• Collect the radio and folder from the Head of Year office.
  • Ensure the radio is set to channel 5 and the volume is turned up.
  • Check the ‘Hotspot’ rota in the on-call folder. Visit these areas throughout the hour to offer support and refocus students in class.
  • Respond to alerts on the radio from reception- confirm you have received the alert and attend the classroom to offer support
  • Approach students/situations in a calm controlled manner (some examples of ‘ice breakers’ are in the on-call folder)
  • Take appropriate action after consultation with the teacher-
  • Student goes back in to their lesson-
  • Discuss the incident and aim to reintegrate with teacher’s support. Aim to check on the student later on in the lesson OR
  • Faculty removal- 3 clear warnings, teacher feels situation has gone beyond reparation stage-
  • Record details in the folder (instructions and coding is in the on-call folder).
  • Remove student and place within the faculty using the timetables provided by faculties (back of the on-call folder). Alternative options are available to account for staff absence or where multiple on-calls originate from one faculty area(please see on-call folder for the alternative options).
  • Explain to the student they will receive 30 minutes detention after school which they will serve in the PE wing.
  • For Faculty Removal period 5, please remind the member of staff to escort the student to the PE wing for their 30 minute same day detention.

Support can be sought to assist with students who are causing persistent disruption/defiance which prevents the effective teaching and learning for the whole class.

Use the clear warning system, classroom behaviour management techniques and de-escalation processes before an emergency alert is sent.

  • Press the emergency alert icon at the top of your SIMS homepage.
  • Reception will receive this alert and radio the member of staff who is on rota for that period.
  • When assistance arrives, they will attempt to re-focus the student withyour support. The aim is to reintegrate to enable the student’s learning to continue (teacher detention can then be issued).
  • If 3 clear warnings, de-escalation and behaviour management strategies have been unsuccessful and the student is causing disruption to teaching and learning for the class then Faculty Removal will be initiated.
  • Teachers should Supply the student with some work for completion in the designated area for the remainder of the lesson.
  • Teachers must record the behaviour on SIMS and contact parents/carers to discuss concerns. The pastoral team will send a text to parents to inform them about the detention.
  • Teachers must attend the 30 minute detention in the PE wing at 3.00pm. Provide work and discuss the incident with the student to re-build the relationship before the next lesson.
  • 30 minute detention(Text generated by designated member of the admin team to inform parents/carers)
  • Failed detention (student sent home after 2 clear warnings) or ‘no show’ will result in phonecall home from HOY/Year Manager to re-set 60 minutes.
  • Failure to attend 60 minutes will result in meeting with parents and reiteration of points in the Home/School Agreement. .This will result in all day Reflection and 60 minute extension of the school day. The student will not return to the school community until this has been successfully completed.
  • Collect the radio and folder from the Head of Year office.
  • Ensure the radio is set to channel 5 and the volume is turned up.
  • Check the ‘Hotspot’ rota in the on-call folder. Visit these areas throughout the hour to offer support and refocus students in class.
  • Respond to alerts on the radio from reception- confirm you have received the alert and attend the classroom to offer support
  • Approach students/situations in a calm controlled manner (some examples of ‘ice breakers’ are in the on-call folder)

After consultation with the member of staff, if the student/s hasdisplayed any of the following an on-call will be initiated:

  • Verbal abuse of a member of staff/student
  • Displayed dangerous behaviour or violence
  • Vandalism which requires additional repair
  • Verbal bullying of a student which causes intentional upset
  • Second faculty removal of the day or based on the professional judgement of the member of staff who is on-call (When recording students in the book, please ensure they have not received any removals prior to your on-call stint by checking previous logs in the folder for that day).

Please carry out the following actions:

  • Discuss the incident with the student as a calming strategy
  • Record details in the folder (instructions and coding is in the on-call folder)
  • Escort the student to the Reflection Room (classroom situated in the music wing- C3), explain the incident discreetly to the RR Manager before settling the student in.
  • Return to the classroom to ensure the remaining students are focussed after the disruption to their lesson
  • Press the emergency alert icon at the top of your SIMS homepage
  • Ensure the safety of yourself and everyone in your class
  • Request that the student waits outside if appropriate
  • Ask for assistance from staff in the vicinity
  • Discuss the issue with the member of staff who arrives to remove the student
  • Log the incident on SIMS asap- an additional statement via email may be necessary to assist with further intervention
  • Contact parents/carers at your earliest convenience to discuss the incident
  • Attend the 60 minute detention in the Reflection Room if appropriate or consult with the student’s HOY for direction with reparation time
  • Student removed from classroom and replaced in the Reflection Room until 4.00pm. Immediate call home from HOY (if not available RR Manager should contact Year Manager in the first instance or make the call from the RR. Request the call is made by a member of the admin team as a last resort).
  • Refusal or failure to comply with the expectations of the Reflection Room will result in the student being sent home and the parent attending a meeting. Students must successfully complete a 1 day isolation until 4pm before they are permitted back into the school community.


