Evenings in March.
As we look forward to next half term, preparations for the School Eisteddfod will be taking up most of the first week back. Children have been sent some work to do at home also, making 3D models which will be based on the theme ‘Growing and Thriving in Newtown/Wales’! We will then be steaming ahead with our preparations for the May assessments!!
On Thursday 26th February, we will be returning to Maldwyn and our swimming sessions. Could you please ensure your child is kitted up and has appropriate swim wear (one piece costumes for girls and no long swim shorts for boys.
Could I remind you that all children (girls AND boys) will be expected to wear swimming hats.This is due to health and hygiene reasons and every school is expected to comply.
‘Hafren School’ swimming hats are available from the office in a range of colours at a cost of only £1.50.
Last Friday I held my first meeting with our School Council members. We elected a Chairperson (Lucy) and Secretaries (Luci and Iris).
We also looked at various aspects of the school and possible suggestions for improvement. We talked about the PE resources, mirrors in boys toilets, responsibilities of House Captains, rewards for reading and play time activities.
Since then, some children have been given a catalogue and a budget of £250. They have since come back with an order form full of exciting yard time activities. These have been ordered and should be with us in the next few weeks.
Congratulations also to Morgan and Ruby who have been chosen as School Ambassadors. We are really blessed in school to have many responsible children and I know that Morgan and Ruby will take on their new responsibilities working alongside the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and make further improvements for our children. #hafrenfamily / PARENT’S VOICE!
At Hafren Junior School we are committed to listening and responding to, the views and opinions of our parents and families. Weare planning to hold regular Parent Forum meetings that will takeplace every half term. The Parent Forum is a platform for parents through which to express their suggestions and ideas for improvements at the school, like the School Council. We want to work closely with parents to ensure you are completely happy with your child's education and feel that your views and opinions are listened to and acted upon.
We are looking for two parents to represent each class. The Parent Forum will meet once every half term at 9.05 am and will be able to discuss ideas for improvements at the school and share the suggestions of other parents. Mr Hyde or Mr Macdonald will be present at the meetings along with Mrs Carter. If you are interested please complete the attached slip and return it to school.
Class Achievers
All the children have had an excellent half term and are continuing to work hard with lots of enthusiasm.This week’s achievers are:
Dosbarth Bedw: Cole
Dosbarth Ceirios:Darcey
Dosbarth Celyn: Whole Class
Dosbarth Derwen: Cian
Dosbarth Helyg: Sally
Dosbarth Onnen: Ruby
Class Attendance: DosbarthHelyg (98.630%) / NEW YEAR DATES – (So Far!!)
Monday 9th– Assessment Week
16th – 20th February – Half Term
Monday 23rd – Eisteddfod Week
Wednesday 26th– Urdd Disco Dancing Competition
Friday 27th – Eisteddfod Dydd Gwyl Dewi
Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd March – Parents Evenings
Saturday 7th– Urdd Eisteddfod; NHS
Friday 13th– Comic Relief Red Nose Day
Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th – Years 5 and 6 London Visit
Thursday 26th March – Break Up for Easter!
Marie Curie Daffodils
As we enter Spring (don’t look at the weather!) Marie Curie have sent their annual fund raising pin flowers. If anyone would like to send in donations of 50p for this worthwhile cause, daffodils will be on sale by the School Council from Monday 23rd February.
You may be aware that there are some really good shows on at Theatr Hafren lately and last week Newtown was treated to a fantastic performance. I’m not talking about Alan Carr, but the show put on by Body Poppers. There certainly was plenty of talent on show. I’m so proud of all our children and was pleased to see and hear of Hafren children doing so well last Saturday night. A HUGE congratulations to all who took part and especially Harvey who danced and sang his way through, with an exceptionally high standard. Harvey is looking forward to coming to London next month and I don’t think it will be his last visit to the West End! #watchthisspace!! ;)
Dosbarth Bedw (Miss Allen / Mrs Bridges): (gan Alexis a Kieran)
On Monday we went on our school trip. We dressed up as Celts. We looked fierce. We had Celtic face paints. All of us went into the roundhouse. It was cold. The class did all kinds of activities like spear practise, weaving and we made thumb pots.
We have done a lot of tests this week. Everyone is excited about half term.
Dosbarth Ceirios:
Well, Monday was an excellent trip to ‘Groundwork’ in Wrexham to experience life as a Celt. Thank-you to all parents who contributed £10 to this trip and a big thank-you to the school who paid the remaining cost. Children dressed up and painted their faces like Celts and had a go at making a roundhouse and using a spear! Thankfully, we didn’t actually spear any wild boar (or children!) and a very fun day was had by everyone. We’ve also been busy having tests this week which (although necessary), wasn’t quite as entertaining!
Dosbarth Celyn (Mrs Case): (gan Isabelle a Jayden)
Our class Celyn, went to Wrexham on the big white bus. When we got there we met Angharad and dressed up as Celtic warriors. We also got the chance to weave with wool, make thumb pots and designed our shield. Next we had lunch. After lunch we went outside and we each had a go at weaving wattle in-between the poles in the ground. Then we watched Angharad make the daub and we put the daub onto the wattle to fill the gaps. Finally we each had a go at spear throwing practice.
In school we made Celtic broaches and we painted them gold and silver. We decorated them with jewels. In literacy we have been writing a recount of our trip.
Dosbarth Derwen (Mrs Lewis): (gan Conina ac Ellie)
This week we did our class assembly. We did a quiz on the human body, sang ‘Pen, ysgwyddau, coesau traed’ and told the story of ‘The Legend of the Green Children’.In maths we have been doing line graphs.
Because it is assessment week we all had to do some tests in Numeracy and Literacy.
Some people go to FREE brass lessons but this time it was our last lesson because we only got five weeks.
Dosbarth Helyg (Mr Macdonald): (ganAnya a Harriot)
This week in dosbarth Helyg we have been very busy.
In Literacy we each gave a speech on our chosen famous person. After everybody said their speech, we secretly voted on who we thought did the best speech.
The winners were:
3rd place was…………Ozhan!
2nd place was…………Sally!
1st place was…………Harriot!
In maths we learned about temperature. E.G if the temperature outside was 5 degrees and it dropped by 7 degrees what would be the answer. (-2)
Dosbarth Onnen (Mrs Bowen): (gan Stephanie, Sydney a Darcy)
This week in Onnen we have been doing a welsh dialog and are hobbies. In maths we have done place value. In art we have been doing movement.
Happy And Friendly – Reaching Everyone’s Needs