APAC Rules for Accreditation and Accreditation Standards for Psychology Courses
(June 2010)
APAC Accreditation Checklist
Accreditation of the AOU
The Psychology AOU
Multi-Campus Institutions
Academic Staffing
Teaching and Materials and Methods: Managing the Learning Process
Special Arrangements for Offshore Teaching
Undergraduate 3-Year Sequence Courses
Three Year Courses
Course Structure
Course Content
Awarding of Credit or Advance Standing
Undergraduate Fourth Year Courses
Entry Requirements
Course Structure
Course Content
Research Methods and Professional and Research Ethics
Research Project
Awarding of Credit or Advance Standing
Four Year Sequence
Course Structure
Course Content (years 1- 4)
Research Methods and Professional and Research Ethics
Research Project
Assessment of 4th year Research Project
Awarding of Credit or Advance Standing
Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology (5th year)
Advisory/Liaison and Quality Review Committee
Credit for Previous Studies
Core Capabilities and Attributes
Core Capabilities Assessment
Log Book
Entry Requirements
Course Structure
Practica And Skills Training
Fifth and Sixth Year Masters Courses of Professional Education
Advisory/Liaison and Quality Review Committee
Credit for Previous Studies
Core Capabilities and Attributes
Core Capabilities Assessment
Log Book
Entry Requirements
Course Structure
Practical Placements
Professional Docorates
Advisory/Liaison and Quality Review Committee
Credit for Previous Studies
Core Capabilities and Attributes
Core Capabilities Assessment
Log Book
Entry Requirements
Course Structure
Practical Placements
Graduate Certificate or Diploma in Psychology (Area of Specialisation)
Entry requirements
Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Programs
APAC Accreditation Checklist
Developed for APAC Standards dated June 2010.
Note: the checklist portions of this template are not required to be included in the report and are provided as a useful tool only. Please remove them from each section of the report
Name of Institution:
Name of AOU:
Date of Site Visit:
Accreditation of the AOU
The Psychology AOU
2.1.1Is the Psychology AOU an identifiable core of psychologists with a recognised Head? (yes/no)
2.1.2Does the term ‘Psychology’ feature in the title of the AOU (e.g. Department of Psychology)?(yes/no)
2.1.3Has the Psychology AOU demonstrated that it possesses a milieu of research and scholarship in which staffare actively involved in conducting and publishing their research work and where their research informs teaching? (yes/no)
2.1.4Has the Psychology AOU demonstrated that it has the necessary and appropriate level of staffing and other resources and facilities to provide an education in psychology at a high standard in all courses for which it is seeking accreditation? (yes/no)
2.1.5Is the Head of the Psychology AOU a senior, experienced and recognised academic?(yes/no)
Has the Head obtained postgraduate qualifications in psychology?(yes/no)
Does the Head have publications in refereed journals?(yes/no)
Is the Head appointed as an academic at, above or equivalent to level C?(yes/no)
2.1.6Does the Psychology AOU have a full time level E appointment in the discipline of psychology?(yes/no)
2.1.7Do the staff of the AOU comply with applicable codes of ethical conduct?(yes/no)
2.1.8Do grades of assessment employed in courses offered by the AOU conform to the guidelines set down in the in the Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee Grades for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework Degree Subjects 2002 available from (yes/no)
2.1.9Has a minimum grade been set that students can achieve in order to progress within the(yes/no)
psychology sequences?
