Tests for final control at hygiene and ecology
for students of II course (Dentistry)
1. What research method in hygiene is not used for investigation of environmental factors?
B. Microbiological
2. Which device may be used for determination of erythemic dose of ultraviolet radiation?
3. Name the boundary of area A of ultraviolet radiation?
B.280-320 nm
C.10-100 nm
4. Name the boundary of area B of ultraviolet radiation?
A.280-320 nm
C.10-100 nm
5. Name the boundary of area C of ultraviolet radiation?
D.10-100 nm
E.280-320 nm
6. Name physiological dose of UV-radiation if erythemic dose is 4 min?
A.2 min
B.1 min
C.4 min
D.8 min
E.16 min
7. Sources of UV radiation are used for children irradiation with purposes of improvement their health and diseases prophylaxis. What artificial sources of UV radiation do not use for this purposes?
A. Bactericidial lamps
B. Direct mercury quarts lamp
C. Erythemic lamps – 15
D. Erythemic lamps – 30
E. Argon – quarts lamp
8. What parameter of natural light is measured by geometrical method?
A. Light coefficient
B.Light current
D. Coefficient of natural lightning
E.Light energy
9. What from the listed parameters of natural illumination is measured by technical method?
A.Coefficient of natural lighting
B.Angle of incidence
C.Angle of opening
D.Light coefficient
E.Coefficient of embedding
10. Point on the unfavorable property of the luminescent lamps?
A.Stroboscope effect
B.Low brilliance
C. Spectrum as a natural light
D.Low light return
E.Diffuse light
11. What should be minimal value of an angle of opening on a working place in the class-room?
A.5 °C
B.15 °C
C.10 °C
D.17 °C
E.27 °C
12. What should be minimal value of an incidence angle of light beams on a working place in the class-room?
A.27 °C
B.17 °C
C.20 °C
D.25 °C
E.15 °C
13. Point on the minimum level of artificial lighting with using of the luminescent lamps in class room?
A.300 lux
B.150 lux
C.200 lux
D.400 lux
14. There are two windows in the room. The height of window is 2 m, width is 1,5 m. Area of flour is 36 m2. What light coefficient is in this room?
A. 1/6
B. 1/3
C. 1/5
D. 1/4
E. 1/7
15. In the class-room of secondary school level of natural light is 100 lx. At the same time level of natural light outside is 20000 lx. What coefficient of natural lighting is?
A. 0.5 %
B. 1 %
C. 2 %
D. 5 %
E. 10 %
16. A student must estimate microclimatic parameters in a classroom. What index from lover listed should not be determined, because it does not belong to the factors of the microclimate?
A.Content of dust
B. Radiation temperature of surfaces
C.Atmospheric pressure
D.Relative air humidity
E. Velocity of air movement
17. What from the listed parameters is normalized at a hygienic estimation of a microclimate in premises?
A.Relative humidity of air
B.Absolute humidity of air
C.Minimal humidity of air
D.Deficit of humidity
E.Physiological deficiency of saturation
18. What maximal horizontal difference of temperature is supposed in rooms?
A.2-3 oC
B.0.5-0.8 oC
C.1-1.5 oC
E.4-4.5 oC
19. What maximal vertical difference of temperature is supposed for estimation of microclimate?
A.1.5-2 oC
B.2-3 oC
C.4-4.5 oC
D.0.5-0.8 oC
20. What maximal difference of temperature is supposed in rooms within 24 hours?
B.0.5-0.8 oC
C.1-1.5 oC
D.2-3 oC
21. For study the effect of microclimate on human organism in hospital ward it is necessary to organize a systematic observance over air temperature during several days. Choose an apparatus, which allows to do it the most exactly:
B.Alcohol thermometer
C.Mercury thermometer
D. Catathermometer
E.August psychrometer
22. What device can not be used for measurement of relative humidity of air?
B.Psychrometer of August
D.Film hygrometer
E.Assmann aspirative psychrometer
23. For study the effect of microclimate on human organism it is necessary to organize a systematic observance of relative humidity during several days. Choose an apparatus, which allows to do it the most exactly:
D. Anemometer
E.August psychrometer
24. During the sanitary inspection of hospital determination of air movement was done. What device is used for measurement of air velocity movement outdoors?
