Fall 2008

CNS 102A(82536): Career Planning

Section A: Meets 8/28/08 – 10/14/08

Instructor: Pamela R. Karr, MA Ed, LPC, NCC

Campus Office: Tribble A106C, 758-4932 email:

Class time and location:

L: Lectures, Tuesdays from 12-1:15 inDetamble Auditorium in Tribble Hall

SG: Small groupsmeet on Thursdays from 12-1:15 p.m.

Group 1- Detamble; Group 2- Tribble A105; Group 3 – Tribble A14; Group 4: Tribble A207

Required texts:

Career Development Guidebook by the WFU Office of Career Services

Course objectives:

There are three primary objectives for this course.

  1. Personal Assessment: the first objective is for students to gain a better understanding of their interests, skills, values and personal qualities in relation to the world-of-work.

Karr translation: Figure out what it is you love to do.

  1. Career Exploration: the second goal is for students to learn the process of obtaining career information and to research some personal career options.

Karr translation: Find out who will hire you to do it.

  1. The Job Campaign: the third goal is train students how to utilize various job-search strategies. Students will also learn to produce resumes and cover letters and will gain practice in interview techniques.

Karr translation: Convince them to hire you!

Course Requirements: Grades in this course are awarded based on a point system.

A( 93%)153-165








D(60-69%) 99-115

Assignments and Point Values: Maximum points

Small group participation30

Career Autobiography 10

Potential Careers Research20

Informational Interviews2 x 15 =30

Resume 15

Cover Letter10

Final exam50

Total points 165

** Extra credit: Attend Office of Career Services or other career-related events and submit documentation or summary by email to Karr. For example: Register for underclassman or senior newsletters by attending a registration session. Each activity is worth an extra 5 pts.


  1. Due to the experiential nature of this course, attendance and participation are expected.

5 points are deducted for each unexcused absence from lecture or small group.Absences required due to participation in university athletic or other events may be excused upon receipt of schedule. Absences due to illness or personal emergency may be excused at the discretion of instructor. You must leave a phone or e-mail message prior to class for such an excuse to be considered.

  1. Both on-line assessments must be completed by the second day of class in order for your results to be back in time for in-class interpretation. One point will be deducted per day per assessment if not completed by then. If a student is absent for any inventory interpretation provided in class, she/he is responsible for scheduling an appointment to receive inventory results with a UniversityCounselingCenter staff member at ext. 5273.No results can be released to a student without interpretation by a counselor.
  1. Assignments are due at the beginning of the designated class meeting. Excused absences do not permit students to turn in late assignments without penalty. Two points per week day will be deducted for late assignments.Hard copies are preferred. Assignments submitted on line will not receive full points.

Note: If you do not have your assignment ready, please come to class anyway. Don’t lose another 5 points and the important information shared in the lectures (and included on the final exam).

Fall Semester 2008: Session A

Schedule of Classes and Due Dates of Assignments:





Assignments due

August 28 / Lecture #1: Introduction and course requirements
Sept. 2 / Lecture #2: Assessment of Work-related Values and Skills / Must have completed MBTI and Strong Interest Inventory on-line
Sept. 4 / SG #1: Introduction and
Learning to Articulate Your Skills.
Sept. 9 / Lecture #3: MBTI Interpretation and the impact of personality on career choice and happiness / Career Autobiography Due
Thursday, Sept. 11 / SG #2: MBTI clarification exercises
Sept. 16 / L #4: Strong Interest Inventory and the impact of interests on career choice and happiness
Thursday, Sept. 18 / SG #3: Generating career options from MBTI and SII and research workshop. Bring your laptop. / Bring your laptop and MBTI and SII results.
Sept. 23 / L #5: Resumes and Cover Letters /

Potential Careers Research due

Thursday, Sept. 25 / SG #4: Resume and Cover Letter workshop / Bring draft resume. Can bring cover letter too if help is desired.
Sept. 30 / L #6: Interviewing Techniques / Resume and cover letter due
Thursday, October 4 / SG #5: Interviewing Workshop / Dress in appropriate interview attire.
October 7 / L #7: Networking and other job search techniques /

Informational Interview #1 due

Thursday, October 9 / SG #6: Advanced Interviewing and Wrap-up / Dress in appropriate interview attire and bring a copy of your resume.
October 14 / Final exam /

Exam includes questions from in-class lectures and OCS Guidebook