
094090 郭丽莉 09级英语1班

There are few universal thingsthings in the universe which are more precious than time. Lost time is can never be found again. When a baby draws the its first breath, he/sheit gets to the starting point of its lifetime. When youth is slipping away without being noticed by someone, the spring of one’s life moves fades out and will never come back. When one ages quietly and tastefully, the terminal of the “Time Race” is waving its hand. When a person dies, his time has is ended.

So limited our time is our time that we are bound to cherish it! The idiom that “a flash in the pan” is used to describe the transient but gorgeous life of certain flower—the night-blooming cereus in chinaChina. Some characters of the flower can be guessed by reversing its name(What does this mean?)—at least that suggests a verbal direction, “cereus blooming at night”. As you guess, this kind of flower only blooms at night, and its whole life merely lasts several minuteshours. Short as its time it is, the value of its life is most beautifully described. Prize our time and we are supposed to realize our values thoroughly in the limited life, just as the flower does. Time is a flash in the pan, but can we make our life as splendid as the blooming flower?

There are few universal things (“universal” used to describe things may have some ambiguous meaning in, as we usually say “Universal Studio” which means “around the world”, so personally I still believe you correct it as it is in the first paragraph.) more imperious than time. We become slaves to the tyranny of time for the reason that time never stops to wait us. We seem to like something of insignificance compared with time for the reason that time is eternal itself whereas everyone is given such limited time. (This sentence is a little bit wordy.) We complain about the shortage of time all the while for the reason that the arrangement of time often drives us onto a reef of frustration.

Time management has become a part and parcel of the average person’s life. Never procrastinate, and you will benefit a lot. Every moment in our life is fleeting time, precious and unique, so we must bring it into full play. We will always have time enough (Attention to the logic!), if we do what is really important at the drop of a hat.

There are few universal things (Same comment as above.) more mysterious than time. Nobody knows what time is looks like, for we cannot see it, nor can we touch it. We define time by our own fancy, but time is still outside our consciousness(??). We think time is somewhat eternal, but the answer is anybody’s guess, and maybe time won’t come someday. We spare no efforts to catch time, but are always amazed at its unimaginable speed.

So what is time on earth? Whatever! Time is nothing itself, and the meaning of time varies from person to person. We ought to create the meaning of time by ourselves. Not only can time sprinkle one’s life with stardust, but also can make it dim, which all depends on our own.

In a nutshell, it is the preciousness of time that urges us to treasure it. It is the tyranny of time that calls for elaborated time arrangement. It is the mystery of time that leads to the search for different meanings of timeit. Value it, and manage ityour time, and you will find your own meaning of it. Time deserves our all efforts.


This composition is equipped with beautiful imagination of “TIME”. The writer is quite good at associating what is learned in the textbook, such as the phrase “part and parcel” in the fourth paragraph in order to describe its position in a person’s lifetime.

Time’s being “precious”, “imperious” and “mysterious” becomes the link of the paragraphs with a conclusion added, so the organization of the writing is quite special, which resembles the style of the writing “A University Stands and Shines” in our textbook. Some expressions could be more idiomatic, or logical or even brief.

Above all, this is an excellent composition.

Revised by Jenny Jihong He