Communication Technology
Fall 2010/2011 Teacher: Jennifer Polischuk-MacDonald
Phone: 780-743-5800 ext 141
This is a CTS (Career and Technology Studies)
For every model completed the student will receive one credit.
Students learn to employ fundamental elements and principles of design for various media and gain a strong foundational multidisciplinary experience in preparation for other Communication Technology courses.
This is a new class that combines communication with technology. The introductory level gives students to tools needed to produce quality work for communication technology as well as the fundamental design guidelines that are industry standards.
For the first semester of this class you must take the following:
Students learn to employ fundamental elements and principles of design for various media and gain a strong foundational multidisciplinary experience in preparation for other Communication Technology courses.
Prerequisite: None
Students discover the impact of the media and develop fundamental skills to relay a message effectively using various forms of media; e.g., photography, print, Web, and audio or video production.
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
If there is no type on the page, it isn’t graphic design, it is fine art. Students learn about the power of typography and its uses in today’s world.
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
Students are introduced to the basics of computer graphics (vector and raster), and graphic computer programs.
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
Students develop essential skills in camera use with a focus on basic composition, set-up and an examination of exposure. Students operate a camera to capture images and produce final display proofs.
Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition
Each section is worth one credit. Each credit will be marked based on:
In-class work, presentations, homework, and projects
Apply consistent and appropriate work station routines 10%
Demonstrate good health and safety practices: posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
Demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
Demonstrate basic competencies:20% demonstrate fundamental skills to communicate, manage information, use numbers, think and solve problems
Demonstrate personal management skills to: demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours, be responsible, be adaptable, learn continuously, work safely
Demonstrate teamwork skills to: work with others, participate in projects and tasks
Materials needed:
USB Flash Drive 4GB to 8 GB compatible for Mac and PC computers
Sketchbook would be useful
Class expectations
This class uses a variety of classrooms. Therefore it is important that all students follow expectations.
Be respectful– of school / college property, and people!
Absolutely no food or drink will be allowed in computer labs.
Keyano college will have rules as well – these rules must be followed.
Extra Help
Should you have any concerns I am available most days before or after school. You may also set up an appointment through e-mail or telephone.