Affiliate News
Affiliate Job Postings - A valuable service!
Don't forget to let the Affiliate office know if you have positions that you'd like posted on the "Careers" section of the Joslin website. Check out the website and you'll see there is a section for "Joslin Nationwide Job Opportunities". Send us a short description of what you're looking for and we can post it. Remember to let us know when the position gets filled and we'll remove the posting. As you know, our website gets a tremendous amount of traffic and this is a great service to help Affiliates fill open positions!

Affiliate Resources

Handouts Manual
You should have received a newly revised Patient Education Handouts Manual recently. The manual is filled with hundreds of handouts on almost every diabetes topic. If you are looking for core handouts, we have highlighted our recommendations in the table of contents.

Information for your waiting room: 6 Diabetes Tests
Do you have a TV/DVD player in your waiting room? Are you looking for content? We can send you a DVD of Joslin providers talking about the 6 diabetes tests that is currently posted on the Joslin website. Email if you want a DVD.

Patient NewsInsulin Glargine Use - Role of the Diabetes Educator in Addressing Recent Studies(from AADE Website- 07-09 ).On July 1, 2009, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that observational studies evaluated large patient databases and all reported “some level of association between the use of insulin glargine, and other insulin products, and various types of cancer.” The scientific community cautions that the findings of the four studies are inconclusive because of inconsistencies and differences in study methods, populations observed, and other study design limitations.Become familiar with the emerging evidence on insulin use and the associated relative risk of malignancies. 1. Follow FDA recommendations and advise patients to: - Continue taking their prescribed medications to avoid uncontrolled blood glucose levels. - Talk with their provider if they have concerns or further questions about their medications. 2. Report side effects from the use of glargine to the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting Program. MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD20852-9787.

New Inpatient ADA Glycemic TargetsThe ADA released a consensus statement on inpatient glycemic control. New recommendations are as followed:*Critically Ill: Insulin infusion therapy should be initiated to control hyperglycemia with a starting threshold of no higher than 180 mg/dl. Once IV insulin therapy has been initiated, glucose levels should be maintained between 140 and 180 mg/dl. * Non-critically ill: Pre-meal targets should be maintained < 140 mg/dl in conjunction with random BG values < 180 mg/dl. Modify insulin regimen for BG < 100 mg/dl. Diabetes Care, Vol 32, Number 6, June 2009: p1119-1131.

Continuing EducationJoslin Diabetes Center is conducting several certified CME activities providing AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ in Affiliate cities at the end of summer. To register for one of the following symposia, visit Systems for Type 2 Diabetes: Pathophysiology, Culture, Treatment, AdherenceIntroduction to a comprehensive educational activity to help you implement more efficient systems for better care of your diabetes patients. This Joslin Virtual Clinic Workshop uses an innovative, highly interactive, simulated clinical experience to integrate skills directly into day-to-day clinical practice. This unique approach builds provider competence in developing office-based systems to support the design, implementation, and timely advancement of non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies for the optimal treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes.September 15 – Southfield, MISeptember 15 – Washington, DCSeptember 16 – Los Angeles, CASave the DateUpcoming Conference Calls

Date/Time / Topic / Facilitator
Aug 12, noon / Getting Patients Moving: Enhancing Your Exercise Services* / Jackie Shahar, RCEP
Aug 13,
9 PM / Physician Discussion of Fatty Liver Disease / Rich Jackson, MD
Sept 23, noon / Center Administrator Discussion / Janice Murphy
Sept 29, noon / Getting Patients Connected to Mental Health Services / Ann Goebel-Fabbri, PhD & Melinda Maryniuk
Oct 21, noon / Pump Management: Making Insulin Adjustments / Joyce Lekarck

*Invite your exercise resource to join & send your questions ahead to

Upcoming Events

Sept 13-14, New Physician and Nurse Practitioner Orientation

Sept 13-15,New Educator Orientation

Oct 25-27, Annual Meeting for Center Administrators and Medical Directors

Based on feedback from Orientation and Annual Meeting, events will begin with Sunday evening dinner. Physicians will be able to leave after 5 PM on Monday.

Oct 28, New Center Administrator OrientationFollowing Annual Meeting

October 28 - 30, 9th annual Bridging the Gap with Education: Diabetes Symposium and Workshop - Charleston, WV. Joslin Affiliate at St. Mary’s, Huntington, WV contributes to this meeting.