8th Grade Language Arts

Book Report Assignments for the 2013-2014 School Year

  • As parents, I want to assure that you approve all books your child is reading during class. I can certainly make suggestions, but you have the final say. Students need to read their selected books primarily at home. However, they can bring the book to class because they should always have something to read in case they finish assignments and tasks early. Please note that this required reading is in addition to any novels, short stories, or other materials we are reading as a whole class.
  • Students will be required to complete four book reports during the school year. I will assign five reports total. Four are mandatory, and the fifth can be done for bonus points applied during the last trimester. Students can pick which four of the five book reports to complete. The only other exception is that the March book report is mandatory.
  • The first book report will be due in October. You will be required to sign each of your child’s book reports, indicating that you approve of the book, and that to the best of your knowledge, your child has read the book and completed the report on his/her own. I ask that you try to make sure that your child is reading young adult or adult books. Children’s books are not acceptable for eighth graders to read for book reports.

Below is a summary of the assignments for the book reports. Specific dates will be assigned and more detailed descriptions of assignments will be distributed closer to each due date.

Month / Assignment / Type of Book
October / Create a Social Networking Profile (for a character) / Fiction
November / None / None
January / Book Advertisement/Book Review / Fiction or Nonfiction
February / Persuasive Piece-Choice of Oral or Written / Autobiography or Biography about a positive role model (Nonfiction)
March (mandatory) / Character Analysis / Fiction
April / The Top Ten Things I Learned from My Book / Fiction or Nonfiction
May / None / None

8thGrade Book Report

Create a Social Networking Profile


1. Choose a fictional book to read for this book report.

2. Choose a character to analyze and use to create a social networking profile.

3. All the information you need is included in this hand-out. This assignment does not require you to post any information online. It also does not require you to visit, or become a part of, any social networking sites online.

4. On poster board, please include the following. Please do not use display board. Follow the format of the template provided in this hand-out:

A. An original title for your social networking page (not the title of the book, name of the character, or the title of any existing social networking pages)

B. The name of your character

C. Image

D. *Quote or Greeting

E. *Song Now Playing (titles of songs are in quotation marks)

F. *My Latest Blog Entry

G. *About Me

H. *My Interests and Favorites

I. *Accomplishments: The title of the book you have read (underline the title if you use handwriting; italicize the title if you type) and the first & last name of the author

J. *The Theme of My Life

K. At the bottom, include your first & last name and morning LA period

5. *Letters D through J above must be labeled on your poster board.

6. You may write or type the information. However, the poster should be neat and colorful with no scratch-outs and no pencil, and should show that effort and time was taken to complete it.

7. Write in first person point of view, as if the character was writing about him or herself.

8. All information should be based on the book. Do not simply make up ideas that are not based on the book.

9. The more you write about, the more likely your grade will improve, as long as the information is appropriate and accurate.

10. The assignment must be turned in on time with the rubric and parent signature form complete, and stapled to the back of the poster.

Original Title for the Social Networking Page

Character’s Name

-Draw or paste an image of your character. / A Quote/Greeting
-Add a quote or greeting, which represents something the character might say. This might also be a way of welcoming visitors to the page.
Song Now Playing
-Choose the title of an appropriate song that might reflect the mood of the character at some point in the book. Consider the sound of the music, as well as the meaning of the lyrics. Put the title of the song in quotation marks. / About Me
Describe facts about the character such as: personality, heroes, job or status, inspirations, goals, fears, conflicts, friends, and/or family. Think of the comments here as way to introduce the character to someone who is unfamiliar with him or her.
My Latest Blog Entry
Have your character respond to a particular incident in the book. Briefly describe what happened, how the character responded, and what the character plans to do next. / My Interests and Favorites
Choose a few categories to describe some of the character’s favorite things. If the book tells you particular things the character likes, such as hobbies, certain food, or a book, include those. However, you can also infer what the character might like or prefer, based on the book. You can also include dislikes.
The Theme of My Life
Discuss at least one theme that relates to the character’s life, as evidenced in the book. Use at least 3 details from the book to support your theme.
The title of the book you have read (underline the title if you use handwriting; italicize
the title if you type) and the first and last name of the author

First & last name and morning LA period

8thGrade Book Report

Create a Social Networking Profile

Name: Morning LA period:

Assignment turned in on time with the rubric and parent signature form complete, and stapled to the back of the poster


Completed on poster board; neat and colorful with no scratch-outs and no pencil


Includes the following:

A. An original title for your social networking page (not the title of the book, name of the character, or the title of any existing social networking pages)


B. The name of your character


C. Image


D. *Quote or Greeting


E. *Song Now Playing (in quotation marks)


F. *My Latest Blog Entry


G. *About Me


H. *My Interests and Favorites


I. *Accomplishments: The title of the book you have read (underline the title if you use handwriting; italicize the title if you type) and the first & last name of the author


J.*The Theme of My Life


K. At the bottom, include your first & last name and morning LA period


*The more you write about, the more likely your grade will improve, as long as the information is appropriate and accurate, and based on the book. Feel free to add other pictures and images.

*Letters D through J above must be labeled on your poster board


Written in first person point of view


Total: ______/50 points

Student’s name: ______

Book report book: ______

I approve of my child’s choice of a book to complete this book report. To the best of my knowledge, he/she has read the entire book and has completed the required writing portion on his/her own.

Parent signature: ______

*This sheet with the above information must be completed and turned in with the book report, in order to avoid a deduction of points.