January 12, 2016

Happy Sunday everyone!

Ihope you have had a wonderful weekend.

Advisory Monday – Block lunch lock down drill – We will have a drill Tuesday, Jan. 12th after the 3rd Main kids leave – LET’S BE READY

Mark your calendars - “What is Your Plan?” Parent/Student Night set for Jan. 27

The Lewisville High School triad and feeder middle schools will host a “What is Your Plan?” parent and student night on Wednesday, Jan. 27 from 6-9 p.m. at Leo C. Stuver Auditorium. Legendary WFAA Channel 8 news anchor Gloria Campos will serve as the keynote speaker.<http://www.lisd.net/cms/lib010/TX01918037/Centricity/Domain/4/Gloria%20Campos%20Bio.pdf

The free event for Lewisville ISD Central Zone parents and students in grades 6-12 will feature information about different class offerings surrounding advanced placement (AP) courses, online classes, dual credit, college courses at the high school level, athletics and fine arts, as well as informational sessions about grade-point average (GPA) and the class rank process.

Breakout sessions will be held for “all grade levels,” “high school,” “8th to 9th grade” and “middle school.”

Representatives for post-secondary paths for students, such as college, the armed services and career tech schools, will be in attendance.

“It is never too early or too late to get your plan in place,” LHS Principal Jeffrey Kajs said. “Not having a plan is not an option. No matter what your post high school career path is, you need to plan your path now! Setting yourself up for success does not happen by accident.”

Raffles will be held for all those in attendance with prizes such as laptops, iPads, televisions, miniature refrigerators and restaurant gift cards. Light refreshments will be served and the LHS Student Council will provide free childcare. No RSVP is needed.

The address for Leo C. Stuver Auditorium, located on the LHS campus, is 1098 West Main Street in Lewisville. For social media purposes, use the hashtag: #whatisyourplan.

“What is Your Plan?” Schedule

6 p.m. -Information Tables

6:30 p.m.- Welcome and Keynote Speaker

Legendary WFAA Channel 8 news anchor Gloria Campos

7:20 p.m. -Breakout Sessions

All Grade Levels (AP/PAP/GT Difference; Get Ready for College)

High School (GPA and Class Rank; VLA; Dual Credit)

8th to 9th Grade (Get Ready for High School; Athletics; Fine Arts)

Middle School (High School Credit; Career Cruising; Endorsements 101)

8:30 p.m. -Information Tables

8:45 p.m. -Closing/Prizes

NextMonday is MLK Day - You have that day off of school.I hope you will plan on attending the MLK celebration that night!

Early dismissal thisFriday–Remember you get out at 11:45 onFriday after finals.THERE WILL BE A BUS TO LHS THIS DAY.

Final schedule– Please plan on studying for your finals. Remember, FINALS count 20% of your grade for thesemester!

1st and 2nd–Thursday and then 3rd and 4th period class

3rd and 4thFriday–we go to 3rd at 8:05!

Volleyball Tournament - From Coach Mosby–starts this week

The Volleyball tournament acceptance emails will be delivered to the team captains this evening. Please pay attention to the details and pass this information along to your teammates. You will receive information regarding dates, and times via your team captain. I'm looking forward to enjoying some great Volleyball during block lunch.

Good luck,

Coach Mosby

Y’all have asked for help with Career Cruising -

Career Cruising is a huge resource for you as you start thinking about your plans after high school!! Please plan on attending these sessions.You will need Career Cruising to sign up for your classes in the next few weeks.

Your counselors would like to welcome you back after a wonderful break! We will be conducting some helpful and informational sessions, for your future, using the Career Cruisingprogram. Groups will be offered in the Learning Lounge on specific dates and students will complete a Google Doc Form to sign up. Our first session will be on Wednesday, January 13th during block lunches. The topic is “Exploring Assessments” and

will include interests/career Matchmaker, My Skills, Ability Profiler and the Learning Styles Inventory. These all will guide you into a successful future! Please sign up by completing the form below, using your school login.


Please remember, it is interactive and you must bring your iPad to participate.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Your Killough Counselors,

Ms. Denney A-G

Ms. Pierce H-O

Ms. Dunham P-Z

We have a dance on Jan. 22 - at Harmon 7-10 pm.

