Regular Category I Best in BTL I Best in digitalI Best inPRI

corporate communication


  • The entry form requires you to follow the assigned word limit. Judges appreciate brevity.
  • Eligibility: Efforts commercially executed between 1st of January to 31st of December 2017.
  • Refer to the Entry Kit for detailed guidelines on all the aspects of Entry Form.
  • When filling the form for Best in Digital, BTL and PR, please review the category description in the ‘Entry Kit’ and answer the questions accordingly for being relevant to the category in which the campaign is being entered.
  • All data must include a specific, verifiable source.
  • Do not include any Agency names (Ad, Media, Other) anywhere in the Entry Form. PAS Awards is an agency blind competition.Inclusion of agency name will disqualify the entry.
  • For questions that do not apply to your case, just mention “not applicable”. Any unanswered questions will result in low scores.
  • Be clear, concise and honest. ReviewAdvice from the Jury for tips on submitting effective entries.

Confidentiality of Information: We realize that the entry form may have information deemed confidential by the client; PAS Awards Secretariat ensures full confidentiality throughout the process. However, if you have concerns regarding submitting your written case, the PAS Awards Secretariat would be happy to speak with you regarding how data is kept confidential.



We encourage participants to call the PAS Awards Secretariat for clarity on any aspect of the

Entry Form or for general guidance while preparing for submissions.

PAS Awards Secretariat

Pakistan & Other Countries:

+92 21 3583 6072-3 /


+98 21 6-6950094 /

1.Brand Name

2.Campaign Title

3.Product / Service Type

4. Category for this Entry

5a.Country in which the Idea originated:

5b.Country/s in which the campaign ran:

5c. Campaign Duration

1st Run:From: To:

2nd Run (if applicable):From: To:

3rd Run (if applicable):From: To:

6a.Category Scenario?(Max. 150 words)

6b.What were your strategic/communication challenges? (Max. 150 words)

6c.What were your objectives? What were the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) against your objectives? (Max. 100 words)

6d. Define your target audience for the campaign? Be to the point. (Max. 75 words)

7a. What was your Big Idea? (Max. 25 words)

7b.What was the insight that led to the big idea? (Max. 100 words)

8a.Bringing the big idea to life?(Max. 150 words)

8b.How did you bring it to life? (Communication touch points) Check all that apply.

Your video show reel should show at least one example of each communication touch point you mark below which was integral to the effort's success. For example, if you mark 10 boxes and only 4 were what drove the results and what you discuss in your entry form as integral to the effort, those 4 must be featured on the videoshow reel.

TVRadioCinemaInteractive / Digital / Mobile Branded Content Print

Direct MailOOHBTLEvents Retail Public Relations

Other (please mention) ______

8c. Total Paid Media Expenditures (in USD)

Include value of donated media and non-traditional paid media. (Check one).

Under USD 10,000USD 10,000 – 50,000USD50,000-100,000USD 100,000–250,000 USD 250,000 – 500,000 USD 500,000 – 750,000

USD 750,000 – 1.0mUSD 1.0m– 1.25mUSD 1.25m – 1.5mUSD1.5m – 2.0m USD 2.0m – 2.5m USD 2.5m plus

8d.List all other marketing components used in this effort.

You must explain in your entry the effect of the following:

Pricing Changes / Discounts CRM / Loyalty Programmes Trade OffersCouponing Expansion in distribution Leveraging Distribution

Consumer Promotions Giveaways / Sampling None

Others marketing efforts running at the same time with the campaign (please mention)

9.RESULTS - How do you know it worked? (Max. 200 words)

10.Factors in the market place that helped derive the results. (Max. 75 words)

Describe all other factors in the marketplace that aided the campaign to achieve the desired results. Judges are industry executives - entries that omit pertinent information will be disqualified. You must answer this question or write “no other factors”. Do not leave blank.


Client Credits:

Complete Organisation Name:

AGENCY/Partners Credits/:

Agency 1:

Agency 2:

Agency 3:

(Add more if required)

Director/production company (if applicable):


We encourage you to acknowledge all the partners that have contributed towards the success of the campaign. Please feel free to add credits for other strategic partners that were instrumental in the campaign success.

In case of regional/global campaign please mention the regional/global agency as well.


Campaign Title:



I certify as a Client:



Note: It is mandatory that the above signatory be the Chairman, CEO, President, COO, CMO or the Director Marketing of the client.

I certify as an Agency:



Note: It is mandatory that the above signatory be the Chairman, CEO, COO or the President of the Agency.

That the information submitted for this case is a true and accurate portrayal of thecase’s objectives and results and that the case ran between January 1, 2017andDecember 31, 2017.


The Creative Show-reel of the Entries that become Finalists and Winners in the PAS Awards 2018 competition will beshowcased in various ways. Publicationis at the sole discretion of PAS.

Work submitted must be original or you must have received rights to submit it.

The creative material you enter into the competition becomes the property of PAS and will not be returned. PAS is automatically granted the right to use in whatever manner deemed suitable.

Entry Form

The ENTRY FORMS submitted by the entrants are kept confidential. However, PAS Awards Secretariat offers entrants the opportunity to have their writtencase used in the public domain.We respect that entries may have information deemed confidential by the client, so please indicate whether or not publishing permission is granted for the written entry.



Note:If you have concerns regarding submitting your written case, the PAS Awards Secretariat would be happy to speakwith you regarding how data is kept confidential during judging.