charter school contract between
the appleton AREA school district and Stephen Foster Elementary Charter School

THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the Board of Education of the Appleton Area School District (“AASD”), 122 E. College Ave., Suite 1A, Appleton, WI, 54911, and Stephen Foster Elementary Charter School Governance Board (“Foster Governance Board”), 305 W Foster St., Appleton, WI, 54915.

WHEREAS, the Board of Education is authorized pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §118.40(2m)(a), to contract with an individual or group to operate a school as a charter school; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Education wishes to grant to Foster a charter to operate as a charter school pursuant to Wisconsin Statute §118.40(2m)(a),

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

  1. Definitions.

When used in this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:

A.“Foster” refers to Stephen Foster Elementary Charter School.

B.“Neighborhood School” means an AASD public school which serves a specific geographical area.

C.“Common Core State Standards” are currently the English Language and Mathematics standards set by the Council of Chief State School Officers and National Governors Association.

  1. Establishment. The person seeking to establish the Charter School is the Foster Governance Board.
  1. Administrative Services. At its sole cost and expense, AASD will provide administrative services to support all School District employees and all enrolled pupils at Foster in the same manner as other AASD schools, including but not limited to: purchasing, accounts payable, accounting, bookkeeping, risk management, auditing, cash management, payroll, benefits administration, pupil services, recordkeeping, reporting and other compliance monitoring and fulfillment, building and grounds maintenance, and testing of students. To the extent that AASD requires information maintained only by Foster to complete the reporting and compliance monitoring requirements hereunder, AASD will, no later than June 15 prior to the start of any school year, provide Foster with a list of all information required and Foster will provide full and accurate responses no later than September 1. AASD will at all times remain the sole employer of all personnel engaged in providing administrative services. All services set forth/outlined not in the budget will be provided by the AASD in a like manner as provided to the other schools.
  1. Instrumentality. Foster will be an instrumentality of the AASD.
  1. Educational Program. A description of the educational program of the school and methods used to enable pupils to attain the educational goals under Wisconsin Statute§ 118.01. Foster is a small, diverse, close knit neighborhood charter school offering a unique learning experience. Our foundation is built on our neighborhood community, while welcoming open enrolled students. Foster will create partnerships among students, staff, parents and community members to develop independent learners who honor diversity and show respect for themselves, others and the environment.

The educational program of Foster will consist of these main features:

A.Foster will facilitate personalized, high quality instruction for the education of its students. To accomplish this, we will base our instruction on Common Core State Standards, infusing differentiation and monitoring student progression through state, district, and classroom assessment tools.

B.A key difference between Foster and traditional elementary schools is proactive, ongoing, and systematic use of formative assessments to guide instruction and summative assessments to evaluate individual student progress. Unit Assessments for Mathematics and Communication Arts guide teachers as they design learning pathways to meet individual student needs. Student progress is communicated to parents at the end of each unit.

C.Common Core State Standards serve as the basis for instruction in Communication Arts. To provide for a balanced literacy program, Foster teachers will have flexibility with the curriculum to incorporate a combination of district-adopted materials and unique supplemental research-based methods and materials.

D.Common Core State Standards also serve as the basis for instruction in Mathematics. Varied types of tiered learning activities are built into currently adopted Math Expressions and Math Thematics curricula. Foster teachers will have flexibility with the curriculum to incorporate a combination of district-adopted materials and unique supplemental research-based methods and materials.

E.For Science and Social Studies curricula, Foster staff will utilize their knowledge of differentiated instruction to meet the needs of students. Staff will teach with an emphasis on Common Core State Standards as they become available. The Social Studies curriculum will honor the diversity among Foster students through teacher developed units devoted to cultural heritage, enhancing student understanding of cultures other than their own.

F.Foster staff and Governance Board will assess instructional models and materials to determine their use based on applicability to student learning needs.

  1. Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Foster will participate in the district’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (“CSIP”) and reporting process. Foster’s goals and objectives will align with the Foster CSIP plan, as monitored by the Foster CSIP team.

Foster shall use the following measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress.

A.Student Goal 1-- Reading and Mathematics scores will meet or exceed the district average in grades 3 – 6 as per state testing.

B.Student Goal 2-- Each student who attends the full academic year in grades 1 – 6 will meet their Spring Measures of Academic Progress (“MAP”) target goal within 2 RIT points.

C.Student Goal 3-- By the end of the academic year, students will show progress as measured by:

1)Pre and post- testing data

2)Daily and long-term assignments

3)Teacher created tests and quizzes

4)AASD Writing Continuum

5)Running records and benchmark reading assessments

6)Teacher observations and anecdotal records

7)Positive Behavior Intervention System (“PBIS”) data

  1. Governance Structure.

A.Governance Board. A Governance Board will serve as the independent governing agent for Foster. The Foster Governance Board will determine and oversee the school’s mission and strategic plan, monitor academic results, establish policies as well as oversee and approve the site budget. The board by-laws specifically address issues not addressed in this agreement, such as terms of service and selection protocols.