A. Anemometer
B. Dynamometer
C. Catathermometer
D. Hydrometer
E. Spirometer
25. What optimum air temperature should be in cloak-room?
A.16-18 °C
C. 20-22°C
E. 25°C
26. What optimum air temperature should be in living room in winter?
A.18 °C
E. 26°C
27. What optimum air temperature should be in kitchen of hostel?
A.18 °C
B. 22°C
E. 26°C
28. What optimum air temperature should be in bath room?
A.25 °C
C. 20°C
E. 18°C
29. Name minimum allowable relative humidity of air in rooms in cold and transitional seasons of year?
A.Not less30%
B.Not less 50%
C.Not less 70%
D.Not less 45%
E.Not less 20%
30. Name maximum allowable relative humidity of air in rooms in warm season of year?
A.Not more 60%
B.Not more 80%
C.Not more 50%
D.Not more 45%
E.Not more 35%
31. Name maximum allowable relative humidity of air in rooms in cold season of year?
A.Not more 45%
B.Not more 80%
C.Not more 50%
D.Not more 60%
E.Not more 35%
32. Name allowable velocity of air movement in inhabited premises in a cold season?
A.Not more 0.3 m/c
B.Not more 0.5 m/c
C.Not more 0.7 m/c
D.Not more 1 m/c
E.Not more 2 m/c
33. Name allowable velocity of air movement in inhabited premises in a warm season?
A.Not more 0.5 m/c
B.Not more 0.7 m/c
C.Not more 0.3 m/c
D.Not more 1 m/c
E.Not more 2 m/c
34. The hygienic estimation of work’s conditions of a registry of dental clinic shows: air temperature is +23oC in warm period, relative humidity is 60%, velocity of air movement is 0.05 m/s. What should be done to normalize a microclimate on the workplace?
A. Increase the velocity of air movement
B. Decrease the air temperature
C. Increase the relative humidity
D. Decrease the velocity of air movement
E. Decrease the relative humidity
35. It is known, that in city N the predominated wind is east one. Where chemical factory must be placed as regards the living zone of city?
A.In west direction
B.In north direction
C.In south direction
D.In south-east direction
E. In east direction
36. Name the maximum permissible concentration of C02 in living room ?
37. Name the optimum concentration of C02 in living room ?
B.0.1 %
C.0.05 %
D.0.3 %
E.0.5 %
38. What method had to be used for determination of C02 content in atmospheric air?
E.Visual colorimetry
39. What reagents are used fordetermination of C02 in air?
A.NaHC03 and phenolphthalein
B.H2S04 and Tilman's reagent
C.NaHC03 and methyl orange
D. BaCl2 and methyl orange
E.Na2S04 and phenolphthalein
40. What is an maximum permissible concentration limit of CO in atmospheric air?
A. 5.0 mg\m3
B. 3.0 mg\m3
C. 10.0 mg\m3
D. 20.0 mg\m3
E. 30.0 mg\m3
41. Name the average daily permissible concentration of C0 in atmospheric air?
A.3.0 mg/m3
B.0.5 mg/m3
C.0.1 mg/m3
D.5.0 mg/m3
E.10.0 mg/m3
42. What is an average daily permissible concentration limit of SO2 in atmospheric air?
A 0.05 mg\m3
B 0.01 mg\m3
C 0.1 mg\m3
D 0.2 mg\m3
E 0.5 mg\m3
43. What is an maximum permissible concentration limit of SO2 in atmospheric air?
A 0.5 mg\m3
B 0.01 mg\m3
C 0.1 mg\m3
D 0.2 mg\m3
E 0.05 mg\m3
44. What is the main aim of sanitary-topographical investigation of water source?
A. Determination of possible source of water pollution and way of penetration of pollution
B. Determination of water horizon which planned to be used for water consumption
C. Determination of relief, types of ground, type of water source
D. Determination of organoleptical, chemical and bacteriological indices of water
E. Determination of building’s location near the water source
45. What water source of centralized water supply is most corresponded to hygienic requirements by bacteriological indices usually ?
