Reminders –Friday, Oct 3

All homework is due at the beginning of class unless otherwise indicated.


  • All proposals for Dec are decided, so you should all be on track for December deadlines.
  • Work on revising Oct articles as you get them back from Ed Board and work on Dec articles. Remember you do not have to wait until the deadline is close to start (in fact, you shouldn’t), and you can use the checklist for success to keep track of what to do. We will not go over the steps in detail as a class again, so if you need help or want a refresher, ask us.
  • Meg and Marin, we need to sign off the articles that have gone through Ed Board on the organizational checklist. Then, Marin, you and I should compare notes.
  • Meg, where are we on additional ads? Have we heard from CFNC or Alpine Ski? Do we need to call them?
  • Mackenzie, Clara, Lizzie, Jake, and Alicia – see me about PF “In-Flight”
  • Jake, you need to propose your second article for Dec today so we have a record of it. Please see me as soon as you have read this.
  • Madison, what is the status of your iphone article?
  • Turnitin missing articles:
  • Jake both articles
  • Alicia – one article - arts
  • Madison – one article

Due today – Dec preliminary drafts due beginning of class. Beat reports due.

Due Wed, Oct 8- Dec rough drafts and graphics due beginning of class.

Due Thurs, Oct 9 Dec rough draft edits due beginning of class.

Due Mon, Oct 13 – Dec intermediate drafts due. Oct layout done.

Due Tues, Oct 14 – De int draft edits due beginning of class.

Due Mon, Oct 20 – Dec final draft ready for Ed board due and on turnitin. Ship Oct

Due Tues, Oct 21 – 2 Jan proposals due – remember this article and the process is your midterm exam.

Due Thurs, Oct 23 – Ex Day – Beat reports due

Due Mon, Oct 27- Jan research due

Due Tues, Oct 28 – Oct rollout and online (Who does this?- Zac?)

Due Thurs, Oct 30 – Jan interviews and surveys due

Due Tues, Nov 4 – Jan preliminary drafts due. My gradebook closes.

Remember, you are working on other class material during class work time, points will be deducted from your part of the group deadline grade, as other people are more than likely picking up your slack and you are draining the class of your personal energy. Ask me if you can help, and points may be added to your group deadline grade as you contribute more.