Soc Sci 120 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Instructor: Ms. Blanche Phone: 714-992-7374 E-Mail: (Note: In the subject line of your email, state:“student”)
Class time and location: MW - 1:30 to 3:20, Room 721
TTh - 10:am to 11:50, Room 127
Office: 1254-01(see map in packet)
Office Hours: (itis advisable that you make an appointment):
Mon. & Weds. from 3:20 – 4:20(I may be late due to staying to help my stat students in Rm. 721),
Tues. and Thurs. from 1:30 to 3 pm
PRE-REQUISITE: Math 40 Intermediate Algebra (or a high school intermediate algebra course) with a grade C or higher. If you have not already proven that you have met this pre-req, you need to turn in, on or before the fifth class, proof that you meet this pre-requisite. You will need to turn in a COPY of your records that prove you meet this pre-requisite, and I will keep the copies in case I have questions and need to further research your eligibility with counselors or in your record on the internet. If you took Math 40 or higher at FC, you may turn in a COPY of your official transcript, or a print-out of your transcript from the web, or a COPY of your math placement form (from the math department). If you took the equivalent at high school or at another college, you need to obtain a copy of that transcript and turn in a COPY of it to me, along with verification of the course’s equivalency to Math 40 Intermediate Algebra (that is, if the transcript states Math B, or Math 2, etc… you must also turn in proof of that course’s equivalency to Math 40 Intermediate Algebra). You need to drop this course immediately if you cannot prove, by turning in copies of the appropriate documents by the fifth class, that you have met this pre-requisite.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to probability and statistics. This course covers descriptive and inferential statistics as well as the probabilistic basis of statistical inference. Computers and calculators will be utilized. Data sets and problems will be from the social sciences.
SUPPLIES: In addition to paper, pencil, and RED PEN, you will also need the following supplies.
TEXTBOOK: Basic Statistical Analysis, Eighth Edition, by Richard Sprinthall (with SPSS cd rom if you want to work your computer assignments at your home) - Note, this is a new edition of the text; make sure you are purchasing the EIGHTH edition.
SUPPLEMENTAL PACKET: Purchase a supplemental packet at the bookstore. The bookstore sells supplemental packets for all my courses so make sure that you are purchasing the packet for SOC SCI 120. This packet contains lecture notes, homework assignments and computer assignments. You will need to bring this packet to class everyday. After you purchase the packet, check to see if you are missing any pages so that I can replace any missing pages before they are needed.
CALCULATOR: You need a small electronic calculator with a SQUARE ROOT ( ) key. You do NOT need a fancy calculator. The type of calculator you need can be purchased for less than ten dollars at any discount store, drug store, grocery store, etc. You may NOT use a calculator on your telephone during an exam.
GRAPH PAPER: You will need about 6 pages of graph paper. I prefer graph paper that is 4 quadrille (4 squares per inch) on one side and 5 quadrille (5 squares per inch) on the other side, and three-hole punched. You have the option of purchasing 6 sheets from your instructor for 25 cents. You need to have the graph paper for the third class period.
COMPUTER LAB: If you need to use a computer on campus to do your computer assignments, then you need to purchase, at the campus bookstore, “Fullerton College Campus Printing.” Be very specific as there are different types of printing accounts.
BRING TO CLASS EVERYDAY: pencils, paper, RED PEN, CALCULATOR, TEXTBOOK, and supplemental packet, starting the second class period.
GRADING POLICY: Grades will be based on the following items.
EXAMS: There will be five unit exams as listed on the following calendar. Each exam will be worth 50 points, and will consist of multiple-choice and T/F questions as well as calculations. It is the nature of this course that each exam will be cumulative, but exams will stress current material. You will be allowed to use one-half page of notes (one half of an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper), both the front and back sides, during your first 3 exams and a full sheet of notes (8.5 x 11 piece of paper), both the front and back sides, for exam 4, exam 5 and the final. On this paper, you should WRITE (do not type or copy) formulas, notes, and other information that you will need during the exam. Your notes that you use during an exam should be clearly organized and you should be very familiar with the material as there is a time limit on exams. You may NOT take an exam early AND YOU MAY MAKE UP ONE EXAM ON THE LAST DAY OF CLASS. If you take all of your exams, you may re-take one exam on the last day of classes. The exams given on the last day of class (as either make-up exams or re-takes) are similar to the regular exams, but are slightly harder.
(Total points possible: 250)
FINAL EXAMINATION: The final examination will be similar to the unit exams except that it will be longer and will contain a significant amount of review information. You must take the final exam as scheduled in order to receive a passing course grade. (Total points possible: 75).