B.Governance Board Constitution. The Foster Governance Board will consist of faculty, parents, and community members. AASD Board of Education members will not serve on the Foster Governance Board. The board will be comprised of the following:

  • 5 parents/guardians
  • 2 community and/or business members
  • 4 Foster teachers

C.Students. Students are welcome and encouraged to attend Governance Board meetings.

D.Principal. A principal will be assigned to Foster by AASD. AASD will appoint the principal in collaboration with the Foster Governance Board. The Foster principal will demonstrate an interest and a commitment to the students as well as the mission and vision of the school and will be appropriately licensed. The principal will be an advisor to the Foster Governance Board and will attend all meetings.

E.Officers. Election of officers is detailed in the by-laws of the Foster Governance Board.

F.Meetings. Meetings will be scheduled at least once per quarter. Meetings are open to all staff, parents, students, and community members and participation on standing committees is encouraged.

G.Annual Report. Foster will produce an Annual Report for the Governance Board and will make this document available to the Board of Education and community upon request. The Annual Report will include:

(1)state testing results

(2)MAP test results

(3)enrollment data

(4)attendance data

(5)student, parent, and staff satisfaction survey results

(6)financial report

(7)student academic progress


  1. Parental and Community Involvement.

Parents/guardians are invited to participate in the Foster community through the following opportunities:

1)Representation on the Foster Governance Board or sub committees.

2)Participation in the Foster Family Network (“FFN”), the school’s equivalent of a PTA.

3)Family Nights and parent learning/sharing opportunities.

4)Volunteering in classrooms, chaperoning field trips, and assisting with other school-based activities.

A.Parents will receive periodic reports on student progress at Foster.

1)Student progress is communicated to parents at the end of each unit.

2)Parent-teacher conferences will be held at the close of the first and third quarters.

3)Formal written progress reports will be issued at the end of each semester.

4)Additional parent teacher conferences, electronic mail, print correspondence, and telephone contacts will be used on an individual basis to communicate student progress when the parents, or teachers, feel it is appropriate.

B.Parental satisfaction will be monitored through the use of a Parent Satisfaction Survey to be developed and administered annually.

C.Parental issues, concerns, questions, and complaints will be handled following these steps:

1)Contact the classroom teacher.

2)If no resolution has been reached, or if the concern is school wide, the Foster principal should be contacted.

3)If resolution is still not reached, the AASD Assistant Superintendent should be contacted.

4)Unresolved issues may be appealed to the AASD Superintendent of Schools.

5)The final step in the district appeal process is to contact the Board of Education.

D.Students will be surveyed annually with a developmentally appropriate survey.

  1. Faculty Qualifications.

A.Individuals who have a desire to teach at Foster will be teachers who are appropriately licensed. A job description, written by Foster, will be posted to indicate that candidates should demonstrate an interest and a commitment to the students as well as the mission and vision of the school. Candidates should also have knowledge or a desire to acquire knowledge in differentiated instruction, assessment literacy, progress monitoring, and parent communication.

B.In order to assure its necessary autonomy as a Charter School, Foster may seek a Memorandum of Understanding with the Appleton Education Association. In the event of such an MOU, its provisions will take precedence over the Master Agreement.

C.Teacher salary and benefits will be structured according to the Master Agreement between the Appleton Education Association and the AASD and will be entitled to all rights and privileges afforded other members of the Association.

D.Open positions for Foster will be posted within the AASD and will be filled through the Arena Staffing process as outlined in the Master Agreement between the Appleton Education Association and the AASD. If the positions are not filled at Arena Staffing, the Foster Governance Board and the assigned administrator will screen and interview candidates and give the names of candidates who meet district and Foster standards to the AASD for final approval of candidates to recommend to the AASD Board of Education for hiring.

  1. Student Health and Safety. Foster will abide by all local, state, and federal laws regarding building codes, health and safety standards and will follow all AASD health and safety policies.
  1. Recruitment and Means of Achieving Racial/Ethnic Balance

A.Foster prohibits discrimination and will not discriminate on the basis of age, handicap, marital or parental status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation or any other classification protected by law. AASD’s official non-discrimination policy will be applied in all operations. Access to Foster will also not be restricted or enhanced by the following: family income, academic performance, English language proficiency, or athletic ability. Equal access will be provided to all students.

B.Because Foster is a public neighborhood conversion charter school, the diversity of the student population will largely be a reflection of its diverse neighborhood. Foster welcomes diversity and views it as a strength in its student population.

  1. Admission Requirements.

A.Application for admission to Foster is open to all elementary students in the AASD. Out-of-district students seeking enrollment in Foster must make application in accordance with Wisconsin’s Inter-district Open Enrollment Program. Application to and attendance at Foster is voluntary and no tuition is charged. Students who do not wish to attend or are not admitted to Foster may seek enrollment in another AASD school per AASD enrollment guidelines.

B.Application for admission must be completed by the last Friday in February. If fewer applications are received than available seats, applications will be continuously accepted and placed into open seats until capacity has been reached.

