Forest Ridge Forerunner
For the Week of September 1-5, 2014
Our phones are answered M-Th 8:30-4:15, F 8:30-4:00
School Hours 9:15-3:45 p.m.
Students may enter the building at 9:00 a.m.
Lunch price: $2.75, Milk: $.50
Greetings Forest Ridge Community!
Thank you for contributing to a great first week of school at “The Ridge”!
Our students are already settling into their new school year routines. They are doing a wonderful job! Your preparation and support has made the difference.
This week, the administration visited each grade level team of students to discuss important policies and expectations. Here are a few of the topics we discussed with our students . . .
- How can we show F (Focus), R (Respect), E (Effort), and S(Safety) in in all areas of our school (hallways, bus, classroom, cafeteria, recess, etc.)?
- We dress for success at FRES – (shirts/tops should cover the trunk area completely -no spaghetti straps, shorts & skirts should be longer than the fingertips of your outstretched arm, flip flops are discouraged for safety reasons, wear sneakers on P.E days)
- Cell Phone Guidelines – (If your students need to bring a cell phone to school for safety and communication purposes before and after school, they know that they must keep the cell phone in their backpack and turned off during school hours.) *Please note also that students are responsible for their own cell phone.
- HCPSS Weapons Policy – There are no dangerous items or toy weapons of any kind allowed at school. We also discussed that all toys need to stay at home.
- No Bullying Zone – FRES is a “Bully Free Zone”. We discussed the difference between conflict and bullying, and shared steps for students to take if they feel they are being bullied. This will be an ongoing topic that will be reinforced throughout the school year.
This week, your child should have brought home a green booklet titled “HCPSS Student/Parent Handbook”. We encourage you to review the following policies - Student Code of Conduct, Grading & Reporting, Responsible Use of Technology, Student Dress Code with your child/children. Also, keep this handbook in a safe place to use as reference for the entire school year.
Have a relaxing and safe long weekend! See you on Tuesday.
Anne Swartz
Danielle Shanks
Jason Ortega
Student News…
Eagle Egg News
Congratulations to the following students for completing the Howard County Library's Summer Reading Program: Caleb Call, David Call, Megan Call, Catherine Ijams, Kelly Ijams, Jennifer Jeon, Christine Jeon, Gisele Mathew, Jonathan Mathew, Krista Mathew, ChibudomMbadugha, Eli Murphy, Spencer Murphy, HafsaNaseer, MunefaNaseer, AlaynaNeidermyer, Julia Neidermyer, Nancy O'Hara, Jacob Reninger, Lucy Reninger, Elizabeth Renkevens, Sarah Renkevens, EmmanuelaSarpong, Maya Strothers, SanayaStrothers, Leianna Washington, and Riley Woodward.
Forest Ridge News...
- Please let your child's teacher know in writing if their dismissal method changes and discuss the change with your child.
- Please remember to give your child a lunch or lunch money.
- If you must pick your child up early, please come no later than 3:15 p.m.
- PARENTS OF WALKING STUDENTS - For SAFETY reasons, we ask parents of walking students to review the following with their students . . .
- If crossing Gorman Road, students should ONLY CROSS where crossing guards are located (front of building - intersection of Gorman Rd. & Jeanne Court and intersection of Gorman Rd. & Stephens Rd.) Students are encouraged to walk with a group of friends to and from school.
- Students should STAY on the main street routes and sidewalks. PLEASE . . . NO cutting through residents' yards or wooded areas.
From the PE Department
The Howard County Public School System’s Physical Education Department along with the physical education teachers at Forest Ridge are sending home a letter about the upcoming “Fitnessgram” fitness testing instrument done in grades K-5, for measuring the height and weight of your child. Please look for it in your child’s Thursday folder and review the letter. If you decide not to participate, you must sign the exclusion letter and send it back to school with your child bySeptember 8th, 2014. If we do not receive the exclusion slip by the due date, your child’s height and weight will be measured.
Please email your child’s physical education teacher if you have further questions or concerns. She will be happy to discuss this with you.
Volunteers are needed to assist in the height and weight measurement process beginning September 9th for all grades (K-5). This process will take several days to complete. Please notify your child’s physical education teacher if you would like to help.
Parents, we need you! The Healthy School Committee is looking to add new members. Staff and parents will join together to provide information and activities to help make the Forest Ridge community a healthy place to learn, work and play. Our school was ranked on the Gold level last year and we want to keep FRES on top. Meetings will normally be scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month or as needed at 8:25 AM. If you can't make the meetings and would still like to help with events please respond. If you would like more information about joining the group please contact Janice Goodwin at . Keep moving!
