New Consultant Training Talking Points

Enrollment & Training #1

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Congratulations! Welcome to the Team! We are so excited to have you on the Superstar Sisters Team. This is your 1st Step in your consultant training. This is an exciting moment in your Rodan+Fields business. This will show you step-by-step how to enroll and train your new consultants. This will show you how simple it is to enroll and train. This is your road map to success, on how to RIDE THE WAVE! There is power in duplication. You can enroll and train anywhere … any time.

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You can use to enroll a consultant, present and train. Register for your own Free Conferencing number at Go to both of these sites and model HOW to do this for your new consultant.

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You need to Complete Steps 1 – 6 before the Enrollment appointment.

Have your consultant .biz and .com websites open on your computer and minimized.

See slide 5 for the Booster Kit contents & value.

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When enrolling mention ALL FOUR OPTIONS to get started: $45 portfolio, $395 Personal Results kit BUT PROMOTE the $995 and default to the $695!!

Now the language is: “We find that people interested in building a business MUST have products. The $695 kit has all four regimens and a fifth regimen for your personal use and a Macro E that will ship later. This is a $1300 value. The BEST OPTION is definitely the $995 kit! This kit has all four regimens and a fifth regimen for your personal use along with a Macro E that ships immediately. This is a $1600 value. A 2nd Macro E ships later and it is free ~ bringing value of kit to $1800.”

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Explain the benefit and value of the Booster Kit for the new consultant. Enroll using the Express option will automatically enroll them in CRP with a Booster kit of $300.

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Enroll using the Express Enrollment. This option will automatically enroll them in CRP with a Booster kit of $300.

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Show them their Pulse first and show them how to order business cards.Show them how to log into PULSE. Short cut: Use email address and password they created to log in. Go to Dashboard. Click on Edit PWS, add their Contact info. Click on RF Mall and order business cards. Type their name in ALL CAPS when creating business card. Choose business cards from the next slide. (see visuals on next two slides)

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The arrow on top left shows you where to edit their personal website and order business cards in PULSE.

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We like the Redefine business cards without the QR code on back. There are 8 lines to fill in their choices. NAME IN ALL CAPS will make it “pop” on their biz card.

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Before we leave PULSE, let’s look at the Biz Development Library and show how to double click to get the most current documents. Let’s print the CHEAT SHEET so you will know the prices of all of the R+F Products. Most of these documents are also in our Superstar Sisters Coaching site at which I will show you later.

Then click on Flyers and Communication Corner to show how to make an event flyer. See next slide for an example.

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Here is an example of the flyers we have available. We will schedule another time to continue our tour of PULSE

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Your .biz is where you will send business prospects

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Now let’s go tour your .com website. Take them to their .com and show them how to do Solution Tool, Enroll PC…

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Open up their and give them a BIG “SHOUT OUT!” WOO HOO!!! You are NOW in business and online for your friends to purchase products!

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Make sure that your new consultant takes time to be familiar with all the products and the prices. As they tour their .com site click on product videos.

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Teach them PC Perks and show them how to enroll a PC.

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Here’s their FIRST homework assignment…. Go to and log in. Watch the first webinar and DO the 3 Action items. Email your answers to me.

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Print these 10 PULSE documents. This Power point with talking points is in all of our newsletters in the new consultant corner. See visual on next slide

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Watch for your Welcome from the Superstar Sisters and Bi Monthly newsletters where we Recognize our team and share continuing education.

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Show the Superstar Sisters Coaching Site. Share this at your next training. Directions to how to Log in is always in the New Consultant Corner of our newsletters.

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Read and explain this slide word for word. Emphasize reaching EC in your first 30 days.

1. Schedule additional trainings during your 1st month.

2. Schedule Big Business Launches (BBL’s). ~ One this month & 2nd BBL next month. (Read and print BBL Agenda in PULSE)

3. Set Goals! Familiarize yourself with current R+F programs & incentives.

4. Set a goal to reach Executive Consultant (EC) status in your first 30 days!

Let’s set a date RIGHT NOW!

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Let’s get started! What questions do you have? Answer questions before continuing Training Call #2.


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Here is the Cycle of Success found in the Biz Development Library. This is the proven system that successful BUSINESS partners follow! Stay on this course.

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Your Why

Learn how to share your personal 90 second story ( your story is WHO you are, How you learned about RF, and what you are most excited about NOW!)

Set Goals

Prospect – Learn Inviting Language & Invite

3 Way Calls (Shared Conference Calls with your sponsor)

Enroll effectively. Schedule the Launch of their business: BBL, Grand Opening, Business Launch

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Read this slide. When you make your list, make notes on each person. Use 3 x 5 cards or a spiral notebook. Talk about their list and have them share who their best prospects are.

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Read & Role play this language. Encourage them to PRACTICE.

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Read this referral script example.

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Review these prospecting steps.

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Critical Activity #1 gives you inviting language

Critical Activity #2 gives you the Presenting language. (

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Your Why

Learn how to share your personal 90 second story ( your story is WHO you are, How you learned about RF, and what you are most excited about NOW!)

Set Goals

Prospect – Learn Inviting Language


3 Way Calls (Shared Conference Calls with your sponsor)

Enroll effectively

Schedule the Launch of their business: BBL, Grand Opening, Business Launch

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Read this slide

You as the sponsor share YOUR WHY

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Stress importance of setting hours. Read this slide. Ask them to share when and how they expect to work their business. Ask them to commit to spending time reading scripts and memorizing prospecting and inviting language. Make “cheat sheets” of prospecting and inviting language that resonates with them. Stress how important it is for them to stay plugged in to local events and ALWAYS OPEN our team NEWSLETTERS to know what’s the latest NEWS!!

Schedule a time for this next training. Try to get a time commitment to train online in the next 72 hours. Make sure that they have been to the New Consultant Corner prior to this training and printed all the documents. Save these documents on their computer in a file

Training 3

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Read this slide. Explain the importance of spending most of their time as a new consultant prospecting and inviting.

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Plan their Grand Opening. Show the BBL Agenda and support documents.

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If consultant has an iPhone. Download the PEI and show how to use. We have a Great NEW way to Build your List, Connect with your prospects, Plan your RF Work week and Train by learning call scripts and creating your RF Story.

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Training 2: Read this slide. Help them with their list using the Memory Jogger. Explain the 3 C’s: Customer/Consultant/Connector – everyone you know fits in one of these categories.

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Training 2: Read this slide. Help them with their list using the Memory Jogger. Explain the 3 C’s: Customer/Consultant/Connector – everyone you know fits in one of these categories.

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Review these steps.

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This is a great prospecting too to use with your samples. If you do not have a silver Prospecting On the Go kit, Create your own!

Print, cut and put in your Prospecting “On the Go” bag filled with Serum, Microderm Paste and Hand Treatment. After you share products, have prospect fill this out. When you get home log in this information on your .com website. When Solutions Tool is completed, put prospect Name AND phone number on Name section and Email.

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Give them an Action step to Write out their story using the form outline previously given. Stress with them that facts tell, but STORIES SELL! Challenge them to read Success Stories at Click on Business System and Success Stories. Memorize a few of their favorite stories and resonate with their current situation.

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Show them the Three Way Call Script in the New Consultant Corner of the Superstar Sister Newsletter. Schedule FIVE Training Calls in their first 30 days. Do a Practice call with their friend or family member in the next 48 hours.

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Here is a proven formula! Talk to 5 people a day

Schedule 3 appointment Enroll 2 - 4