Registration Service
NBN EN ISO 14816
CS1 Issuer Identifier
A CS1 issuer identifier (CS1-IID) is required for automatic vehicle or equipment identification in road transport and traffic telematics environment.
CS1-IID application
According to NBN EN ISO 14816:2006, an applicant for a CS1-IID shall meet the following criteria:
- The applicant shall be a single entity with a legal status
- The applicant shall use the CS1-IID for an agreed use within the intended scope
- The applicant shall pay any fees required by the National Registration Authority for Issuers (NRA/I)
Additionally following criteria apply:
- The CS1-IID shall only be issued by the NRA/I when there is expected to be an immediate use, or when the NRA/I considers that such requirement is imminent
- The NRA/I may request a national service code/unambiguous coding structure. The details that the NRA/I may request shall be the details of his local numbering sub structures within his service code/unambiguous number structure. (the unambiguous identification codes shall not be revealed)
To request a CS1-IID the attached application form needs to be completed. A request for more than one CS1-IID is allowed and needs to be indicated on the application form in the field ‘Requested # of CS1 Issuer Identifier’. Each CS1-IID is handled as belonging to a separate issuer.
Registration fee
NBN charges a fee of EUR 600 (excluding 21% VAT). NBN reserves the right to change the fee of the registration service. The fee is to be transferred to the following bank account:
Bank van de Post, Anspachlaan 1, B-1000 BrusselsAccount number: 679-0000951-78
IBAN BE69 6790 0009 5178
The transfer statement should mention the following data:
CS1-IID NBN EN ISO 14816 ; <applicant name>
Getting the CS1-IID
Within 30 days of receipt of the registration fee and positive verification of the application, NBN will inform the applicant of the assigned CS1-IID. When an applicant becomes the owner of a CS1-IID, the responsibilities of the issuer as described in NBN EN ISO 14816:2006 Annex A.2.1.3 become effective.
Application Form
To be completed by the applicant
Legal Name of Applicant Organization:Physical Address of Applicant Organization:
Mailing Address of Applicant Organization: (if different from Physical Address)
VAT number:
Main contact person, Name:
- Phone number:
- Fax Number:
- E-mail address:
Requested number of CS1 Issuer Identifier:
Anticipated date of first use:
Please identify the main industry of the Applicant Organization (check only one box)
Airline / Banking/Financial / Entertainment
Healthcare / Merchandizing e.g. Retail / Petroleum
Telecommunications / Travel
Provide a brief description of the Issuer Identifier usage:
By signing the APPLICATION FORM you are:
- Certifying that the provided information is correct
- Agreeing to abide all of the terms and conditions set forth in NBN EN ISO 14816:2006
- Agreeing with the charged fees: EUR 600 (excluding 21% VAT). NBN reserves the right to change the fee of the registration service.
Print Name:
Signature: / Date:
Please return this form to:
Bureau for Standardisation - Rue Joseph II 40 Box 6 - 1000 Brussels
Within 30 days of receipt of the registration fee and positive verification of the application, the CS1 Issuer Identifier(s) will be submitted.