300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping (Business Requirement)

IRIS User Group Development


Acord Placing Message Mapping


Current Location & Status

File Location / Q:\Lmd\Development\300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping-IUG\01 Business Requirements\IUG-300122959-Acord Placing Message Mapping-Business Requirements.01.doc
Document Owner / Daryl Yeats
Status / Authorised by Xchanging

Authorised By

Name / Authorising Role / Date / Signature
Alan Chisham / Development Manager / 25/10/07 / Signed copy on file
Daryl Yeats / Project Manager / 7/11/07 / e-mail on file
Rob Locke / Support Director / 7/11/07 / e-mail on file
John Colwell / Financial Director / 7/11/07 / e-mail on file

Prepared by: Stephen Greenhow

Project ManagerDaryl Yeats

Office:34 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 1AX

Issue Date:16th November 2007

© Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Ltd. 2007

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Xchanging Global Insurance Systems Limited (Xchanging).

This document contains information which is confidential and of value to Xchanging. It may be used only for the agreed purpose for which it has been provided. Written consent is required before any part is reproduced.

Trademark Information

Company, product, or brand names mentioned in this document, may be the trademarks of their owners.

Document Control

Revision History (Post Issue to Client)

Version / Description/Reason for Change / Date
01 / First Issue / 25/10/2007

Circulation List

Name / Business Area / For Review / For Sign-off / Agreement to proceed
A. Chisham / Development / X / X / X
M Hicks / IS / X
M Hobbs / IS / X
D Yeats / IS / X / X
Rob Locke / IS / X / X / X
John Colwell / IS / X / X / X
IUG / Client / X / X / X

Document Purpose

This document is the Business Requirement Specification for the ability to automatically import Acord Placing messages into IRIS and the generation of new quotes. It has been compiled in accordance with the Xchanging XPERT package Implementation Methodology.

This initial development will consist of the ability to create new IRIS quotes from Acord messages, with possible later phases that will allow for existing risks to be amended. This development phase will cover the current Acord messages with their limited content (‘skinny’) but will be designed with possible further future development in mind.

Contents Page

1Business Requirement

1.1Business Context

1.2Description of the requirement

1.3Assumptions and Limitations

2Development Effort and Costs

1Business Requirement

1.1Business Context

The Acord Message Viewer, aseparate application from IRIS, was recently completed and demonstrated successfully to the IUG. The next phase of this development is to automatically generate IRIS quotes from Acord messages.

The Acord viewer currently displays message details and allowsaccess to supporting document attachments. With this enhancement it will possible to select a message from the viewer and import it directly into IRIS.This will give the benefit of not having to re-key details into IRIS, saving time and reducing keying errors.

Quotes produced in this way will maintain a link back to the Acord message. This will allow IRIS to display the Acord message details from within the IRIS quote screen. It will also assist in anyfuture development where messages will be used to notify underwriters of changes to existing risks.

It will be a requirement for each client to define how an Acord message and its data is to be imported from the Acord message into the IRIS application to enable a new quote to be generated.

1.2Description of the requirement

The individual business requirements are detailed as follows:

1.2.1Acord Message Data Mapping

BR01)A means to specify how the structured data elements in the Acord placing message should be mapped to IRIS data elements on an IRIS quote will be required. This will need to support as a minimum…

a)Direct value mapping (i.e. for plain text or amounts)

b)Code Value Cross Reference (i.e. to map Acord coded values to the equivalent IRIS values)

c)Conditional Data Mapping (e.g. if Msg Value=’X’ Then IRIS Field Value=’Y’ Else IRIS Field Value=Msg Value; such as might be required to define what product code should be used for the message)

1.2.2Acord Viewer IRIS Quote Creation

BR02)From a list of Acord placing messages (e.g. the main Acord Viewer message list)providean option to allow the creation of an IRIS quote for a selected message.

BR03)On the successful creation of a quote from an Acord placing message record a “Quote Created” type action against the history/audit trail for that message.

BR04)Record the quote reference of the generated Quote against the placing message which should be viewable to the user both of the message processed and any subsequent messages for the same unique market reference.

BR05)Having created a quote for a given unique market reference the system should prevent the generation of any subsequent quotes for the same unique market reference.

1.2.3IRIS Policy Input – Quote

BR06)When viewing or amending a quote within IRIS, if a quote was created from an Acord message then the quote should display an additional new tab or form that displays themessage details (equivalent to the Acord Message viewer)

a)Details that are viewableshould include access to the attachments on that message.

1.3Assumptions and Limitations

It is assumed that in this phase of the development that the system will only support the creation of new quotes and will not support the update of existing quotes or policies as a result of the receipt of any subsequent messages.

2Development Effort and Costs

At this stage we have not completed a full analysis of how your business requirements can best be met by the IRIS package, hence we cannot provide an estimate of what the total cost will be for the specified modification. However, we can give an indication of the effort likely to be involved in delivering the modifications together with a quote for the costs of the next stage. This stage involves the production of a detailed Functional Specification, at the end of which we should be able to give an estimate for the costs of any development work.

The effort involved in specifying and developing the enhancement is likely to be approximately 68 days.

Our price for completing the Functional Specification set out in this document will be £9,650 and is based upon the information which we have to date.

Any arrangement that is agreed as a result of this proposal is subject to the Constitution of the IRIS User Group.

This estimate is valid for 90 days, If you wish to proceed with the specification, you should provide authorisation in written form, for example by email or other appropriate forms of authorization. The completed specification and estimate will be sent to you for confirmation and authorisation before any software changes are made.

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