  • Student to meet with KCS during morning registration to discuss the behaviour which has led to Reflection
  • Bags placed in the lockers provided
  • No access to any mobile phones/electronic devices

During the school day

  • Students to complete work/Reflection Pack/supplied by staffin silence.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the Reflection Room to collect work.
  • Students must be escorted to and from lunch prior to the start of lunch.

Students who are removed via on-call

  • Allocate a booth to the student to complete Reflection Pack/work provided
  • Using the procedure attached to the desk in the Reflection Room, ensure parents/carers are informed

End of the school day

  • Students are required to continue working in silence until 4.00pm.
  • Staff who have on-called the student from their lesson are advised to see the student between 3-4.00pm.
  • Assistance from a member of staff will arrive at 3.30pm.

Escalation process

  • Students should follow the above Reflection Room protocol. Students who do not stringently comply with expectations should be given two clear warnings before an emergency alert is sent for on-call.
  • Students will then be moved to office of Behaviour for Learning Leader pending a decision on being sent home and repeating the sanction
  • Any student sent home from the Reflection Room will be required to attend a meeting with their parents/carers

Teacher set detentions

  • These can be set at discretion of member of staff for the following but should not exceed 30 minutes. Reasons may include:
  • Lack of class work
  • Failure to complete homework
  • Low level disruption in class which did not result in removal
  • Other reasons at the teacher’s discretion
  • Teacher set detentions can be set for break, lunch or after school but students must not be sent to the Whole School Detention area to complete.
  • Students who fail to attend teacher set detentions should be given another opportunity to complete.
  • Further failure to attend should be referred to HOF who will request the student is added to the Whole School Detention list who should then send an email to Pastoral Secretary.

Whole School Detention

  • 30 minute detention facilitated in the PE wing on a rota basis.
  • Students who are Faculty Removed, fail to attend their teacher set detentions or have failed to attend the PE wing at break to complete their ‘Late Explanation’ form will be on a list generated by amember of the admin team.
  • Complete the detention protocol attached to the desk in the PE wing (supervision from a member of Pastoral).
  • Students who do not attend or who fail will complete 60 minutes the next day. HOY to contact home.
  • Staff who remove a student via the Faculty Removal system need to attend the PE wing between 3.00pm and 3.30pm to discuss the incident with the student, repair the relationship and set some work. Request HOF or 2nd in faculty if you cannot attend.

1 hour detentions

  • Facilitated by the Reflection Room Manager in the RR + middle/senior leader at 3.30pm.
  • Students who fail their 30 minute detentions, students who have been removed via on-call or pre-arranged isolations will be present at these detentions.
  • Students who do not attend or fail will have HOY intervention: phonecall home/meeting with parent to reset.

Behaviour is about choice. We believe that all members of our community choose how to behave and that it is everyone’s job to support our students in making positive choices. Good behaviour is about respect and good behaviour for learning is about having the right attitude to learning. As a staff team and student body we need to work together to ensure respect is shown and students have the right attitude to their studies. We know that the best way to improve behaviour and behaviour for learning is by forming positive relationships with students, by planning and teaching good lessons, by having hi8gh expectations and clear routines in all classes and by rewarding students for good behaviour and for making progress. Our student mission, ‘Aim High, Work Hard, Be Kind’ captures our key aims for every student. We aim to give every student the opportunity to access to a varied, rich curriculum to maximise their potential and ensure their future success.

At Marriottswe employ a systematic approach to dealing with disruption to teaching and learning, to ensure that lesson flow is not impacted. Our goal is to ensure all students remain in lessons so their learning is not impeded. All teachers are responsible for managing the behaviour of their classes and ensuring they have the right attitude to learning and all staff must employ our consistent behaviour management strategies.Occasionally it may be necessary to remove a student due to disruption of teaching and learning. Teachers need to be able to teach and one student cannot be allowed to impact on the learning of others. There is a staged response to effectively dealing with incidents of this nature with a reflective and reparative procedure for staff and students.

