For office use only.

New Contemplatives Initiative

Scholarship and BursaryAward Application

Applicant Information:

Title: First or Given Name: Middle Initial:

Family or Last Name: Suffix, Credential:

Birth Year: Gender: Spiritual Tradition(s):

Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:

City: State, Province, or Territory:

Zip Code: International Postal Code: Country:

Telephone: E-mail:

Name of Personal Reference:

Reference Telephone: E-mail:

Please return your application as a Word document via e-mail to ications must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Timeon Friday, 4November 2016,in order to be considered. Only electronic applications will be accepted. Applicants may be contacted for a brief telephone interview during the selection process.

New Contemplatives Initiative Scholarship and Bursary Award:

  • full scholarship and bursary for Seeking Connection conference tuition;
  • complimentary lodging in a shared hotel room Thursday, 20April to Sunday, 23April (three nights); and
  • reimbursement of travel expenses up to USD$300 for North American travel and USD$600 for international travel(with receipts).

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicants arefortyyears of age or under at the time of the conference (20–23 April 2016)
  • Applicants bring one or more years of experience as a participant in one-to-one or group spiritual companioning
  • Applicants bring one or more years of experience serving as a spiritual companion in one-to-one or group spiritual direction
  • Applicants have reviewed and acceptedthe New Contemplatives Initiative Participant Agreements (see below)

Participant Agreements:

If granted the SDI New Contemplatives Initiative Scholarship and Bursary Award I agree to the following terms:

  • I will accept the Award by 13January 2017, in writingand register for Seeking Connection conference by15February 2017.
  • Before the conference, I will prepare a short written reflection,as designated by the New Contemplatives Initiative facilitator, by 14 March 2017.
  • I will participate in two planning meetings with the rest of the cohort via teleconference and respond in a timely fashion to cohort e-mails prior to the conference.
  • I accept the lodging option provided by SDI as part of the New Contemplatives Initiative (outlined above).
  • Within thirty days following the conference, I will submit receipts for reimbursement of travel expenses (up to USD$300 for North American travel and USD$600 for international travel) to Spiritual Directors International. Expenses eligible for reimbursement include costs for travel to and from the conference and foodexpenses during the conference (alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed).
  • I will arrive and participate in an opening activity for New Contemplatives by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time onThursday, 20April.
  • Duringthe conference, I will attend all gatherings for New Contemplativesin addition to scheduledplenaries and workshops I select during registration.
  • I will participate in the presentation by the New Contemplatives cohort during the 2017Seeking Connection conference.
  • Following the conference, I will complete and return to the New Contemplatives Initiative facilitator, a brief post-conference reflection and evaluation highlighting what I learned, offering specific recommendations for SDI’s ongoing education and mentoring of new contemplatives.

I confirm that I meet the Eligibility Requirements and accept the Participant Agreement indicated above.

Electronic Signature: Date:

* * *

Assessment of Applicants:

As we review applications, we will be looking for evidence of the following:

  • Commitment to contemplative practices;
  • Depth of call to the ministry and service of spiritual companioning;
  • Commitment to continuing education and lifelong formation in the ministry and service of spiritual companioning;
  • Commitment to cultivating a learning community (i.e., interest in learning from and with others);
  • Capacity to make a distinctive contribution to the New Contemplative learning community.

Application Questions:

  1. Describe the formation and trainingyou have received to date in spiritual companioning.How has this training experience shaped you?(75–100 words)
  1. Describe your journey to spiritual direction. You could share about how you first heard about spiritual direction, how you knew you wanted to become a spiritual director, or your path through formation and training. What confirmation have you heard about your desire to become a spiritual director?(200–250 words)
  1. Tell us aboutyour contemplative practices. (75–100 words)
  1. Your ministry and service experience:Reflect on your experience as a spiritual companion.
  2. Recall a time when you felt most alive, spiritually touched, or most excited about your involvement in spiritual companioning. Tell us about this memorable experience and how it deepened your commitment to the ministry and service of spiritual direction. (200–250 words)
  1. Describe a time that your work as a spiritual companion was particularly challenging, draining, or difficult. What was that like for you? How were you able to work through it?
    (200–250 words)
  1. Looking forward to the next five to ten years, where do you envision your ministry and service as a spiritual companion evolving? (50–100 words)
  1. What would you most like to receiveas a result of participating in Spiritual Directors International 2017 Seeking Connection conference and theNew Contemplatives Initiative? (50–100 words)
  1. What distinctive contribution do you believe you would offer to Spiritual Directors International Seeking Connectionconference and the gathering of New Contemplatives? (50–100 words)
  1. Why is it important that you participate as a New Contemplative at this time?(50–100 words)
  1. What else would you like us to know about you? (50-100 words)

Return your application as a Word document via e-mail to n text responses only, no hyperlinks or websites permitted. Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time onFriday, 4November 2016, in order to be considered. Only electronic applications will be accepted. Applicants may be contacted for a brief telephone interview during the selection process. If you have any additional questions about the application process, please contact .

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