Welcometo Grade5/6E,
I am very much looking forward to having you as a student in my classroom next year.
It is important that you enjoy your holidays; make sure that you make the most of the Christmas break ; relax, have fun and keep safe.
There are some things you need to be aware of however.
I do expect that you read over the holidays. Every day!Read whatever interests you. Whether it is fact or fiction, novel or encyclopaedia, newspaper or magazine…read…and talk about what you are reading with Mum or Dad.Today you will be given a reading log to enable you to record what you have read.
I would also ask that you take time over the holidays to revise your tables and number skills to maintain your mathematics fluency.
Over the holiday break take the time to visit the class blog at
will change the name early in the new year).
Throughout the year, the class blog lets you know about what is happening in the classroom. It links to other school blogs, communicates important notices and curriculum; and links to cyber safety information.
I would especially like you to explore the cyber safety page and discuss with mum and dad the behaviours that will help you stay safe on-line.
It would be a good idea to get yourself a USB driveand access to an email account if you don’t already have them. It would also be beneficial for you to have a set of earphones (those that you use for your iPod would be ideal). These will be extremely useful next year as they will simply make your computing life at school a little easier and will allow you to work on computers between home and school.
Your 2013student diary has been ordered.Next year this will be a very important tool that you will use to manage your learning.
The 5/6 year is a very important one. You will be someone that the younger students in our school community will look up to.
This is especially true for Year 6 students. Programs such as Prep Buddies, Sovereign Hill Camp and positions of student leadership will enrich your Year 6 experience.
Year 6 students, please mark on your 2013 calendar at home our camp to Sovereign Hill which has been booked for Wednesday20th – Friday 22nd August.
Year 5 students, you can look forward to the Melbourne excursion, Indonesian language classes and your first opportunity to represent the school at Inter-school sports.
Have a sensational Christmas, plenty of not doing much and I’ll see you onWednesday the 30th of January.
The first week, although short, will be extremely busy so please make sure you are there.
By the way, make sure you tell your parents that there will be a Parent Information Session in February.
There is a small, very small, reward if you bring this letter back on the first day and put it into your diary, with a signature from Mum or Dad indicating that they have read this letter.
All the best,
Miss Hunichen.
Yes I have read this newsletter…