- Artesian water
- Water reservoir
- River
- Underground water
- Lake
46. Drinking water corresponding to hygienic standards must:
A. Have good organoleptical properties, chemical composition and not contain any pathogenic microorganisms
- Not cause a complains from more than 2% of consumers
- Not cause a complains from consumers
- Be clean and transparent
- Be tasty, clean, transparent, cool
47. What measure is not necessary for sampling water from a water pipe for bacteriological analysis?
A. Pass water through filter
B. Flaming of water tap before sampling
C. Pouring of water from water tap during 15 min
D. Sampling some air with the water
E. Use a sterile laboratory utensils
48. Best temperature of water for drinking is:
A.7-12 °C
B.5-7 °C
C. 15-18°C
E. 20-25 °C
49. How is intensity of smell normalized for drinking water at the centralized water-supply?
A.Not more 2 points
B.Not more 3 points
C.Not less 2 points
D.Not normalize
E.Not less 3 points
50. How is intensity of smell normalized for drinking water at the decentralized water-supply?
A.Not more 3points
B.Not more 2points
C.Not less 2 points
D.Not normalize
E.Not less 3 points
51. How is intensity of taste normalized for drinking water at the centralized water-supply?
A.Not more 2 points
B.Not more 3 points
C.Not less 2 points
D.Not normalize
E.Not less 3 points
52. How is intensity of taste normalized for drinking water at the decentralized water-supply?
A.Not more 3points
B.Not more 2points
C.Not less 2 points
D.Not normalize
E.Not less 3 points
53. What index from the lower listed is not characterized for mineral composition of water?
А. Oxidation
В. Carbonic hardness
С. Chlorides contain
D. Sulphates contain
E. General hardness
54. For determination of water transparency it is necessary to use:
А. Glass cylinderwith the flat bottom
В. Burette for titration
С. Tubes of colorimetric scale
D. Flask with phenolphthalein
E. Batometer
55. People of village use drinking water from the well. The well has old wooden frame work. The pail of common use is absent. Laboratory analysis shows high level of E. coli. Make up the conclusion about water quality.
A. Water is polluted by human feces
B. Water pollution is absent
C. Water is polluted by non-organic fertilizers
D. Water is polluted by organic substances of vegetable origin
E. Water is polluted by minerals
56. The mine well is used for drinking purposes. What parameter of its equipment is not satisfying hygienic requirements?
А. Water is taken by individual pails
В. Hight of framework over the ground is lm
С. Well has lid
D. The walls of well are watertight
Е. Well has enclosure
57. Tooth decay morbidity among people living in town N is 89%. They drink water containing 0,01mg/l fluorine. What prevention could you advise?
А: Water fluorination
В: Inhalation of fluorine
С: Brushing teeth with fluorine-content tooth-paste
D: Use vitamins
Е: Eat more vegetables
58. The artesian chink is situated out off the residential area, the nearest territory is free of pollution and covered. Water analysis: taste – 2points, coli-tytre- 500 ml, ammonia -0.01 mg/l, transparence - 40 cm, microbial number – 28, nitrites – traces, nitrates - 72,0 mg/l, fluorine – 0,9 mg/l. What disease can be caused by drinking this water?
А: Water-nitrate methemoglobinemia
В: Syderoachrestic anemia
С: Endemic goiter
D: Dysentery
Е: Gastritis
59. What is organic pollution of animal origin?
А. Fecal of human and animals which get into water source
В. Animal carcasses which get into water source
С. Use of the reservoir for bathing of cattle
D. Result of vital activity of fish and aquatic birds
Е. Result of near placed industrial enterprises
60. What index (from the lower listed) is characterized water pollution by animal origin too much?
А. Chlorides, sulphates, oxidation, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, coli-index, microbial number
В. Chlorides, sulphates, oxidation, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, coli-titer, zinc
С. Chlorides, sulphates, nitrates, nitrites, coli-index, microbial number, fluorine
