Minutes of WEVS AGM Tuesday 19th February 2008

Attended: Committee: Marc Bedwell, Mary Adler, Stuart Cazaly, Pete Jones, Yvette Jones, Savitri Kegge, Jeff Llewelyn, Robin Short.

Members John Smith, Ken Wretham, Bert Payn, Brenda Payn, Brenda Ord, Jenny Putley, Gordon Putley, Tony Boundy, Jack Kegge, Jill Catley, David Catley, Philippa Bedwell, Sue Bush, Gina Cazaly, Pauline Coyne, Allen Coyne, Guy Consterdine, David Parry

Observer Cll. Keith Bush

1.  Apologies

Duncan Peebles, Judy Douch and Millie Sharma

2.  Minutes from previous meeting

Accepted (21st February 2007 with exception of removal of one ‘a’ from Wretham)

3.  Chairman’s Report

The committee, members and distributors were thanked for their contribution. Marc thanked Mary for leading the Boxing Day walk with over 150 attendees.

The objective for 07/08 was to raise the profile of WEVS with clubs and schools and to develop the website. There have been 6 committee meetings. The focus for the future is to develop the website as a focus for the community.

There has been a ‘litter campaign’ with posters placed around the village and much discussion on recycling. Marc asked the members to feedback what recycling system they required, e.g. doorstep collection or recycling sites.

4.  Vice Chairmans statement and WEVS issues summary (reproduced directly from the written report)

It has certainly been an interesting year in the village again. At WEVS, and as a matter of policy, we always try to ensure that the needs and requirements of the community as a whole prevail. There were many issues that we tackled both with and on behalf of our members, however I will summarise and then detail the most important.

Two planning applications were submitted for large developments on sites currently occupied by far fewer houses. Rain again caused flooding problems in the area (August 2007), there were power supply issues and with speeding & volume of local traffic problems it seems we need to be ever vigilant against over expansion and urban creep.

A319/ Benner Lane Junction

First on the cards was the final completion of the A319 Benner Lane junction. After umpteen years in the making the new road layout was delivered. It appears to be some improvement on the previous layout, however, whether it’s the best plan for the junction only time will tell. Certainly we have seen a fall in the number of road accidents at that junction.

Kings Road

In Jan 07 the outline planning application for the development of 22 dwellings on the site of four existing houses at Kings Road was rejected by the Borough Council. The developer, Alexon Homes appealed against the decision which then went to the government Planning Inspectorate. It took until August but the Inspectorate dismissed the appeal on 16 counts some of the main issues of the rejection were in-appropriate development of the site on the character and appearance of the area, adverse effect on trees worthy of retention, effect of increased traffic, the effect of living conditions of nearby occupiers by the way of loss of light, privacy and outlook; the risk of flooding and the development would have an adverse effect on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area.

It was certainly a very positive result and affirmation of the incumbent planning system. Time will tell how the Government’s position on development and planning takes shape over the coming years

Lucas Green Rd

Another of the main issues of the year was the commercial traffic on Lucas Green Road. Half way through the year one of the “small” local businesses applied for an increased haulage license to allow 44 tonne trucks to access the back road development. Local residents incensed at this by perceived increased liberties being taken took up arms and formed an action group to protest. The governing body licensed to grant the license took note and called for a public enquiry, which was duly mooted for September, the Local Parish Council and WEVS offered support to the residents with advice and support. The public enquiry was then postponed with currently no new date being available. This will be one to watch for 2008


One of the biggest issues in the area reared its head again in July 2007. Following the torrential downpour in August 2006 a heavy storm period again bought flooding to the local area with the high street again under water and local residents took it upon themselves to barricade streets and take emergency measures to prevent houses being deluged with water. The Borough Council have put this as one of the high priorities for the area, so far we have seen some clearance of ditches and runaway’s but the question remains if enough is being done quickly enough to prevent the pain and heartache caused by the last big down pour. Again this is something WEVS is keen to try and stay on top of. We conducted a survey of ditches and waterways in conjunction with the Parish Council. We have also contributed to the costs of clearing one of the local ponds and will continue to ensure that flood prevention remains at the top of everybody’s agenda.

WEVS has also been most vociferous this year with a campaign against litter in the village. We joined in an initiative with the local Scouts to produce an anti-litter poster that was placed up around the village. Although the impact might not have carried the sweeping (HhoHho) changes that we were seeking it has prompted some in the area to take note. Holy Trinity school have asked WEVS to help with a local anti-litter campaign they are going to promote within the local area. It has also sparked an idea to rekindle the entering of the Best Kept Village Competition in a hope to restore some local pride.

Recycling – Ah now then, I don’t now about you but at the last elections I was inundated with flyers and leaflets from the assembled collection of local councillors promising “action on recycling”. In this age of sustainability and rapidly filling waste sites one felt very positive of the tractionattention this important issue was gaining. To date the improvement for local residents has been anything put positive, while Woking town has doorstep collections the outlying parishes seem to be neglected when it comes to positive recycling facilities. We have been promised a consultation on what is best for the area but to date all this has consisted of is the possible location for a recycling facility similar to the ones available ast Chobham and Bisley., WEVS as a committee was divided on this matter, half of us thinking we should accept this as a step in the right direction, the other half thinking that we should push for door-to-door collection. So far the response from local residents has been minimal to say the least. However it’s a topic we will continue to press. on and Wwe are privileged to have Judy Douch join us, who has a great deal of knowledge and experience on this subject..