The introduction of the Student Charter and Noise Level Meter should be followed at all times to ensure students learn and behave well in lessons. These documents are displayed in each classroom and in all open areas of the school and are central to our school’s ethos

Faculty Removal

Faculty Removal is designed as a short term measure for students who have received 3 clear, discreet warnings, and where behaviour management techniques, strategies and de-escalation attempts have failed and teaching and learning of the whole class is being impacted. Students will be removed within the faculty area according to a shadow timetable, with their work and will complete a 30 minute, same day detention as a sanction for this behaviour. The member of staff where the removal originated is required to attend the detention after school to discuss and rebuild the relationship before the next lesson.


On rare occasions there may be a one off serious incident which will require a student to be immediately removed from your lesson. This would lead to an ’On-call’ removal . In this situation Students will be removed from the school community, placed in the Reflection Room and their school day will be extended by 60 minutes

On –call will result if students displayone of the following behaviours:

  • Verbal abuse directed to a member of staff/student
  • Violence or dangerous behaviour
  • Intentional vandalism requiring additional repair
  • Verbal interaction with another student causing intentional upset/distress
  • 2 x faculty removals in the same day or an incident which in the professional judgement of the on –call teacher constitutes an on-call.

These incidents will require intervention from the student’s Head of Year. An investigation of the incident will take place requiring statements from the student, member of staff and any witnesses in addition to logging the behaviour on SIMS. An action request form may be required.

On completion of the investigation further sanctions may be applied at the discretion of the Head of Behaviour. You will receive feedback of the incident from the student’s HOY.

Reflection Room

The Reflection Room is designed as an alternative to fixed term exclusions for students who have displayed behaviour which requires removal from the school community.

Students are placed in the reflection room by the member of staff who is on-call or following a decision which has been made by a student’s Head of Year after consultation with the Head of behaviour.

In the reflection room Student’s learning is extended to 4.00pm, during which time they compete work provided by their class teacher, some reflective exercises and receive support from members of the pastoral and inclusion team.

Behaviour which is logged on SIMS daily is printed off in a report by the Pastoral Secretary for each HOY, this will then be reviewed for the appropriate escalation to be actioned. Parents/carers are notified by HOY when this level of intervention is required.

Whole School Detentions

Teacher set Detentions-

Students who do not complete homework or classwork as required or engage in low level disruption can be set a detention at staff’s discretion. Break or lunchtimes are ideal for this; if set for after school this must be supervised by the teacher who gives the detention or supported by a member of your faculty.

A second opportunity to attend is advisable if the original is missed. After this point teachers should have a discussion with the faculty head and ask for the student to be placed in 30 minute Whole School Detention if required.

Whole School Detention:

30 minute detentions

Students who are Faculty Removed from a lesson, who fail to complete their ‘Late Explanation’ sheet or who have missed a teacher set detention are required to complete a 30 minute same day detention in the PE wingat 3.00pm. A text message is sent to parents/carers to notify them of the detention.

One hour detentions

Students who have missed or failed their 30 minute detentions are required to attend a 60 minute detention which is arranged by the student’s HOY. Students who are removed via on-call to the Reflection Room or where a prior arrangement has been made by their HOY will also complete their 60 minutes after school.

Detentions are supervised on a rota basis by two members of staff. Members of SLT, Head of Faculty and the Pastoral Team who are on detention rota are required to assist with the facilitation of the hour detentions in the Reflection Room at the end of their 30 minute stint in the PE wing.

The Student Charter

This outlines behaviour expectations along with the home school agreement

The discreet warning system

The process for this is outlined in this handbook. This should be used to avoid removal from lessons wherever possible.

Lunchtime Charter

A similar staged approach to the warning system is used to promote positive community behaviourat lunchtime.

The Lunchtime Charter allows for a three warning system:

  • First Offence- Verbal Warning.
  • Second Offence- Five minutes cooling off with a member of the duty team.
  • Third Offence- Removal from circulation and placement in the Reflection Room.

‘Red line’ behaviour (see On- Call section of the policy) at lunchtime will result in removal from circulation from the school community and placement in the Reflection Room until 4.00pm. (Parents will be notified)


Marriotts prides itself on students looking presentable at all times; the school uniform and PE kit ensure that students are smart in their appearance which reflects a positive community image and prepares students for their progression into a working environment which will have similar expectations.

The uniform requirements are clearly stated on the school website and student planner and must be adhered to at all times. This includes our expectations in terms of piercings, facial and body, which are not permitted under any circumstances and jewellery restrictions.

We are mindful that there may be very occasional situations when uniform and footwear pose an issue. Generally a student may be offered a one day pass followed by a phonecall home with the expectation that this is corrected in time for the next school day.

Exceptional circumstances are viewed on a case-by-case basis where additional support for students and their families may be considered.