2.1.10Does the AOU have a quality review process focusing on teaching and training in psychology (yes/no)
Multi-Campus Institutions
Does the institution offer psychology courses on different campuses? (yes/no)
Has each campus that is part of the AOU been listed?(yes/no)
2.2.1Has the institution demonstrated that there are appropriate staffing and resource levels on each campus? (yes/no)
Has the institution demonstrated that students on each campus have acceptable levels of access to units, courses and facilities? (yes/no)
Has the institution demonstrated that students on each campus receive an equivalent standard of teaching and course experience and meet equivalent standards of academic performance and have equivalent assessment requirements? (yes/no)
2.2.2Are campuses sufficiently close geographically to offer students direct access to units, courses and all resources on both without special arrangements being put in place? (yes/no)
Academic Staffing
2.4.1Are there more than ten full-time (or full-time equivalent) psychology academic staff members in the Psychology AOU? (yes/no)
Do at least eight of the psychology academic staff hold full-time appointments?(yes/no)
Are these staff based full-time on the campus at which the Head and the administration of the Psychology AOU reside? (yes/no)
Is the head of the AOU based at the main administration campus of the AOU?(yes/no)
If no, can the AOU demonstrate that the Head has direct responsibility for running of the AOU as well as effective and close operational oversight of the AOU and its courses? (yes/no)
Do these psychology academic staff meet the requirements for full APS Membership?(yes/no)
2.4.2Has the Psychology AOU appointed sufficient additional psychology academic staff in the event that it offers more than one full fourth year undergraduate sequence, one postgraduate sequence to at least fifth and sixth year, and supervises some postgraduate research? (yes/no)
2.4.3Is the total student:academic staff ratio no greater than 22 to 1?(yes/no)
Has this ratio been calculated as set out in the APAC Accreditation Application Form?(yes/no)
2.4.4Is there at least one full-time level E appointment in psychology? (yes/no)
2.4.5Are at least 30% of psychology academic appointments at level C or level D?(yes/no)
2.4.6Do at least 80% of the psychology academic staff have PhDs, established or promising research records with demonstrated research activity in the form of grants, conference presentations, and publications in refereed journals? (yes/no)
Are these staff involved in the teaching of undergraduate psychology?(yes/no)
2.4.7Have the psychology academic staff demonstrated teaching and research supervision experience?(yes/no)
Has the Psychology AOU demonstrated systematic monitoring of teaching quality? (yes/no)
2.4.8Are there at least three psychology academic staff who hold a PhD in a relevant area of psychology for each professional program? (yes/no)
Are most of these staff eligible for full Membership of the relevant APS College? (yes/no)
Are at least two psychology academic staff full-time appointments within the institution for each professional program? (yes/no)
Do these staff make a substantial contribution to the relevant program?(yes/no)
Is each program supported by appropriate level D/E involvement with sufficient time available to provide academic leadership for the program? (yes/no)
Is each program directed by at least a level C appointment who is eligible for the relevant APS College Membership and suitably qualified and experienced to run a postgraduate program? (yes/no)
Have sufficient level D/E psychology academic staff been appointed to ensure that no level D/E has responsibility for more than two cognate programs? (yes/no)
2.4.9Are the areas of expertise of the psychology academic staff sufficient to cover the core subjects and some specialist options in the three and four year courses outlined in Standards 3.1.6-3.1.10 and 4.1.4-4.1.7 and the areas taught in all postgraduate courses offered by the Psychology AOU? (yes/no)
If not, has the Psychology AOU employed individuals with particular expertise to teach in some specialist areas in postgraduate courses? (yes/no)
Is the capacity of the Psychology AOU to teach the core topics in the three and four year courses undiminished by the postgraduate programs on offer? (yes/no)
2.4.10Is the AOU in a position to continue offering the number of professional courses currently on offer? (yes/no)
