Update on 2013-2016 Strategic Plan


Strategic Planning Feedback for 2016-2021

Vision: A unified voice for nursing excellence.

Mission: Guide the ongoing development of a well-prepared and diverse nursing workforce to meet the needs of the citizens of North Dakota through research, education, recruitment and retention, advocacy and public policy.

Areas of Emphasis:

  • Nursing Education and Faculty Resources
  • Workplace Planning
  • Practice and Policy
  • Research and Development

Projects and Early Outcomes

Infrastructure Building
Establish office, Board of Directors, Leadership Team and communication platform- establish infrastructure for the development of the ND Center for Nursing. / Developed organizational structure including a Board of Directors that represents 13 nursing organizations and stakeholders, a leadership team that represents over 40 nurses and has over 110 members.
Established office in Fargo and obtained 501c3 non-profit status.
Established logo and marketing materials.
Established website that has had 600,710 hits between Jan. to present.
Established monthly enewsletter that is distributed to over 20,000 nurses and other interested stakeholders.
Developed social media presence including facebook, twitter and linkedin.
Established key media contacts to promote NDCN statewide through television, newspapers and radio.
Building Fundraising Infrastructure for the ND Center for Nursing- Develop a global approach to integration of health care facilities and other donors into future funding strategies for the ND Center for Nursing. / Developed successful proposal to provide infrastructure funding for the ND Center for Nursing through the addition of a $30 licensure fee.
Joined the Impact Foundation and are working on fully developing fundraising infrastructure based on Funding Logic Model of internal and external operations and steps of fundraising including telling your story, attracting donors, sustaining donors, raising major gifts and planned giving.
Participated in Giving Hearts Day in 2014 and 2015. Total Donations received through all efforts as of July 2015 is $235,970.25 with 99 individual donors and 31 organizational donors.
A Celebration of the Unification of the Voice of Nursing- Increase team building, recognition and commitment to the work of the Center for Nursing while increasing visibility of the ND Center for Nursing through an annual celebration that will over time serve as an annual fundraiser. / Hosted a small celebration in conjunction with the ND Action Coalition Leadership Summit in 2013.
Co-planned the NDBON 100th Anniversary Celebration including a gala in the Spring 2015. The first Legendary Nurse awards were awarded to 16 nurses.
A five year celebration is being planned for Spring of 2016.
Nursing Education and Faculty Resources
Faculty Online Orientation and Development Resources- Provide resources to recruit and retain nursing faculty and to provide development/orientation resources. / Developed faculty recruitment website on the Legendary Nurse Portal.
Developed faculty recruitment brochures and posters and distributed to all education programs.
Purchased NurseTimonline faculty development resource subscription for all education programs. As of June 2015 174 faculty have subscribed, 584 webinars have been viewed and 504 CE credits earned.
ND Center for Nursing Preceptor Program- Develop a process to identify nurse preceptors and to provide preceptor education to nurses in ND. / APRN Preceptor Bureau to connect interested APRN preceptors with ND education programs launched January 2016. Ten APRNs have signed up for the Bureau.
SAGE preceptor webinar developed. 5 have completed the webinar as of June 2015.
Interactive APRN component will be piloted fall of 2015.
Undergraduate preceptor resource document under development for students to provide to their preceptor during clinical experiences starting Fall 2015.
Undergraduate preceptor webinar and resource page under development.
Workplace Planning
Statewide Nurse Recruitment Program- Attracting a well-qualified pool of diverse nurses to fit projected nursing needs. / Launched self-hosted Career Center January 2015. 47 jobs posted since launch. Job flashes sent to over 20,000 emails in July 2015.
Legendary Nurse Portal launched January 2015 incudes information for potential students, opportunities for nurses and nurse faculty information.
Plan to connect with the state student Health Care Occupation Student Organization, utilize facebook advertising and exhibit at a national conference this year.
Enhancing the ND Work Environment for Nurses- Work to retain talent through the development of strategies and examining the development of interventions for the workplace environment. / In Fall 2014, launched ND Pathways to Excellence Pilot Hospital Program with six hospitals that are working on a total 9 areas including shared governance, orientation, mentoring, compensation structures, balanced lifestyles, collaborative communication, evidence-based practice and quality initiatives.
Plan to launch Pathways pilot program for Long Term care in Fall of 2015.
Plan to host LPN stakeholder meeting in Fall 2015.
Practice and Policy
Increasing Nursing Advocacy and Empowerment at the State Policy Level- Inform and empower the nursing community to influence health care policy. / Developed advocacy website and resources.
Hosted weekly legislative update calls during each of the last two sessions and every other month during the interim for the leadership team.
Encouraged collaborative networking across nursing organizations during legislative sessions.
Hosted Nurses Day at the Legislature in the Spring of 2015. Attended by over 256 nurses and nursing students.
Developed and lobbied for one policy brief during Spring 2013 and two policy briefs in Spring 2015 legislative session.
Developed list of “Sphere of Influence” Governor appointed boards and state insurance boards. Have encouraged nurses to apply. Increased from 19 nurses in 2014 to 23 nurses in 2015.
Increased Utilization of Evidence-Based Practice Resource Center- Promote utilization of evidence based practice and increase visibility of ND produced resources. / Migrated State Online Journal Club to Evidence Based Practice Resource Center. Currently there are 294 links to CATs, NDBON Practice Statements, AHRQ Clinician Summaries and other Resources.
Developed video featuring nurses talking about how they have implemented evidence based practice in their workplace.
Hosted EBP Bootcamp in Fall of 2014 with 24 attendees.
Developing short online videos on PICO steps to add to website this Fall, 2015.
Research and Development
Develop a statewide ND Nursing practice-based research network to connect academic, practice and other nursing researchers and to provide resources in Quality, EBP, Nursing and Education research. / Developed comparison document for Quality, EBP and Nursing Research and disseminated widely.
Hosted statewide research conference that was attended by 52 nurses in order to start developing connections and determine next steps.
Plan to launch a researcher/topic listing website, to host a state research conference in Spring of 2016 and develop strategies for connecting community colleges, universities and health care facilities.
North Dakota Action Coalition
Provide continued support for leadership development programming in response to the Future of Nursing IOM Report and as a part of the National Campaign for Action. / Action Coalition workgroups and consultants developed online webinar programs on communication, change/innovation/systems thinking and health policy/advocacy leadership development. Launched webinars in January 2015. 39 nurses have completed one of the webinars as of July 2015.
Evaluation of webinars, development of program for those that complete all four webinars and leadership projects and next steps will be determined in Fall 2015.