High School Teacher Data Notebook

Notebook Data / What is it? / Where do I get it?
General Information
  • Demographic Subgroups
  • Sex, race
  • Guidance
  • EC Chairperson
  • ESL Teachers

  • Special Populations
  • Economically disadvantage, ESL, EC, 504

  • Accommodations
  • Special testing allowances: extra time, read aloud etc.

EOC Data All tested subjects
  • EOC Goal Summaries
  • EOC Goal Frequency Reports
  • EOC Class Roster
  • EOC Disaggregated Data
  • These are reports from EOC testing.
  • All of this data will be given to you from the Central Office test coordinator.
  • You can get the disaggregated data off the DPI website about the last of August.

  • EVAAS At-Risk Report all EOC courses
  • Projects students who have a low level chance of making a level III on EOC.
  • All EVAAS reports come from the EVAAS website

  • EVAAS At-Risk Report for English I (all teachers)
  • For teacher grade level students projection on language skills

  • EVAAS At-Risk Report for Algebra I (all teachers)
  • For teacher grade level students projection on math skills

  • EVAAS Student percent projection
  • State percent level student is projected to make on EOC.

  • EVAAS Value Added Report
  • Growth students have made in an EOC course on the last years test.

  • ClassScape data
  • ClassScapetest for all courses that have ClassScape available.
  • All this data comes from the teacher analysis.

  • Common assessment analysis
  • Test given by all teachers to measure students mastery on a short term basis of specific objectives

  • Extend 1 data
  • Extend 2 data
  • Eoc Data algebra I, English I, Biology
  • Data from state testing
  • Central Office data coordinator

  • Work Based program data
  • Records on students who are in work based program
  • Teacher

  • Brigance testing
  • Special testing when needed
  • Teacher

  • Yearly test given to all ESL student
  • Central Office ESL staff

  • Common assessment data
  • Test developed by the teacher to monitor student mastery
  • Teacher

Physical Education
  • Fitness Test Data
  • Fitness test given at the end of each school year
  • Central Office physical education coordinator

  • Health common assessment data
  • Test developed by the teacher to monitor student mastery
  • Teacher

  • CTE EOC analysis
  • State test given at the end of each course.
  • CTE Director

  • Benchmark data
  • Test given at six and twelve weeks to measure students mastery
  • Teacher

  • Common assessments data
  • Test given by the teacher to monitor student mastery
  • Teacher

Other Testing if Administered
  • Gates McGinnitie
  • Reading test administered 8th graders
  • Teacher/guidance

  • CTBS Math
  • Math test administer to 8th graders

  • Performance data
  • Any data collected based on student performance. May be recognitions, etc.
  • Teacher

  • Common assessment data
  • Test given by teacher to monitor mastery

  • D and F list
  • List of students making D’s or F’s
  • Teacher

  • At risk list
  • Students at risk of failing course

  • PEP’s
  • Attendance issues
  • Student personal education plan

  • Parent contact report
  • List of parents contacted during time period

  • Discipline report
  • Students with discipline issues

  • Pyramid of intervention
  • Process by which teacher determines what interventions to use for a student
  • Principal

Note: Principal can add additional information for the notebook as needed for the school.