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The Swedish People's Party's municipal election program for 2017
The Swedish People's Party of Finland are your voice in behalf of a bilingual Finland. We work holistically at all levels, at a municipal level, regionally and nationally, to strengthen the bilingualism of the country and to achieve functional solutions in practice.
The voter turnout for municipal elections has often been less than the parliamentary and presidential elections. It is now vital that we all take part in the voting, and that the municipal elections held during the anniversary of Finland's independence, will display strong and clear votes on behalf of a bilingual Finland. Together- we are strong!
A municipality is there for you
A good social climate is the foundation for a prosperous Finland. We want to see local municipalities, who look towards the future, and where democracy works. When each resident of a municipality feels that they are involved, all will thrive.
One should receive services in one’s native language, Swedish or Finnish. We want to carry out the work linguistically for the benefit of functional municipalities. These will strengthen Finland, as well asour ties with the other Nordic countries.
People must be at the centre
- Safety at all stages of life is important. Both those young and old deserve to be respected. All experiences are important for the functioning of our society. High-quality care for the elderly is a matter of honour for us.
- We believe that social services, such as care for the elderly, belong to the municipalities. The third sector also plays a key role, and cooperation between local municipalities and the third sector is self-evident. We do not accept the plans put forward by the Government to reform social welfare and health care. We want to see a reform in which the patient is at the centre- not the government.
- We believe that primary health care should be close to you, and urgent treatment should be available from a reasonable distance. We want all municipalities to have clear action programs to prevent the occurrence of domestic violence.
- We believe that everyone, including those with disabilities, have the right to work, to self-determination and the ability to influence their own lives.

Healthy children in healthy schools
We want to safeguard and develop our high quality schools and our education. Good and equal education is the right of all children and young persons. We believe that all students should have the same right to health care, regardless of their level of education and home municipality.
- We believe in the diverse learning of languages, starting as early as during pre-school. The high quality teaching of both national languages is the right of all students. It also provides a good basis to learn more languages.
- Good learning materials, both traditional and digital, should be equally available to all.
- Schools should be safe and inspiring. Respect and inclusion is a fundamental right of all students.
- Early childhood education builds a foundation for good learning and social skills. This is why we want to maintain a subjective right to day care.
- Our children should have a healthy school and day care environment. Buildings should be designed well, built carefully, managed responsibly and repaired whenever the need arises.
- We want to see local municipalities that invest in activities that are preventive and health promoting. Active organizational activities, sports and culture, for example, outdoor recreational routes, libraries and musical activities increase the viability of municipalities.
Good finances are generated through an active business policy
- Good conditions for successful entrepreneurship, including primary production, are vital to the prosperity of Finland. For us, it is natural that municipalities invest in business developments in co-operation with entrepreneurs.
- We want to support effective land use that supports the creation of business in municipalities. The planning must act in such a way that the availability of industrial plots have been secured.
- Municipal purchases must be made thoughtfully and with local residents kept in mind. Quality criteria must be emphasized in order for residents to receive the services that they are entitled to. When we choose sustainably produced foods in municipal procurements, local production will be promoted.
On behalf of a humane society
- We know that your mother tongue is important to you. We work comprehensively and at all levels –at a municipal level, regionally and nationally –to strengthen the bilingualism of the country and to achieve functional solutions in practice. Regionally, services must also be provided in the Sami language, whilst sign language services must also be functional.
- An equal municipality must be self-evident. Equality must be observed in all social activities.
- The diversity of our country is appreciated. We must be well prepared to face different cultures. It is important that in Finland,one can be integrated in both Swedish and Finnish.
- It is of some great richness that people from different backgrounds are able to participate in the activities of municipalities. Space must be provided in municipalities for youth councils, as well as age and disability councils, and budgetary resources should be distributed for these.
- Investments in youth work support a safe growth environment and help prevent social exclusion. Comprehensive youth services, such as youth workshops and outreach youth work, help young people make their transition into adulthood.
Our rights to live
- We want to work in advancing environmentally friendly community planning and rational waste management. Municipal investments in renewable energy and greater energy efficiency are important.
- To be able to live in town, in the countryside, as well as in the archipelago. We oppose taxes and payments,which affect citizens in an unjustified manner. Examples of these are boat taxes and boarding craft payments.
- We want to see ecologically sustainable municipalities. Effective transport planning, smooth public transport and appropriate light traffic routes are essential elements of good community planning. We strive to ensure adequate resources for the maintenance of roads.
- For us, it is important that a municipality is a good employer. Community workers are an important resource. We want municipalities to invest in the increased effectiveness and flexibility of employees, as well as a good occupational well-being.