Author Name(Given Name, Initial, Surname/Family Name)a*, Co-Author Name(s)b
aAffiliation Information: Street Address/Box Number, City, State, Postal Code, Country; bAffiliation Information: Street Address/Box Number, City, State, Postal Code, Country; *Corresponding Author Email Address
Welcome! The Qatar University and the World Council on Isotopes is pleased that you are planning to present your work at the 9th International Conference on Isotopes. The ICI conference is held only once every 3 years and is an outstanding opportunity for you and your colleagues to present the latest results of your studies or programs.
Description of the Work or Project
Your abstract should be organized in sections as outlined in this template (i.e. introduction, the description of the work and results, conclusions). It should highlight new and significant work relevant to the isotope scientific and business community. The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise summary of the highlights of the study or subject and include sufficient detail for reviewers to recommend for presentation at the 9th ICI.
The abstract shall be prepared in A4-sizepaper format (210 × 297 millimeters or 8.27 × 11.69 inches) with 25mm(1-inch)margins on all sides. The font size shall be 12-point Times New Roman (or equivalent) with single spacing. Selected key references (please use the example style)1 may be included. Keywords shall be added to the bottom of the abstract.The body of the abstract should be flush left. The maximum length of the abstract is one page.
Below is an example Table I.
Table (or Figure): Name, insert table or figure in a text or picture box with format arranged to wrap text around if not using full page width. Display table with or without grid lines.
Abstracts will be published and made available in a web-based format for easy access during the meeting. Please obtain appropriate approval from your organization for the publication of this abstract. Adherence to this format will allow our attendees to have easy access and learn about your project. Abstracts that do not conform to this template may be returned to the author for correction.
Authors are encouraged to provide in sufficient detail any significant findings or results of their work to enable the paper reviewers to have a clear understanding of the importance of the work or project. We look forward to seeing you at the9th ICI.
References(style example)
1. R.R. Greenberg et al., Spectrochim Acta B 66 (2011) 193-241
Keywords: nuclear medicine, accelerator produced isotopes, safety, quality assurance, etc.