D. Iron, chlorides, sulphates, smell, coli-titer, coli-index, lead, mercury
Е. Iron, ammonia, nitrites, coli-index, oxidation, feculence, dry residue, pH
61. What index from the lower listed is not used for determination of organic pollution of water?
А. Smell
В. Oxidation
С. Microbial number
D. Contain of ammonia
E. Contain of chlorides
62. What mean of index from the lower listed is characterized for fresh pollution of water?
А Contain of ammonia more than 0.1 mg/dm3
В. Quantity of color more than 25o
С. Contain of chlorides more than 20 mg/dm3
D. Contain of nitrates more than 15 mg/dm3
E. Transparency more than 35 cm
63. What mean of index from the lower listed is characterized for intermediate pollution of water?
А. Contain of nitrites - 0.002 mg/dm3
В. Feculence - 2.0 mg/dm3
С. Contain of chlorides - 180 mg/dm3
D. Coli-titer – 200
E. Taste — 1 point
64. What mean of index from the lower listed is characterized for old pollution of water?
А Contain of nitrates more than 45 mg/dm3
В. Quantity of color more than 20o
С. Contain of iodine more than 0.02 mg/dm3
D. Contain of ammonia more than 0.3 mg/dm3
E. General hardness more than 7.0 mg еquiv/dm3
65. Residential area uses drinking water from the lake. According the results of the analysis transparency is 20 cm, smell and taste — 2 points, general hardness – 5,5 mg eqv/l, fluorine – 1,1 mg/dm3, coli-index - 6. What water conditioning should they to use?
66. The sample of water was taken from the well. The results of the analysis: transparency — 30 cm, quantity of color — 25o, smell and taste — 2 points, nitrates 30 mg/dm3, coli-index - 18. What index of water quality does not satisfy hygienic rules?
А. Coli-index
В. Transparency
С. Smell
D. Taste
E. Quantity of color
67. Which method does not used for disinfection of water?
A. Treatment by aluminium sulfate
B. Ozone-treatment
C. Treatment by calcium hypochloride
D. Ultraviolet irradiation
E. Treatment by “Halazone” tablets
68. It was conducted epidemiological survey in the area near lakeN. Which diseases are water-borne infections?
А: Leptospirosis
В: Ornithosis
С: Lepra
D: Malaria
Е: Krimean hemorrhagic fever
69. What dish is not recommended to be planned for breakfast?
A.Mushroom soup
C.Fried eggs
D.Frying fish
E. Mashed potatoes
70. What dish is not recommended to be planned for supper?
A.Roasted beef
B.Baked pudding
D.Tinned fish
E. Vinaigrette
71. What drink is not recommended for supper?
A.Chocolate cocktail
B.Tomato juice
D.Apple juice
72. How many professional groups of workers are divided the population on?
73. To which professional group of workers does surgeon belong?
74. Name the optimum share of proteins in the nutrition
75. How many of proteins in the nutrition of adults must belong to proteins of animal origin?
E. 20%
76. Nutrition of adult person consist of 12% proteins, 40% fats, 47% carbohydrates (by weight). Does such nutrition correspond with hygienic rules?
A.Too many fats, not enough of carbohydrates
B.Too many fats, not enough of proteins
C.Too many carbohydrates, not enough of proteins
D.Too many proteins, not enough of fats
E.Nutrition correspond with hygienic rules
77. Point rational percentage of carbohydrates in ration.
E. 65-70%
78. Power inputs of man should be compensated on 54-56% of carbohydrates. How much of carbohydrates must belong to sugar?
E. 15%
79. What is the optimal ratio between nutrients in the senior man diet:
80. What product could you recommend for correction of calcium deficit in the diet?
A. Cottage curd
B. Soybean products
C. Eggs
D. Fish
E. Wheaten bread
81. What ratio between Ca and P in a daily diet is recommended?
82. What food consist a lot of vitamin B1
A.Cereals and beans
B.Potato, beet
C.Dairy product
E.Cabbage, onion
83. What food consist a lot of vitamin PP?
A.Bread, corn
B.Potato, beet
C.Cherry, plum
D.Cabbage, onion
E.Carrot, cucumbers
84. What food consist a lot of vitamin E?
B.Potato, cabbage
C.Grapes, plum
D.Onion, garlic
E.Tomato, red pepper
85. For estimation of vitamin C sufficiency any food products and materials from human organism are researched. What method is not used for estimation of vitamin C sufficiency?
A. Determination of vitamin C in digestive juice
B. Determination of vitamin C in fruit juice
C. Determination of vitamin C in dishes ready to serve
D. Determination of vitamin C in urine
E. Determination of vitamin C in blood plasma
86. What disease can course in the case of vitamin C insufficiency?
E.Angular stomatitis
87. What vitamin is not collected in organism?
A. C
88. A vegetable diet is indicated to a patient with urine acid diathesis and signs of A-hypovitaminosis. Which of the listed foodstuffs which this diet includes is the main source of carotene?