HOMEWORK: Homework is due at the beginning of class (see the class calendar for due dates). Assignments #1 - #10 are worth 3 points each, and assignments #11 - #18 are worth 5 points each. If you miss a class, check with another student in class to see if there were changes made to the homework assignment that is listed on your calendar. LATE HOMEWORK (that is, not turned in at the BEGINNING of the class when it is due) WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, for any reason whatsoever. If you have an emergency and cannot turn in a homework assignment, there are two extra credit assignments that you can do for the possibility of up to 8 extra credit points total (one for a maximum of 3 extra points and one for a maximum of 5 extra points). Homework will be graded on effort, that is, whether your homework is COMPLETE, CLEAR AND ALL WORK IS SHOWN. Also, in class practice problems are often considered as part of your homework assignment (Total points possible: 70 points).
Note on homework: Your homework score will be REDUCED if you do not follow these directions. Write your Row number, Seat number and Name on the upper right hand corner of your homework. Work neatly (if I can’t read it, you don’t get credit). Show ALL work. Staple your pages together. Complete your homework BEFORE walking into class (if you are working on your homework at the beginning of class you will not get ANY points for that assignment).
Your homework score will also be reduced if you do not work practice problems, completely and accurately, in class, that are considered part of the next day’s homework assignment.
If you are absent from class (for ANY reason) your homework is not accepted late andany assignments due on the class after your absence will also not be accepted late.
In the unlikely event that your instructor is absent for a class period, THE FOLLOWING HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT IS STILL DUE AS SCHEDULED.
COMPUTER ASSIGNMENTS: There are five computer assignments (computer assignments number 1, 3 and 4 are worth 10 points each and assignments number 2 and 5 are worth 15 points each) that are to be completed using the statistical program SPSS. ONE late computer assignment (accept for computer assignment #5) may be turned in, FOR HALF CREDIT, within a week of its due date, otherwise, late computer assignments will not be accepted.
(Total points possible: 60)
For those students who need extra help with the instructions for the statistical package, we will review those instructions after exam one (see calendar) in the computer lab. For this class period you will need a network account so that you can log into a computer at the computer lab on campus. Therefore, you need to go to a computer lab and set up your network account before the lecture that is held in the computer lab.
Also, if you will want to print at the computer lab on the day we have our class in the lab, you will also need to bring the receipt from the bookstore that shows that you have purchased campus printing to the lab at least a week before our scheduled class there. A lab aid will need to set up a printing account for you BEFORE our class is held there.
JOURNAL ARTICLE ASSIGNMENT: In your supplemental packet, there are directions for a journal article assignment. We will go over these directions after the lecture on Chapter 9. This assignment involves reading a professional journal article and typing a paper that addresses many of the topics that we have learned during the semester including: the scientific method, research methods and of course, probability and statistics. This assignment is due at the BEGINNING of class on the day that it is due (see calendar). While this assignment will be accepted within a week of its due date, you receive NO MORE THAN HALF CREDIT.
(Total points possible: 10 points).
Save all graded assignments (homework, computer assignments, etc…) until the end of the semester, in the unlikely event there is a problem with your final grade.
To facilitate taking roll and returning homework and other assignments, there will be seating assignments. On the second day of class, please sit where you will be comfortable for the rest of the semester. Often you will be required to work in groups with those who sit next to you. Therefore you should consider whether you are likely to work well with those around you when choosing your seat assignment. Please note that the instructor may change seating assignments during the semester, if the need arises.
If you miss class it is your responsibility to get the notes you missed from another student in class (not from your teacher) and, of course, to still turn in your homework on time, to receive credit (there is no excuse for late homework).
EXTRA CREDIT: There are two extra credit assignments in your supplemental packet. The first one is 3 points and we will go over the instructions at the beginning of the semester. The second one is worth 5 points and we will go over the directions for this assignment after the lecture on Chapter 9. See the calendar in this syllabus for the date of the last day that you can turn in these extra credit assignments. (You may receive a maximum of eight extra credit points.)
ATTENDANCE: Class attendance is CRITICAL to doing well in this course. Attendance will be taken every class. You MAY be dropped for poor attendance (3 or more absences). Due to the nature of this course, regular absences will NOT be tolerated, as it severely impacts your performance in the class, and in fact, negatively affects the whole class. Do not, however, depend on the instructor to drop you from the course. If you choose to drop this course, you MUST file the appropriate drop form. If you just stop attending class, and do not officially drop this course, you will receive an “F” grade for the semester.
FullertonCollege is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities upon request of the student (in a timely fashion) and upon verification of disability.
