English 4 AP

Mr. Rothstein

Research Paper

This research paper of six pages is to be submitted as a Word document () by Wednesday, June 7. This project is worth 225 points.

Your research paper will focus on one of the following plays:

·  The Importance of Being Ernest

·  A Streetcar Named Desire (a sultry New Orleans tragedy.)

·  Learning to Drive (Very disturbing.)

·  Waiting for Godot (I have packets and a great BBC production on DVD.)

·  A Doll’s House

·  Pygmalion

·  The Cherry Orchard

·  Our Town

·  Macbeth


First, start with a title and heading in MLA style. This means everything is double-spaced and in 12-point font with the heading on the top left. Each page also has a last name followed by a page number at the top right. Papers not stapled before they are turned in will not be accepted.

Get to your thesis statement as quickly as possible. Discuss your research with your group and come up with some original “angle” or opinion on the work. This will become your thesis—which, by the way, must be in your first paragraph.

Then, using your literary periods chart and your library research, define your literary period and contextualize your work or works within that period. For example, with Huck Finn, you might define realism and then explain how the novel addresses various concerns and themes important during that era. Also, it is a good idea to define your terms before commencing any literary discussion.


This is the heart of your paper, so it must be focused and organized. Once you have your thesis, simply walk your way through the work, reading it from the perspective of your thesis statement and bringing the ideas of your critics in to inform your arguments.

In this section, you will put your research to use, incorporating quotes you find interesting in your paragraphs. Most paragraphs will require at least one quote from a primary or secondary source. In this class we use the SEE paragraph format, so each paragraph will include a statement, evidence (usually in the form of a partial quote), and a developed explanation. The explanation, you will recall, is where you style.

If after reading your research articles you still have no clue about what to write, see my handout on organizing college term papers.


Your works cited page must be in strict MLA format. It will include at least four secondary sources, at least two of which must be found in hard copy in our library. The digital research, if any, must come from reputable sources. These articles must be at least five pages in length. Do not spend the majority of your time in front of a computer! Find resources in hard copy, Xerox them, mark them up, and discuss them with your group.

A WORD ON PLAGIARISM: Extensive use of quotes or passages without giving credit will be considered plagiarism and will warrant an F grade. Use partial quotes and give credit where credit is due and you will be fine. Note: Your Word document will be scanned with software purchased by the English department. Not only does it check for grammatical, spelling, and mechanics errors, it also checks for possible plagiarizing, identifying sources from which the student may have “borrowed.”

Note: Group members are to act as a sounding board for their peers’ ideas. Group members may share sources but must not incorporate identical ideas in their respective papers. Research and writing, in the end, must remain a discreet, individual endeavor.


1. Articles for my review are due Wednesday, May 17. Bring your four articles along with 3 x 5 source flashcards bearing bibliographical information for each work in correct MLA format. Easybib.com is an excellent site that will facilitate documentation and save you time. You may use MLA 7 or 8, but keep it consistent. (25 points)

2. Works Cited in MLA format and 3 x 5 citation flashcards are due Friday, May 19. Students should complete a minimum of five cards per source consulted. (25 points)

3. An outline with a proper thesis is due Thursday, May 25. The outline must follow MLA guidelines included in the packet. (25 points)

4. A rough draft of your paper is due Wednesday, May 31. It is critical that you bring three copies for peer critiques. (50 points)

5. Final draft of research paper due Wednesday, June 7, at the start of class. This is due as a digital document (Word or plain text files are acceptable formats) emailed to . Late papers will not be accepted. (100 points)