Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit Drug Accountability Court

90 North Street, Suite 230

Canton, GA 30114


Application/Intake Form

General Information
Applicant Name: / Date of Birth:
Social Security Number: / Sex:
q M q F
Have you used another name, including a maiden name or married name? q Yes q No
If yes, please list: ______
Race or Ethnic Background:
Marital Status: q Never married q Legally married (spouse name) ______
q Separated q Divorced q Widowed
Name (Last, First) Date of Birth Legal Guardian Other Parent’s name
Do you currently have a DFACS case? q Yes q No If yes, name of Caseworker: ______
Military Branch: ______/ Dates of Service: ______
Residence and Home Life
County of Residence:
Address: / City/State: / County: / ZIP Code:
Home phone: / Cell phone: / Email address:
Other Occupants in Residence (name, age, relationship to you):
Highest grade completed in school: / ______
Do you have a High School Diploma? / q Yes q No
Have you completed your GED? / q Yes q No
Criminal History
Age at first arrest ______Number of total arrests ______
Are you currently on parole? q Yes q No / Are you currently on probation? q Yes q No
County(s) currently on probation/parole?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving the use or possession of a firearm? / q Yes q No
Attorney Information
Attorney Name:
Attorney Address:
Attorney Phone number:
Which best describes your current employment status?
q Employed full time (35+ hours/week)
q Employed, part time / q Unemployed, looking for work
q Other (specify) ______
Drug/Alcohol Use and Treatment
How old were you when you first drank alcohol?
How old were you when you first used another substance in the list below? / Which substance?
In the past, I have used (check all that apply):
q Alcohol
q Marijuana, THC, Hashish
q Salvia, K2, Spice
q Cocaine
q Crack
q Methamphetamine/Speed/Ice
q Adderall, Diet Pills, Ritalin, Other Amphetamines/Uppers
q Librium, Valium, Xanax, Other Benzodiazepines
q LSD/Mescaline/Mushrooms
q Ambien, Lunesta, Sleepwalkers, Other Sleep Meds / q Kratom/Mitragyna
q Flakka
q GHB/Rohypnol
q Heroin
q Opium
q Street Methadone
q Barbiturates
q Inhalants (glue, paint, etc.)
q Anabolic Steroids
q Hypnotics/Quaaludes
q Ketamine/Special K
q MDMA/Ecstasy
q Bath Salts
q PCP/Angel Dust / q Codeine, Morphine, Oxycodone, Vicodin, Lortab, Other Pain Relievers
q Other Prescription drugs (list) ______
q Cough Medicine, DXM
q Other over the counter drugs (list) ______
q Other (list) ______
Drug of Choice:
Have you ever entered a drug court program? / q Yes q No
Have you ever entered a residential drug treatment facility? / q Yes q No
Do you know anyone that is a currently a participant in the Drug Accountability Court? / q Yes q No

I certify that the information given in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any untrue statement in this application can result in my termination from Drug Accountability Court if I am accepted.

Signature ______Date ______

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