B. Green peas
C. Lettuce
D. Spring onions
89. What vitamin is formed in the human organism under influence of solar radiation?
A.Vitamin D
B.Vitamin B
C.Vitamin C
D.Vitamin A
E.Vitamin B12
90. What disease can course in the case of vitamin D insufficiency?
B.Angular stomatitis
E. Pellagra
91. What population group is not group of risk in accordance of UV deficiency?
B.Workers of metro
C.People in North region
92. What food could you advise for diet correction by iron.
E. Grapes
93. Nutrition of girl 17years old consist of: vitamin A – 1.5 mg, D – 3 mcg, B2 – 0.6 mg, PP – 16 mg, C – 85 mg. Girl complaints of helyosis, glossitis, angular stomatitis, conjunctivitis. What is your diagnosis?
A. Hypovitaminosis B2
B.Hypovitaminosis D
C.Hypovitaminosis A
D.Hypovitaminosis- C
E.Hypovitaminosis- PP
94. What device is used for definition of fatness of milk?
A. Butirometer
D. Spectrometer
95. What device is used for definition of density of milk?
E.Butirometer r
96. What mean of acidity from the lower listed is characterized for fresh milk?
A.16-18 °
B.18-22 °C
C.23-25 °C
D.13-15 °
E.10-12 °
97. What mean of acidity from the lower listed is characterized for fresh enough milk?
A.20-22 °
B.16-18 °
C.13-15 °
D.23-25 °
E.26-30 °
98; It is necessary to estimate the quality of milk at results of analysis: color – whitish, smell and taste – without peculiarities, density – 1.028, acidity - 18T, fat – 3.2 %.
A.Milk is of good quality
B.Milk is of decreased quality
C.Milk is conditionally suitable
D.Milk is of poor quality
E.Milk is adulterated
99. What mean of acidity from the lower listed is characterized for wheaten bread?
A.3-4 °
B.12-14 °
C.18-20 °
D.5-6 °
E.7-8 °
100. What mean of acidity from the lower listed is characterized for rye-bread?
A.11-12 °
B.3-4 °
D.18-20 °
E.7-8 °
101. What mean of porosity from the lower listed is premised for wheaten bread?
A.Not less 72 % °
B.Not more50 %
C.Not more 40 %
D.Not less 60 °
E.Not more 20 %
102. What mean of porosity from the lower listed is premised for rye-bread?
A.Not less 48 % °
B.Not less 60 %
C.Not more 85 %
D.Not less 20 °
E.Not more 35 %
103. Which reagents are used for chemical probes for freshness of meat?
A.Lead acetate and Eber’s reagent
B. Phenolphthalein and sodium carbonate
C.Potassium chloride and methyl orange
D.Tilman’s reagent and sulphuric acid
E.Nessler’s reagent and segnetic salt
104. What kind of food poisoning mostly is connected with consumption of confectionery with cream?
- Staphylococcal toxicosis
B. Fusariotoxicosis
C. Aflatoxicosis
D. Botulism
E. Ergotism
105. What kind of food poisoning may be connected with consumption of grain products?
- Fusariotoxicosis
B. Staphylococcal intoxication
C. Food toxicoinfection
D. Botulism
E. Alimentary paroxysmal-toxic myoglobinuria
106. What kind of food poisoning may be connected with consumption of products made from winter standing crops?
A. Alimentary-toxic aleukia
B. Food toxicoinfection
C. Staphylococcal intoxication
D. Ergotism
E. Botulism
107. After eating of raw hen's eggs the family with signs of gastroenterocolitis was delivered to hospital. What disease can be the most probable?
A. Salmonellosis
В: Aflatoxicosis
С: Leptospirosis
D: Botulism
Е: Ergotism
108. What index from the lower listed applies to somatoscopic method of study of physical development?
A. Form of the feet
B. Stature upright
C. Weight
D. Circumference of the thorax
E. Stature sitting
109. What index from the lower listed applies to physiometrical method of physical development study?
A.Vital capacity of lungs
B.Stature upright
C.Development of musculature
D. Extent of sexual development
E. Circumference of head
110.What index from lower listed applies to somatometric method of study of physical development?
A.Circumference of the head
B.State of the bone-muscular system
C.Form of feet
D.Muscular strength
E.Vital capacity of the lungs
111. What index from lower listed doesn’t apply to somatometric method of study of physical development?
A. Extent of sexual development