Information Guidelines for using Activote and Question Master

Presented By: Kristi Dunbar- 2ndGradeTeacherCanyonLake

  1. Registering Voters
  2. ActivPrimary/ActivStudio
  3. Go to your Dashboard
  4. Go to Configure
  5. Select register devices
  6. Select country
  7. Hit the button Register on the bottom
  8. Hold the middle button on the voter until it appears on the right
  9. After all voters are registered select okay.
  1. Creating a User Database
  2. ActivPrimary /ActivStudio
  3. Go to your Dashboard
  4. Under configure select Manage User Groups
  5. Select File and under file select New
  6. Under Userselect add
  7. Type in all you students and select okay
  8. Go to File – then Save As
  9. You can make a new folder for your voter names or place the file somewhere else where you can access it easily.
  1. Question Master-Building a Quiz or Assessment
  2. ActivPrimary/ActivStudio
  3. Go to your Dashboard
  4. Under New/Open section go to Assessment/Quiz
  5. Follow the steps the quiz gives you
  6. Enter a Title for your quiz- this will be your “Title Page” for your assessment
  7. Choose the question type you would like
  8. (Ex. Multiple Choice 4, or True/False, etc..)
  9. Create your problems
  10. (Don’t forget to choose the correct answer for each problem)
  11. After all your questions are entered choose Next
  12. Decide if you want a page style from the options or not
  13. Choose a font and size, click next
  14. Save in My Assessments folder
  15. Alternative to Question Master

A.How to Begin- ActivPrimary/ActivStudio

  1. Open up a new flipchart page
  2. On your main tool bar turn your design mode on, this allows you to get to your Activote settings (You don’t need this step when using ActivStudio- you will just right click when you are ready to change the question settings)

B.Typing your Questions , choices(a, b, c, etc, true/false, yes/no) and answers

  1. Something to remember while you are making your questions to turn into a voting flipchart is to create every part of the question, choices, and answers separately with the text editor tool.
  2. Using the text editor tool type your question. The question needs to be separate from the answers.
  3. Click the text tool to another part of your flipchart and create whatever your choices are going to have.
  4. Then do your answers the same way.
  5. Everything must be its own text box.

C.Creating the Question Settings

  1. After you have all parts of your question created, right click anywhere on your page.
  2. Select Activote Question Settings
  3. Under Question Page Type- Select Pre-prepared- you must do this or you cannot do the rest
  4. Under Question Type- Select whatever your question type may be(multiple choice 3, 4, yes/no, etc)
  5. Under Correct Answer- select what your answer will be
  6. You may chose a timeout option if you would like

D.Setting up the questions and answers

  1. Click on the area titled “Labels” and select the letters (a, b, c)
  2. Then click on the area titled “Answers” and select the answer that correspond with each “Label.”

You have now created a voting page. Click on the Voting Icon and get your students devices allocated, and have fun voting. You will have to do this for every flipchart page that you would like to turn into a voting flipchart.

If you would like to change the question settings so that your students cannot change their answer this is how you do it. It is the same in ActivPrimary and ActivStudio

  1. In the main menu choose Activote – then settings. In the settings make sure you have selected Activote on the left. On the right you can change the settings.
  1. Using your Quiz/Assessment
  2. When you are ready to give your assessment/quiz open up your saved file from the folder My Assessments
  3. When you open up the file a blue rectangle will appear
  4. Choose what type of mode you would like to use –(HINT- if you use the named mode you will be able to see how the students tested on each question or see how they do overall)
  5. Choose Users to set up the voters
  1. Registering your Voters – when you are ready to assess
  2. Select allocate devices
  3. Go to open- this will allow you to browse your files to find your User Database you have already created.
  4. After you have found your database your list will appear on the left side.
  5. You can select from that list the students you would like to assess- this is great if you have students that are absent.
  6. After you have moved all students that you are assessing click- Allocate Devices on the left side.
  7. Students will then enter a 3 letter code to activate their voter.
  8. Have the students hold down the center button until the two top buttons are solid and not blinking. Sometimes only one of them will become a solid color.
  9. They then find their name and enter the three letters that are given to them. There name should turn green.
  10. Just a reminder- the code will change every time you allocate the devices
  11. When you are back on the previous page- you may want to test the devices to make sure they are all activated. They will turn red.
  12. You may now click exit and begin your assessment.
  13. When you are ready to begin click on the voter icon it will allow students to enter in what answer they would like.
  14. Click the voter again to see what the scores looked like, this will allow you to see what the student’s answered and the percentage of the scores.
  15. Every time you are ready for them to answer click on the voter icon
  1. Export results to Excel- after you have done your voting
  2. When you have finished your last question, before you close out your voting paste your results on your flipchart.
  3. Pasting your results- ActivPrimary/ActivStudio
  4. On your voting results page- check summary and then paste it on your flipchart page
  5. To Export your result in ActivPrimary
  6. Go to your main tool bar. Select Activote- then select Export Results to Excel.
  7. Name your file and save it where you want it
  8. The Completion wizard will come up and ask if you want to start exporting- click yes
  9. It will then ask you if you would like to view it now or later, you can do it right then or find it later in your files.
  10. To Export your results in ActivStudio
  11. Go to your main tool bar. Select Flipchart- then select Export-then select Activote results- then select Excel
  12. Name your file and save it where you want it
  13. The Completion wizard will come up and ask if you want to start exporting- click yes
  14. It will then ask you if you would like to view it now or later, you can do it right then or find it later in your files.