Karen S. Cook
309 Derbycreek Lane
Chester, VA 23836


Involved for 15+ years with Marketing, communications, service quality and client experience. Primarily working in Marketing as graphic designer, copywriter, email marketing manager and Marketingcoordinator.


Graphic Design / Branding and Labeling / Print Design
Copywriting / Project Management / Social Media Management
Signage / Email Marketing / E-Commerce

Dreamweaver CC, Fireworks CC, Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, InDesign CC, Adobe Spark, PowerPoint, MS Office,Access, Responsys, Mail Chimp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Houzz, and Pinterest

University of Richmond, Certified Webmaster (August 2001)

Advance Graphic Design Certificate and web programming, Sessions.edu, 2009
Computer Science, J Sgt. Reynolds

George Mason University, English Writing


Freelance/Contractor - September 2004 –August 2016
Marketing coordinator, Email Marketing and Graphic Designer

Responsible for various projects for companies in the Richmond area. Create and implement strategic digital media initiatives. Increased market awareness by social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and blogging. Responsible for graphic design and content for websites, product descriptions, email and social media posts. Responsible for product photography and editing. Create printed collateral, infographics and presentations.

Stauer - September 2012–February 2016
E-Commerce Coordinator

Create, develop and manage content for company’s web presence. Maintain website content using a Content Management System (CMS) as well as HTML and CSS. Develop static and dynamic product pages for website using CMS. Create product stories and copy as well as post to Facebook on a daily basis. Manage the day to day operations of email marketing. Create banners, and other graphics for the website, social media campaigns and other external marketing initiatives. Create customized landing pages for email campaigns, solos and catalogs for website. Coordinate and implement email development and implementation including list segmentation, filter management and CRM using Responsys. Track and analyze direct and interactive marketing campaigns.

SunTrust Mortgage - November 2005–September 2012
Corporate Communications Designer

Coordinate the day to day maintenance of the STM Intranet site using HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as CMS. Design graphics, banners and HTML email marketing templates. Define customer requirements for web site modifications and enhancements. Design site layout to align with corporate branding. Manage the layoutof weekly HTML email newsletters for all LOBs including writing, editing and producing feature stories and graphic creation. Support(mortgage) loan officers with marketing collateral and other marketing materials. Develop loan officer websites and updates on a daily basis. Assistwith bank events for Loan Officer awards as well as fund raising events for United Way and First Book.

Virginia Housing Development Authority - February 2001 –September 2004
Marketing Coordinator

Responsible for total life cycle of multifamily section of Internet, Intranet and Extranet. Facilitate training on Dreamweaver, HTML and Fireworks for web administrators. Responsible for web projects including scope, specifications, requirements and testing. Present concepts and designs to internal clients and management for review. Create documents for standards and design. Design graphics for the web as well as in-house applications. Created logos, brochures, posters and flyers for both print and web; incorporating branding. Lead graphic designer and technical advisor for Accessible Housing Registry project. Dedicated advocate for complying with the accessibility 508 and W3C guidelines.

Richmond Times Dispatch - January 2000 - February 2001
Web Designer

Designed over 20 websites working closely with external clients. Redesigned over 15 website focusing on information architecture and usability. Assist in the maintenance and update of sites already in existence. Responsible for editing content and writing new content for client’s sites including descriptions for products in ecommerce sites. Created logos, splash pages, banners and specialized graphics. Sites range in complexity from two page sites to E-commerce site with hundreds of pages.