Bridgewater State University

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders



If Dr. Abdelal, Dr. Ciocci, Dr. Gray, Dr. Miller, and/or Joanne Abdallah, the clinic director have agreed to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf, please read and submit the following information. This questionnaire and the materials we request will assist us in the process of writing a letter that honestly and fairly describes your potential to succeed as a graduate student or as an employee. You are strongly encouraged to waive your access to the letter. A confidential letter indicates that you have nothing to hide.

For Employment:

It is not always necessary to have an actual letter of recommendation when you are applying for employment. It is most helpful if you give the employer with our contact information below so that we may provide your reference through telephone or e-mail. If we have agreed to act as a reference for you, remember it will be fair and honest. You may want to add to your resume: Reference Available Upon Request. When the employer asks you for references, hand him/her a separate page with the contact information of your references.

For Graduate School: Use the checklist below.

o  Collect all the recommendation forms and envelopes and organize them into a packet and deliver it to us before the Christmas break.

o  If you have the option of choosing on-line recommendations, please do so.

o  Be sure to complete your portion of the forms by supplying your identifying information (your name, address, confidentiality waiver, etc.). We will not do this for you! We will submit it with that information blank.

o  Be sure to indicate the application due dates on each of the forms or on a separate list.

o  For those schools requiring only a letter and no form, include addressed and stamped envelopes.

o  Please use envelopes that are self-sticking thereby eliminating our calorie intake from moistening the adhesive.

o  Be sure all envelopes are labeled addressed and stamped.

o  Indicate which recommendations are to be returned to you and which ones go directly in the U.S. Mail.

o  If the letter is to be returned to you for you to be included in your completed application, be sure to put the name of the school on the envelope so you will know where it goes. We will not do this for you.

o  Put our return address on the envelopes and on the forms where requested. Include our respective telephone number if needed. Our individual contact information is below. Supply it every where it is requested. We will NOT fill in the information. We will submit it with that information blank.

We will sign and date the forms and letters AND sign across the envelope seal to indicate that the letter is confidential. Do NOT open it!

Ahmed Abdelal, Ph.D., CCC/SLP

Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

127 Hart Hall

Bridgewater State University

Bridgewater, MA 02325

(508) 531-6146

Sandra R. Ciocci, Ph.D., CCC/SLP

Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

129 Hart Hall

Bridgewater State University

Bridgewater, MA 02325

(508) 531- 2628

Susan Gray, PhD., CCC-SLP

Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Hart Hall, Room 219
(508) 531-2565

Suzanne Miller, Ph.D., CCC/SLP

Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

128 Hart Hall

Bridgewater State College

Bridgewater, MA 02325

(508) 531-2972

Joanne L. Abdallah, M.S., CCC/SLP

Director, Speech-Language Hearing Center

Speech-Language-Hearing Center

Burnell Hall (Room 128)

Bridgewater State University

Bridgewater, MA 02325

(508) 531- 2372

o  If available, include in the packet your resume and at least a draft of your letter of intent or personal statement.

o  Please save the Recommendation Questionnaire document below to your computer, type in your responses, save and print, and include it in the packet of information before Christmas break. Your answers may be different depending on who is writing a recommendation. Provide your responses accordingly. The boxes should grow as you type.

o  Remember, your organization and completion of your packet should look like the professional you want to be.

o  Keep Dr. Ciocci informed of where you have been accepted (J) and which schools failed to recognize your amazing potential (L).

During the time each of us spends writing your letter, we need to remember you, make you unique, and distinguish you from all of the other students for whom we will be writing letters, especially if many of you are applying to the same institutions. Help us remember who you are and how we know you.

Student Name: Date:



Applying for: o Speech-Language Pathology o Audiology o Other______

Recommandation Questionnaire

1. How many semesters have I known you? Since what year?
2. Who is your advisor?
3. Do you have a minor? If yes, what is it?
4. What is your overall GPA?
What is your GPA in the major?
5. What is your combined Quantitative and Verbal GRE scores?
Your Writing Score?
6. List the classes you’ve taken with me and the grades you earned.
7. Did you have clinical practicum?
If yes, please describe your clienton campus and/or your public school experience.
8. Have you done an undergraduate research project?
If yes, please describe your project, where you presented it, etc.
9. Did you do an internship?
If yes, please describe the setting and your experience.
10. Are/were you a NSSHLA member?
If yes, are/were you an officer?
11. Did you participate in CPDC?
If yes, please describe the level of your participation and the child(ren) you worked with.
12. Did you work as a peer tutor?
If yes, for which courses?
13. How did you become interested in communication disorders?
14. What types of clients do you think you want to work with?
15. What areas of communication disorders interest you?
16. Do/did you work off campus and/or have work study?
If yes, where, in what capacity, and how often?
17. Which campus activities have you participated in?
18. Have you had any experiences/interactions with individuals with communication disorders?
19. Have you personally experienced a communication disorder?
20. What else should I know about you to make your letter distinctive?