GCSE Exam Skills – What to expect in the exams

The Year 11 RE exam will contain four topics: Believing in God, Matters of Life and Death, Marriage and the Family and Religion and Community Cohesion. You have to answer questions on all four topics. You will be given a choice of two sets of questions, of which you must answer one set in each topic.

This format is exactly the same in Year 10 and 11. There are four questions which each require different skills.

a)Is always a definition question. In each section you will have to learn 12 key words, their spellings and definitions and this is what will appear in the first question in each set. It is worth 2 marks

b)Is always a question that starts, ‘Do you think…’. For this you must give your opinion on the question being asked with two valid reasons for why you think this. You DO NOT argue both sides here. You are only asked for one opinion with two supporting reasons. This question is worth 4 marks. To gain these marks, you MUST give two reasons.

c)This question is asking for lots of detail, and where possible, supporting evidence. Here you will have to explain an issue or topic. You are also awarded extra marks for written communication, spelling and grammar so it is essential that you can write in full paragraphs, not bullet points, using connectives and appropriate punctuation, particularly when using quotes. Here you will be expected to write four, fully developed and explained paragraphs to earn you the total of 8 marks.

d)Here, you will be given a statement and asked whether you agree with it or not. It is split into two halves to enable you to answer both sides of the argument separately and clearly. You must also refer to Roman Catholic Christianity in the appropriate side of the argument. Without this, you can only receive 3/6 marks. As you are asked to give reasons for your answer, quotes or supporting evidence are required. 2 good reasons for each side will secure you top marks (as long as you have also referred to Roman Catholic Christianity)

With appropriate revision and skills practice regularly in lessons and for homework, you will be suitably prepared to achieve very well in the Summer. Don’t lose marks by forgetting the format! Get in the habit now!