United States History
Course Syllabus
Welcome to US History!
I have prepared a list of items that you will need to bring to class everyday:
Red grading pen
Spiral notebook – for note taking
3 ring binder (this may be multi-purpose- or class-specific)
Journal entries
Work product (WS or HW)
Class Rules/ Expectations
1. Be on time – tardiness not acceptable
2. Be prepared – bring materials to class
3. Be active – participate in activities
4. Be respectful – honor others’ space/opinions
5. Be responsible – follow school rules, procedures, dress code, making up missed assignments without being reminded
If you choose not to meet the following expectations…
1st offense – warning
2nd – 30 minute detention / parent notified
3rd – sent to principal with discipline notice
Remember… inappropriate language and other infractions may warrant immediate action (no warning)
DO NOT BE LATE ! 3 tardies= 1 absence
60% Tests
30% Quizzes
10% Daily/HW assignments
As a class, our success in here will depend upon our ability to communicate on a consistent basis. Your expectations of me are just as important as the ones that I have of you. You will have an opportunity to express concerns with me directly or in other ways. My expectations are that you strive to be an excellent student and a good role model. To meet these expectations, you must follow class and school rules, you must manage your time efficiently and you MUST get help when you need it. I have very high expectations for all of you and I know you ALL can meet them!
Will be by appointment and are optional. However, the teacher reserves the right to hold mandatory tutorials for those that are not meeting academic expectations in the classroom. Tutorials are M-F in the AM, but exceptions will be need on an individual basis for after school.
Make-up/Late work
If you miss an assignment (absent or you just forgot) it is your responsibility to make it up. 2 days for each day absent. All make-up work policies are consistent with the THS student handbook. ** All tests will be made up during enrichment or by appointment only - no exceptions **
Technology in the classroom
Cell phones, iPads, personel computers, etc. will be allowed in the classroom as long as they are used in an appropriate manner. Cell phones should not be visible unless teacher has given permission. Failure to abide by the rules will result in disciplinary actions.
Work product
All work done will have a full heading. No torn spiral paper will be accepted. Answer all questions in complete sentences unless told otherwise.
Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in as assigned. Homework that is late will be accepted on the following day for a maximum of 70% credit. After that, any homework will be accepted until the last week of the six weeks for a maximum of 50% credit
New Grading Policy
It is important to become educated about the new grading policy and new testing policy instituted by KISD and THS. Grading policy now states that any student making below a 50 will keep that grade at the end of the grading period.
Previous policy stated that a grade under 50 was automatically made a 50 on a report card. This is no longer an effective policy.
New Testing Policy
If you make below a 70 on any test, you will be given an opportunity to retest. This retest can only earn you a maximum score of 70, but the two test grades will be averaged together to determine a new grade.
This will only occur if the following conditions are met by the student:
1. Student must come in for a tutorial with a teacher by appointment or scheduled by the US history team
2. Student must show up for the tutorial and retest within 7 days of the original test date.
I acknowledge all of the rules and expectations and understand the consequences that the US History department has implemented.
Student Signiture ______
Parent/Guardian Signature______
Roles for your consideration:
Ø Team leader: remains the same throughout the school year. Sets the agenda and facilitates the meeting.
Ø Scribe: records the minutes for the PLC meeting and turns them in.
Ø Test Creator: Collects test questions from the team and formats the test. This should be done at the beginning of a unit to allow for backward design. Shares with members at start of unit.
Ø Teacher Web Updater: Responsible for keeping team websites up-to-date.
Ø Lesson Plan Writer: Inputs lesson plans and shares them in Forethought each week.
Ø Teaching Log/Idea Collector: all team members. Reflect on what went well and not so well for each lesson. Find formative assessment strategies and fresh ideas on how to teach the unit plan objectives.