Abbot Alphege Academy

1st November 2017

Newsletter 1 – Term 2 – Autumn 2017

Dear Parent

Coffee Morning – Friday, 3rd November 2017

A coffee morning will be held straight after drop off on Friday, 3rd November in the school hall. This is an opportunity for parents, carers and staff to get to know each other a bit better and build up our school community.

Vicky Bentley, mum to Juliet, Grace and baby Fred, has offered to start the ball rolling by

co-ordinating this first gathering of parents and staff. We hope to discuss the ways you can support your school either informally or being part of a more formalised group.

Reading Sessions for Parents of Reception Class Pupils & Parents New to KS1, Friday 3rd Nov

As we do each year, we are inviting ALL parents of reception age pupils to join members of the Literacy Team, teachers, senior school staff and the Headteacher in the Café Hall at WASPS on Friday, 3rd November 2017 for one of our Reading Sessions scheduled for 2.30pm and 5.00pm. Please find time to attend one of these sessions and find out about how we teach your child to read! Each session will last approximately 30 minutes.

Firework Themed Lunch – Friday, 3rd November 2017

On Friday, 3rd November we will be having a Firework themed lunch. Instead of the usual fish and chips we will be serving butchers hot dog or quorn hot dog served with sweet potato fries or vegetable chilli with jacket wedges served with barbecue baked beans or mini corn coblets. Toffee apple cake or firework fruit salad served as a dessert.

If your child doesn’t usually stay for lunch but would like to enjoy this fun firework lunch, then please order and pay through Parentpay.

WASPS CD with Guest Recording by Pupils of Abbot Alphege Academy

WASPS will be singing in recording sessions for the production of a whole school CD. The CD will feature 2 tracks from Abbot Alphege Academy pupils and a number of pieces including the WASPS orchestra and even the teachers! The children have been rehearsing together this term and the recordings will begin this week. The CD will be available for pre-order shortly, at a cost of £5.00 per CD, and collection will follow towards the end of November.

The whole experience of recording as a group will be a great one for the children, and the CD will provide a fantastic reminder of their involvement in the creative arts at WASPS. We also hope the CD will make a wonderful Christmas present for the whole family!

Cookery in School

On Tuesday afternoons, one week in three, children will get a chance to cook with Mandy, our Chef. A small charge for ingredients of 50p per child per cookery lesson will be appreciated.

Flu Vaccine – Year 0 to Year 4

Please make sure you have returned your consent form for your child’s annual flu vaccination. The vaccination is free and recommended for young children, and will be given by a quick and simple spray up the nose. A leaflet and consent form was sent home via your child before half term.

Hard Copy Newsletters

Please note that if you have requested your newsletter to be sent by email via Parentpay, from next week you will no longer be sent a hard copy home via your child.

Yours sincerely

Dr Anne Bull