C.If the number of applicants exceeds available positions on the last Friday in February, a lottery will be employed. The names of students on the waiting list will be recorded in the order in which they were drawn. The waiting list does not roll over from year to year.

D.Priority for the lottery shall be given to students already attendingand their siblings, as well as the children of Foster staff.

E.Students may enroll and attend Foster at any point during the school year as space permits in accordance with these guidelines.

F.Students must be enrolled in or open-enrolled in the AASD.

G.Special needs of students will be met according to the goals of their Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). The AASD will provide needed special education services as appropriate.

  1. Budget Responsibilities of AASD and the Charter School.

A.Equal Funding: Foster understands that AASD support will not be greater or less than the same support given to other AASD schools. As an instrumentality, the AASD will be responsible for salaries and benefits of staff, as well as the lease and associated expenses of Foster’s site. In addition, Foster receives funding based on the per-pupil formula applied to all schools in the AASD. The Foster Governance Board will oversee, modify, and approve the site budget. All AASD or private contract services will be covered by the AASD.

Material and equipment purchased with AASD funds will remain the property of the AASD.Materials and equipment purchased with gifts or grants will remain the property of the AASD but will not be removed from Foster without approval from the Foster Governance Board. All material and equipment will be labeled or marked “property of Foster and AASD.”

B.Personnel: Full-time Teacher Equivalents (FTE’s) will be allocated to Foster in the same manner as it does for all AASD schools. As the school’s enrollment grows, the necessary FTE’s will increase, based on what are current AASD class ratios. Specialists will also be allocated by AASD formulas.

Administration: Administrative services will be provided in the same manner as other AASD schools, including but not limited to: accounting, bookkeeping, risk management, auditing, cash management, payroll, benefits, administrations, labor relations, enrollment pupil services, record keeping, and general testing of students.

c.Curriculum: A quality curriculum at Foster will be sustained through AASD textbook replacement/adoption funds. Other expense incurred through the curriculum development process will be offset by alternate sources of funding, i.e. those not covered in technology upgrades or other curricular purchases.

d.Liability Insurance: As an instrumentality of the AASD, Foster will fall under the umbrella of the AASD’s liability insurance.

e.Co-curricular Activities: Any activities that students participate in will be offset by current District allocations and other funding sources.

  1. Food Services: Food service will be provided through the AASD’s food service program assigned to the school’s facility.
  2. Pupil Services: Pupil services will be provided through AASD staff assigned to the school’s facility.
  3. Custodial Services: Custodial and maintenance services will be provided by the AASD at the school’s facility.
  4. Testing and Assessment: Foster students will participate in all state and federal testing systems as required for public schools. Adoption of specific district-wide assessments will be determined by the Foster Governance Board.
  5. Grant Funds: Grant funds will be used to support professional development, including travel or training costs, technology upgrades, or curriculum that is aligned to the mission and goals of Foster.
  6. Health and Safety: Foster will rely upon AASD nursing staff and trained staff to provide the necessary resources. Foster will abide by all local, state, and federal laws regarding health and safety standards.
  7. Endowment: It is the intent of the Foster Governance Board to maintain and expand the Foster Endowment Fund through the Appleton Education Foundation for the purposes of sustaining the instructional program at Foster Charter School. In the event that the Foster Governance Board determines that dissolving this contract is in the best interest of the Foster School community, these endowment funds will remain accessible to the Foster School community.

14.Student Behavior and Discipline Model.

Foster has adopted the Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) as a systematic approach to preventing and responding to discipline problems. The Foster PBIS team has created systems that support staff and promote appropriate behavior. PBIS creates and maintains safe learning environments where teachers can teach and students can learn.

  1. The discipline system for Foster will consist of the following steps:

1)Student contact within the classroom that will immediately address the inappropriate behavior.

2)Student meeting after school or during recess to address the behavior and discuss appropriate alternative behaviors.

3)Meet with student and parents to discuss continuing behavioral problems and potential solutions.

  1. Behaviors that require suspension, removal from class (according to AASD procedures and guidelines), and expulsion will be referred to the Foster principal.
  2. The Foster Governance Board and staff reserve the right to create and/or approve the Foster Code of Conduct Policy.

15.Public School Alternatives. Students who do not elect to attend Foster may attend a school within the AASD in conformance with the enrollment policy of the AASD Board of Education.

  1. Tuition. Foster shall not charge any tuition. Foster may charge “activity fees” provided the AASD Board of Education has approved the activities and corresponding fees in advance.
  1. Audits. The AASD usual and annual audit will include Foster. The scope of the annual audit will be determined by the AASD and conducted at the expense of the AASD. Foster will participate in all financial audits and comply with all audit procedures and requirements of the AASD audit team as contracted by the AASD Board of Education.

In conformance with the “Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 39,” funds provided by or procured from Foster as an instrumentality and component unit of the AASD are subject to the AASD fiscal accounting procedures, including audits, and will be included in the AASD financial statements as determined by the AASD audit team as contracted by the AASD Board of Education.