I Circle the correct answer: 10

1.  Can you tell me where ...... ?

a) he works b) does he work c) does he works

2. The book ...... I was reading yesterday was a detective story.

a) when b) who c) which

3. You ...... to work harder.

a) must b) should c) ought

4. I have ...... Visa nor Master Card.

a) neither b) both c) either

5. I don’t have ...... furniture in my office.

a) many b) lot of c) much

6. My new boss is ...... the previous one.

a) more punctual than b) very punctual c) more punctual then

7. Mr Smith is ...... accountant.

a) - b) the c) an

8. We have never met before, ...... ?

a) haven’t we b) did we c) have we

9. I was in the USA ...... April 1999.

a) in b) at c) on

10. Have you got ...... money left?

a) the b) any c) some

II Write the following: 8

4.23 ......

2/3 ......

4% ......

1456 (year) ......

III Circle the correct answer. 5

1.  Who does hate /hates writing reports?

2.  While still in his teens B. Gates started/has started his own company.

3.  How long do you work/ have you worked in this company? – Two years now.

4.  This time yesterday I typed/ was typing a letter in my office.

5.  I have /am having lunch at the moment.

IV Put the verb into the correct form. 8

1.  Do you think the lesson ...... (last) much longer?

2.  He……….(wake up) at 7 and was late for the meeting.

3.  We …………. (not play) tennis since May.

4.  Excuse me. I ……………………..(look for) Mr Smith.

V Complete the dialogue. 2

A: Hello. ………….. is Tom Brown. Can I speak to Mr Smith?

B: ………… on, please.

VI Use the word manufacturer in a sentence of your own. 2


VI Name 6 items that a shopping basket in your country contains. 3

………………… ……………….. ………………………

………………….. ……………….. ……………………..

VII Supply the missing words

from earn be reason


Most people work because they need to ……….. a salary. However, that is not the only ……………… why people work. People get job satisfaction …….. different factors, such as social interaction with colleagues. Your professional position can …… important.

VIII Supply the missing word. 2

One of a group of shops owned by the same company is called a ………… ……….

IX Finish the sentence. 3

People use offshore bank accounts because ……………………………………..

X Answer the question. 4

What in your opinion makes a good shop?




Total 55