2.4.11If the Institution is multi-campus where on one of the campuses only three or four year undergraduate sequence is taught, are there at least eight full-time (or full-time equivalent) psychology academic staff based on that campus or are courses supplemented through distance education methods, consistent with the Standards in Section 2.6? (yes/no)
Are at least one of the appointments at Level E or D and a further two at least Level C?(yes/no)
Do at least fifty percent of these staff hold research higher education degrees and have established research records with demonstrated research activity in the forms of grants, conference presentations, and publications in referred journals? (yes/no)
Do all staff demonstrate teaching experience at the undergraduate level, including the supervision of Honours research? (yes/no)
Are the areas of expertise of these psychology academic staff sufficient to cover the core subjects and some specialist options in the three and four year undergraduate program ( see Sections 3.1.6 to 3.1.10, 4.1.4 to 4.1.7of the Standards)? (yes/no)
2.5.1Can the Psychology AOU demonstrate adequate access to secretarial, administrative, technical and computing support? (yes/no)
2.5.2Does the psychology AOU have arrangements in place to provide adequate resources to meet teaching requirements for the following:
Audiovisual facilities in lecture theatres?(yes/no)
Video recording facilities in professional skills training rooms?(yes/no)
An online learning management system for distance or mixed mode units?(yes/no)
Dedicated laboratory space and facilities for staff and research students?(yes/no)
2.5.3/2.5.4Does the Psychology AOU have dedicated undergraduate laboratory space with computer facilities? (yes/no)
2.5.5Are the laboratories equipped with standard psychological apparatus and/or computers required for demonstrating and running a range of experiments and other exercises which form part of modern, up-to-date psychology curricula? (yes/no)
Does the Psychology AOU have arrangements in place to provide psychology students with access to the following:
2.5Facilities for suitably qualified disabled students to undertake study?(yes/no)
2.5.6Computers beyond those required in formal laboratory sessions?(yes/no)
2.5.7/2.5.8Do staff and students have access to a computer network with full email facilities, the internet, online databases, as well as statistical packages, spreadsheet and other data and work processing packages? (yes/no)
Is there a psychology test library: If so:
2.5.9Does the test library have up-to-date copies of the most frequently used psychological tests?(yes/no)
Does the test library have sufficient up-to-date copies of tests required to support postgraduate teaching programs and research programs in specialist areas? (yes/no)
Does the AOUs make use of the test library?(yes/no)
Does each of these AOUs contribute to the purchase of tests and associate material?(yes/no)
Does the AOU have a list available of all test library holdings, including the number of copies and campuses or locations the test is held? (yes/no)
2.5.10Does a psychology academic staff member who is at level B or higher have responsibility for the test library? (yes/no)
Can the psychology AOU demonstrate that procedures are in place to restrict access to psychological test materials to qualified psychologists and students enrolled in assessment and testing units who require access as part of the syllabus for the unit in which they are enrolled? (yes/no)
2.5.11Can the institutional library provide ready access to a comprehensive and up-to-date range of psychology texts, monographs and journals? (yes/no)
Are there sufficient holdings to support undergraduate courses? (yes/no)
Are there sufficient holdings to support postgraduate courses in areas of specialisation? (yes/no)
Does the library provide substantial and widespread access to appropriate and commonly used psychology electronic databases and does it provide regular training to staff and students in their use? (yes/no)
Has the Psychology AOU demonstrated that funding commensurate with the number of psychology courses offered and the number of students enrolled is allocated to the purchase of library materials for psychology? (yes/no)
2.5.12In the case of multi-campus institutions, can the Psychology AOU demonstrate that there is guaranteed quality of access to these holdings for all students irrespective of the campus at which they are based? (yes/no)
Teaching and Materials and Methods: Managing the Learning Process
Are any programs offered in mixed mode education? (yes/no)
If the answer is no, please proceed to Undergraduate Course(s) – Section 3.