FRES 5K Tablet Trot- Saturday, October 11th at 8:30 a.m.
Come walk or run with us through the beautiful Stone Lake community. All proceeds will be used towards purchasing technology for our school. Our goal is to raise enough money to purchase iPads for teams of teachers to share and use for instructional purposes. We need YOUR help to make this happen! Visit: for registration, pictures and more information. Or email:
From the Guidance Counselors
A Note from Mrs. Schwartz & Ms. Cooley, School Counselors:
Welcome back to another exciting school year! We hope everyone had a wonderful, restful, and fun summer. We will kick off our September Guidance lessons next week by talking about respect. Whether we are making new friends, having a conflict with a current friend or figuring out how to handle a bully, respect is an integral part of handling any situation. In our Guidance lessons we will discuss how using respectful words and actions in any situation will help students come to a peaceful resolution. How can your child(ren) show respect?
- Treat other people the way you want to be treated.
- Be courteous and polite.
- Listen to what other people have to say.
- Don't insult people, make fun of them or call them names.
- Don't bully or pick on others.
- Don't judge people before you get to know them.
We encourage you to ask your child(ren): Have your been respectful today? How?
We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and as always, please do not hesitate to call or email us with any questions, comments or concerns.
An Additional Note from Ms. Cooley
Hello! I am so happy to be welcomed into the FRES community this year! I split my time equally between Elkridge Elementary and Forest Ridge Elementary. This will be my 4th year in Howard County.
I am so excited to be here and support the Ridge! I look forward to meeting Forest Ridge students, families and community members as I learn all there is to know about this awesome school. I will specifically be working with 1st and 5th graders this year. However, please feel free to contact Mrs. Schwartz or myself with any questions, comments or concerns.
From our Band & Strings Teachers, Mrs. Curry and Ms. Ramis
Welcome back to all of the returning band and strings students! Welcome, also, to students who are new to FRES who played an instrument at their schools last year! Students who are in the 3rd grade are eligible to begin an orchestra instrument. Students who wish to learn a band instrument can begin lessons in school in 4th grade.
Fifth grade students who wish to begin learning an instrument: The band and strings schedule may not allow for fifth grade beginning lessons. It is recommended that fifth grade beginners study with an instructor outside of school in order to learn the basics and, when they are ready, join the second year students for lessons in school. Please contact Mrs. Curry to discuss this option.
I recommend that students and their parents take some time to talk with me before deciding which instrument is the right choice. Students need to obtain an instrument, method book, and necessary accessories to begin lessons. Generally speaking, the school does not provide instruments for band and strings students. Please do not purchase an instrument from the Internet or department store, as it will not be of the quality necessary for your child to succeed in lessons. It is crucial to your child’s success that instrument choice and brand is discussed with the teacher before beginning classes at school.
Beginning students will be learning about the various instruments during demonstrations in school during the next two weeks. Information packets will be sent home with all third and fourth grade students, and returning fifth grade band and strings students by September 11th.
Fifth grade students who played in the band in fourth grade will meet for full band rehearsals every Friday, from 12:20 until 1:10 PM, beginning on September 5th. Small group lessons for fifth grade band students and all other band and strings students will tentatively begin the week of September 29th. All lessons and rehearsals will be held during the school day.
Our Band and Strings Information Night for parents of beginners and students who are new to Forest Ridge will be held on Tuesday, September 16th, in the Media Center from 5:30 PM until 6:00 PM.
This year, we are delighted to welcome Ms. CatinaRamis to our band and strings teaching staff. Ms. Ramis is a recent graduate of UMBC.
Please feel free to contact me at any time by email at: or call the school and leave a message. I will be glad to answer any questions you have about instruments, etc.
The deadline for registering for band and strings classes is Friday, September 19th.
Lessons are tentatively scheduled to begin the week of September 29th.
Important dates at a glance:
Friday, September 5th-All 5th grade band students who played in fourth grade should bring their instruments and music books for our first full-band rehearsal from 12:20 – 1:10 PM. (All other students will begin classes the week of September 29th.)
Thursday, September 11th- Information packets will be sent home by this date.
Tuesday, September 16th,5:30 till 6:00 PM, in the Media Center – Band and Strings Information Night for parents of beginners and new students.
Week of September 29th, band and strings lessons tentatively scheduled to begin. Each student will receive an individual schedule, which will show his or her lesson days and times.