Graham Alleway on the Parish Council worked this year to persuade the local bus companies to operate a local Bus Route to Brookwood Station, with support from WEVS a route was finally commissioned late in the year. Despite this the recorded average attendance on the route was 3 people, the bus company are now reviewing the situation with a view to closing this down as it is uneconomically viable, a shame after so much hard work to see this service under used.

Another development on Rubus Close/ Brentmoor Road at Herne Cottage – The previous failed attempt by Bewley to construct 19 dwellings on land currently occupied by one house has not put them off from submitting yet another proposal this time for a four bed-house alongside a residential nursing home providing accommodation for 50. Again the developers are not standing in the way of local residents, we do seem to be getting fairly good at responding. and tTo date the count stands at 39 objections.

Government legislation is being pushed through for the development of new towns and we have to keep a watchful eye on the Deepcut Barracks site that the MOD have ear-marked for possible development.

And finally to finish on some of the smaller issues:

·  A small victory for the Village Society with the installation of the Tringham Hall clock cover fitted which had been fitted to prevent vandalism.

·  We encouraged a local resident to cut back his hedges to improve road users sight lines in Brentmoor Rd.

·  We wrote to the council on a number of occasions to oppose various retrospective planning applications such as the laying down of hard standing tarmac in agricultural fields that are part of the flood plain.

·  We have also raised a problem with the jubilee trees situated by the Bus Stop outside the Local Post Office. One of the diseased trees has now been removed.

·  Yet again (and here much credit to Mary Adler who has worked tirelessly to protect our green space) we have been very active in the protection of our heathland and open spaces.

It’s sometimes a difficult thing for the members of WEVS to balance working and home life with offering support to the community above and beyond the Local Parish Council but we all remain committed to the cause of keeping life in West End on an even keel and enjoyable as it can be, given the pressures of modern times.

5.  Treasurers report

At end of December 2007, £1573.54.

Income mainly from subscriptions subsidised by sale of WEVS ‘goods’ and treasure game from fetes in the village. It was suggested from the floor that money should be moved from the current to the deposit account

Action: Robin Short

It was sSuggested that money could be spent on an additional newsletter. Marc replied that the main thrust was to be via the website.

Currently approximately 80 members are supplied the newsletter by e-mail

It was suggested the web address be advertised widely.

Action: Communications team

6.  Membership secretaries report

There are 26 distributors and 3 reserves. Additional volunteers are still required.

688 households are members representing approximately one third of West End residents. Stuart thanked the hard work of distributors and reported success with the ‘honesty envelope’ system instigated last year for those members who are difficult to ‘catch at home’. There are some subscriptions still outstanding. Stuart will be following up.

Distributors need not pay their subscriptions as a thank you.

It is intended to have a membership drive, particularly on the Nursery Green Estate

7.  Communications Report

Posters are put up each month in 10 locations around the village informing everyone what is going on. WEVS has a stand at both the Summer Fair, and the Ag. and Hort. Show. We maintain a list of local clubs. Over the next year we will put some of this information on the web site together with local walks and a list of businesses.

There is Internet site development for viewing after meeting. Eleven pages have been developed to date, with links to membership form, etc.

Help and input into what members want on the site was requested. Members will need to log in regularly to see what is happening.

Savitri will e-mail out the link as soon as it goes live.

Action: Savitri Kegge

8.  Election of officers and committee

All committee members stood for re-election and were re-elected. There were no offers for the vacant secretary post. The situation will remain for a ‘revolving minute taker’. John Smith stood and was also voted onto the committee.

9.  Review/agree subscriptions

No change to those agreed last year (£3, or £1.50 for pensioners).

10.  AOB inc questions and issues from members

Councillor Keith Bush (observer) gave an update on the following issues

·  Lucas Green Rd

·  Flood prevention work on Turf Hill

·  Recycling

·  Green waste club –cost effective

·  Civil Contingencies Act –all emergency services are meeting 3 times per year to discuss contingency plans in the event of disaster. Keith invited anyone who was likely to be at home who could provide community support, e.g. to neighbours in need, to provide their contact details to the Parish clerk, Yvonne Johnson.

Action : Savitri Kegge to place information in the next newsletter and on the website.

·  Elderly in the village can get support from ‘Camberley Care’

Action: Savitri Kegge to place detail in the newsletter

Nic Price raised the issue of the summer fair that will take place on June 14th and asked for volunteers to help out, e.g. run stalls

Mary Adler mentioned the scaffolding near the folly (Brentmoor Heath), which is only temporary and due to National Grid refurbishment

It was asked if there was any data on the reduction in accidents at Benner Lane A319 junction. None available.

The meeting ended at 8.00p.m. This was followed by a social event where the web site was demonstrated.

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