2.6.1 Does the AOU have an online learning management system? (yes/no)
Is this system resourced at the same level as face-to-face teaching?(yes/no)
2.6.2For each unit, are students provided with a unit outline specifying the content of the unit, the nature of the assessments, details of textbooks and readings and any other relevant information? (yes/no)
2.6.3Is unit material regularly updated to ensure the information reflects the current knowledge in the area? (yes/no)
2.6.4Where a unit is delivered in more than one mode, are the content, objectives, and methods of the assessment the same for all modes of delivery? (yes/no)
2.6.5In undergraduate courses, is there laboratory training offered which is equivalent in content, duration, quality and outcometo that undertake by on-campus students? (yes/no)
2.6.6Are residential schools offered to off-campus students who are enrolled in undergraduate research units? (yes/no)
2.6.7Where there are some practical skills training in undergraduate courses, are opportunities available for off-campus students to complete these components? (yes/no)
2.6.8Do all students have means of regularly gaining timely access to staff so that questions can be answered and difficulties resolved? (yes/no)
2.6.9At the fourth, fifth and sixth year level is each unit offered a residential school for off-campus students? (yes/no)
2.6.10Do all units provide the opportunity for formative assessment aimed primarily at facilitating learning as distinct from contributing to the final assessment e.g., electronic quizzes, comments on essays and peer assessment, and marked according to the same criteria and standards as those applying to on-campus assessments? (yes/no)
2.6.11Are assessments which count for the final grade the same for all modes of delivery of the unit?(yes/no)
2.6.12Are assessments and other forms of assessment work marked and returned in a timely manner?(yes/no)
2.6.13Are student evaluations obtained and do academic staff use other additional methods to assess the adequacy of the student learning experience, which may include peer evaluations and external assessors? (yes/no)
2.6.14Where units are offered in different modes are periodic comparisons between the performance of students in the different modes made to ensure the standard of the offerings is comparable? (yes/no)
Special Arrangements for Offshore Teaching
Are any programs offered in off shore locations? ______(yes/no)
If the answer is yes, please answer the following:
2.6.15Are the following features present for all off shore courses:
Have suitably qualified local tutors been appointed to assist with educational advice and support (i.e., eligible for Associate Membership of the APS)? (yes/no)
Is there local administrative assistance?(yes/no)
Is there direct access to staff members that is not just through any agents?(yes/no)
Where the home institution does not intend to offer residential schools in the other country, has a written agreement been undertaken with the students that they can attend residential schools in Australia? (yes/no)
Has access to adequate library, test library and laboratory facilities in the other country been provided, supplemented with the provision of and arrangements with local universities for library, test library and laboratory access to the same standard as that provided to students at the Australian AOU, including electronic access to the home institution’s library resources? (yes/no)
Are local computer supports established? (yes/no)
Is there evidence of on-going scrutiny of students’ academic progress to ensure they are meeting the same standards as those required of Australian students? (yes/no)
Undergraduate 3-Year Sequence Courses
For which undergraduate courses is accreditation being sought?
(Check for all undergraduate courses for which accreditation is sought).
2.3.3Has the title “Bachelor of Psychology” been reserved for integrated four year sequences? (yes/no)
2.3.6Do all bachelor degrees require at least three years of full-time study or equivalent? (yes/no)
Do all bachelor degrees with Honours require four years of full-time study or equivalent? (yes/no)
Please complete the following relevant section for each course listed above.
Three Year Courses
Course title:
2.3.1If this program is a bachelors degree, is the above degree title generic?(NA/yes/no)
Does the course title avoid reference to a specialisation or application in psychology? (yes/no)
2.3.2If this program is a graduate diploma for graduates with a degree in another discipline, does the above diploma title avoid any reference to areas of specialisation or application within the discipline? (NA/yes/no)
3.1.1Is the length of the course three years of full-time study or equivalent? (yes/no)
Course Structure
3.1.2Does the first year of the course include a minimum of 25% psychology? (yes/no)
3.1.3Does the second year of the course include either a minimum of 50% psychology OR a minimum of 33% psychology in the second year and 67% psychology in the third year? (yes/no)
3.1.4Does the third year of the course include a minimum of 50% psychology with the option for students to enrol in more psychology units? (yes/no)
3.1.5Is the course structured to ensure that the core areas in Standard 3.1.7 are covered by all students while also offering the opportunity through elective components for students to study some areas in greater depth? (yes/no)
Course Content
3.1.6Is the emphasis of the course on providing an education in the core discipline of psychology and not in one or more specialist areas of the discipline? (yes/no)
Are the students continuously introduced to the scientific study of psychology? (yes/no)
Do students enter fourth year psychology prepared to pursue advanced studies in a wide range of topics? (yes/no)
Do students develop skills in conducting a range of practical laboratory experiments? (yes/no)
Do students develop report writing skills that conform to the accepted psychological standards? (yes/no)