Dance tickets $5 starting tomorrow –$10 at door

Remember–you need to be passing your classes, have no outstanding fees, and no discipline (PASS or above) after Dec. 14th. There will not be any refunds once you buy a ticket so please check your fees first.

Congratulations to our JV Cheerleading squad – they won first place at the Universal Cheerleading Associations’ State Cheer Competition!

Congratuatoins to boy and girls Varsity soccer for both winning their tournaments this past weekend! 1st place Farmers!

Let’s have a great weekeveryone!

You have new classes next week, let’s startlooking in skyward.

Do your best on your finals. They are very important to

yourclass rank and GPA!

Mrs. Flores

·  You are formally invited to our first ever informal dance recital on January 13! The Dance I classes will be performing every dance they have learned this year, as well as their student choreography projects. The program will begin at 7; doors will open at 6:30pm in A gym here at Killough. The program will be short, no more than 45 minutes. It is free for everyone to attend!! Come out and support the Dance I ladies!

·  Save the date for theHarmon and Killough Black outMasquerade dance!

January 22nd from 7-10 p.m for a night filled with music, fun and food.

Dress atire is casual, school dress code or you get sent home!

Tickets will go on sale January 11th till January 19th for $5in the Cafeteria before school and during Block Lunch. Prices will increase to $10 at the door.

You must be:

Passing your classes

Not have been to pass since Dec. 14th

Have all dues paid off.

No Refunds

·  Students, please check your spring schedule by signing into Skyward and click “show all classes”. Please email your counselor or stop by during block lunch if you have a conflict or hole in your schedule for the spring.

·  Students, on Wednesday, January 13th your Killough Counselors will be conducting a Career Cruising Session called “Exploring Assessments” to help you log in and complete assessments including Matchmaker, My Skills, Ability Profiler and the Learning Styles Inventory. These tools will help guide you into a successful future. You MUST sign up through the Google Doc link sent to you via email. Please remember to bring your iPad.

·  College Board has sent an email to all students who PROVIDED A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS when they took the October administration of the PSAT. This email provides a code for you to obtain scores. Unfortunately, if you DID NOT PROVIDE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS, you will need to wait until College Board sends the paper copy scores to our school. Your paper copy score report will include a code to log into College Board, as well as, your PSAT score. We anticipate the arrival of these reports during the next couple of weeks and we will announce a time for you to pick them up.

·  On Friday January 8 and Saturday January 9, LHS Speech and Debate took 20 speakers to compete in The Coppell High School Cowboy Classic.

In Debate, Joseph Tauzin (Killough) advanced to Octo-finals.

Advancing to Semi-finals in their events were Diego Torres in International Extemp, and Cameron Dockery and Dylan Stokes in Prose.

In International Extemp: Trey Taylor (Killough) advanced to Finals and placed 8th overall.

In Poetry: Ashlyn Eperjesi advanced to Finals and placed 2nd overall.

In Prose: Ashlyn Eperjesi advanced to Finals and placed 2nd overall.

Congratulations to ALL of those who competed and represented great Farmer Pride!

·  JV Marcus Tournament

JV2 -LHS 2 Keller Central 0

JV1-LHS 3 Keller Central 1

·  Varsity Carrollton Tournament

LHS 5 Mansfield 0

Goals: Christian Hernandez (Main) 2, Peter Hmung (Main) 2, Abraham

Jaimes (Main)

Assists: Carlos Galvan (Main), Van Bawi Hlu (Main), Christian Hernandez


LHS 1 The Colony 0

Goal: John Cronin (Main)

Assist: Julio Gomez

Boys Varsity Semifinal

LHS 2 Creekview 0

Goals: Peter Hmung (Main), John Cronin (Main)

Assists: Peter Hmung (Main), John Cronin (Main)

·  Varsity Boys Championship

LHS 2 Wiley East 1

Goals: Fabian Acosta, Christian Hernandez

Assists: Kevin Reyes, Peter Hmung

All Tournament Team Selections:

Peter Hmung

Christian Hernandez

John Cronin