Please take note of the safety features in and close to your classroom, as well as study the posted evacuation route. The most direct route of egress may not be the safest because of the existence of roofing tiles or other potentially hazardous conditions. Similarly, running out of the building can also be dangerous during severe earthquakes. During strong quakes the recommended response is to duck-cover- and hold until the shaking stops. Follow the guidance of your instructor. You are asked to go to the designated assembly area. Your cooperation during emergencies can minimize the possibility of injury to yourself and to others.
Please refer to the current Fullerton College Catalog for this course: pre-requisites, catalogue description, and course objectives.
Behavior: Do not do anything that will (1) prevent your instructor from teaching and/or (2) prevent another student from learning.
Do Not:
Be Tardy
Leave Early (if you have to leave early, let the instructor know before class)
Interrupt or talk over others
Bring visitors to class – your children, siblings or friends, etc. (I must enforce this rule because the school’s liability insurance does not cover visitors.)
Work on homework or copy notes for this class or any other class during class time
Do not text message during class
Eat or drink during class
Turn off cell phones and pagers before class
Respect every individual in this class
Refer to the Academic Honesty policy presented in the current Fullerton College Catalog.
Listen quietly and refrain from talking while the instructor is talking or while another student is talking to the class.
Exams I - VHomework #1 - 10 / 250 points
30 points / A
B / 418.5 - 465
372 - 418 / 90%
Homework #11 - 18
Computer Assignments
Article Review Paper
Final Exam / 40 points
60 points
10 points
75 points / C
F / 325.5 - 371
279 - 325
Below 279 / 70%
TOTAL / 465 points
Do not ask your instructor how you are doing in this course as it is your responsibility to keep track of your grades. The following space is provided to help you keep track of your grades.
Exam I pts. Letter grade Exam II pts. Letter grade
Exam III pts. Letter grade Exam IV pts. Letter grade
Exam V ____ pts. ____ Letter grade
(A 45 – 50; B 40 – 44; C 35 – 39; D 30 – 34; F below 30)
Computer Assignment 1 pts; C. A. 2 ___ pts; C. A. 3 ___ pts; C. A. 4 ___ pts; C. A. 5 ___ pts
Homework: 1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ 7 _____ 8 _____ 9 _____ 10 _____
11 ____ 12 ____ 13 ____ 14 ____ 15 ____ 16 _____ 17 ____ 18 ____
Journal Article Assignment ______
Survival Skills:
Yes, this is a VERY demanding class and it will not be easy to get through the semester. To survive this class, you need to:
- Read every chapter (it helps to read the chapter once BEFORE the chapter is presented in class, and once afterwards).
- Complete ALL homework assignments on time. Not only will this help your homework scores (late homework is not accepted), but it is also the ONLY way you will be able to keep up and not fall behind (it is disastrous to fall behind as the nature of this course is that the new material builds on top of earlier material).
- Do NOT miss class. If you miss a class it will be very difficult for you to understand the material and work the problems correctly. If you miss more than twice you should drop the class.
- If you are not prepared to work CONSISTENTLY and DELIGENTLY on this course work, and attend class FAITHFULLY, then this is not the semester for you to take this course and you should drop the class.
Also, it is ESSENTIAL that you get to know other students in this class so that you will have the ability to reach another student in case you miss a class. AFTER seating assignments are made, list the names, phone numbers, and/or email addresses of classmates:
The following is a TENTATIVE calendar for this semester. There may be some variations due to the needs of the class; therefore, if you have to miss class, you need to get in touch with another student and CHECK TO SEE IF THERE WERE CHANGES MADE TO THE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT OR SCHEDULE! Also if you have to miss class, get your notes from another student in this class, not from your teacher.
The following calendar is IMPORTANT. Remember that homework, computer assignments, etc… are not accepted after the due date for any reason!
Remember: I teach each lecture on MW and TTh at the following times and locations:
MW 1:30 to 3:20, Room 721
TTh 10:am – 11:50, Room 127
/ Topics, Exams, AssignmentsM – Aug. 20
T – Aug. 21 / Topic: Orientation
Assignment: Buy supplies & if necessary, get a copy of your transcript to prove you have completed the pre-requisite (you may turn this in any time before the 5th class), & Read Chapter One
W – Aug. 22
Th – Aug. 23 / --Bring textbook, calculator, supplemental packet and other supplies to class (everyday) – BRING 25 CENTS FOR GRAPH PAPER
Topic: Math review, Chapter One – Introduction to Statistics
Do Assignment #1, Read Chapter 2
M – Aug. 27
T – Aug. 29 / --Assignment #1 due
--Bring graph paper and RED PEN to class
- Report any pages that are missing from your packet
Topic: Chapter Two – Graphs and Measures of Central Tendency
Do Assignment #2 , read “Theory of Measurement” on pages 201 - 205, &