We look forward to a wonderful and exciting year in instrumental music!
Mary Curry
Band & Strings Teachers
PTA News...
From the President
Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone has had a great first week. I know my kids are ready for a long weekend! There is a lot of information coming home to you, so we're going to make it easier to know what's happening with the PTA. Also, our meetings are usually the first Tuesday of the month, but with a long holiday weekend, our first meeting will be TUESDAY, September 9th at 7:00 pm in the media center. Please come join us!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at
Amanda Fields
PTA President
Look for Your PTA Packet Next Week
Next week, the PTA will be sending home a packet of information that includes a PTA membership form, a Volunteer Form, Adopt-A-Teacher, and grocery card registration forms. Please look for this packet and return the forms to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. Thank you!
KidStuff Books
Order forms & envelopes went home this week for our first fundraiser, KidStuff Books!! The valuable, family-friendly KidStuff Coupon Books are available through our school! KidStuff Coupon Books are only sold through schools and our school earns 50% or more profit on each book we sell! We are not sending books home as the letter states to ease confusion problems we had in the past. You can visit their website at to see what they have or there will be a couple books in the office for you to look at. The cost is $25.00. Make checks payable to FRES PTA. We will not accept more than $50 cash and there is a return check fee for any check that comes back. Include your payment in the provided envelope with your students name and homeroom teacher and we will send the books home with them. Order now. **NEW**We can also take orders on our website at We will not ship so put your student's name & homeroom teacher in the note to seller at checkout. Sale ends September 12. If you have any questions email Lisa at
After School Activities
Kidzart--All Grades--Wednesdays from 3:50-5:10pm. Fliers went home this week for KidzArt. Sign up for the first session which starts on September 10 and runs through Nov. 11. Learn to draw with KidzArt. You can sign up online at or use the form to send directly to them. Space is limited and is on a first come first serve basis. See our website ( if you need another flier. If you have any questions please email Shannon at
Schoolhouse Theater--Grades 2-5--Mondays. Fliers went home this week for the fall production of The Little Mermaid. Cost is $160 ($80 registration deposit is non-refundable, balance due at the beginning of the class). Save $5.00/child if you register more than one child per family. No audition preparation needed. All students will receive a part. Complete the registration form and send in your payment in a sealed envelope with PTA Theater labeled on the front with your student. Make checks payable to STA (Schoolhouse Theater Arts, Inc.). See our website ( if you need another order form. If you have any questions please contact Nicole at . Space is limited so do not hesitate to sign up. Dates & times of rehersals are as follows: Rehearsals Monday – 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/10—3:45-6:00pm; Dress Rehearsals – Thursday 11/13 and Monday 11/17 6:00pm;Shows- Tuesday 11/18 & Wednesday 11/19—Time to be determined
Visit our new & improved PTA website at We have the calendar, forms, ways you can help, PTA booklet, helpful website and much more. We are working on getting some opportunities to purchase items online in the future. You can also easily find our Facebook page from the site and email us if you have any questions or suggestions.
Clipping “Box Tops” and “Labels for Education”
Every Label CountsFRES participates in the Box Tops for Education (Box Tops) and Labels for Education (LFE) programs. Clipping Box Tops and LFE points is a very easy way for you to help our school! Each Box Top is worth 10¢ and they quickly add up to real cash for FRES. LFE points are redeemed by FRES for free equipment. For a list of participating products, visit and Clip and send to school anytime in a baggie or envelope labeled with name, grade, and teacher. Drop off in the blue collection box in front of the office or give to your teacher. We keep track of each Box Top and LFE submitted, all year long, so we’ll be sure to count your submission toward the next contest! Note: Box Tops have expiration dates, so please send those in sooner rather than later. We will soon announce our fall submission deadline for Box Tops and LFE incentives and contests. Please contact Lauren Giles if you have any questions or suggestions. Thanks for your help!
Community News...
Cub Scout Pack 62, composed of boys from 1st-5th grades from Laurel Woods, Gorman Crossing, and Forest Ridge schools, is hosting a NEW SCOUT NIGHT for all interested boys and their families on:
Wednesday, September 3rd, at 7PM, in the Forest Ridge ES Gym. Meet pack 62 Cubs and leaders and ask all the questions you want.
Visit our Pack Website and check out our calendar at:
Questions? Talk to:
Bruce Schneider, Cubmaster 301-655-6042,
Charles Carter, Assistant Cubmaster, 501-412-6260,
Bob Kruse, Committee Chairman 301-317-7720,