Lakeville Fastpitch Softball Association

Board Meeting – 7:00-8:00pm

Monday, November 16, 2015

Perkins in Lakeville


  1. Roll Call
  2. Commissioner - Bill Hoffman (P)
  3. Traveling Director – Debbie Lang (P)
  4. Equipment Director – Peter Nutter (A)
  5. Player Development Director – Heather Myhre (P)
  6. Registration/Uniform Director – Joe Spark (A)
  7. Secretary/Volunteer Program – Ryan Kraft (P)
  8. Treasurer – Barb Timm (P)
  9. Tournament Director – Julie Rasmussen (P)
  10. Fields Director – Kyle Reynolds (A)
  11. In-House Director – Ashley Snedeker (A)
  12. Communications Director – Tammy Brandt (P)
  13. Future Player Development Director – Bill Cook (P)
  1. Open Forum
  2. Discussed Fall Ball team selection and field conditions at Century Middle School
  1. Welcome Tammy –New Marketing & Communications Director
  1. Field Use Policy and SLA
  2. Discussed options for field use agreement and will revisit in December
  3. Jobox inventory - Peter?
  1. In House Director Update
  2. Need to find a new In-House Director
  3. Possible high school aged player or split role between two new members
  4. Approx. (3) 6U teams and (3-5) 8U teams for in house
  1. Winter Development Update and Gym Time
  2. Winter development starts Saturday, Nov 21st. Thurs registrations low for S St. Paul.
  3. Numbers are down for winter clinics - possibly due to location?
  4. JFK gym time is solidified for 12U-14U levels. Debbie Lang to provide info
  1. Planning for 2016
  2. Calendar of events sent to all board members
  3. Annual meeting scheduled for January 14, 2016 at Lakeville South at 7:00 PM
  1. New/Existing Board Member Vote
  2. All members agreed to vote in Bill Cook as the new Player Development Director
  3. All member agreed to vote for Heather Myhre as new Traveling Director
  1. Budget Update
  2. YTD income is $114k and target was $129k. Noticeable shortage from Grand Slam Tournament
  3. Look into sponsorships and offering packages for sponsor levels - goal of $25k for 2016.
  4. LFSA responsible for half the irrigation costs at Aronson - estimated at $15-17k per year for two years for a total of $30k.
  1. New/Other Business
  2. Discussed expanding board positions and possibly adding committees for additional help
  3. Brainstormed ideas for new enrollment and marketing to new neighborhoods
  4. Need to build service agreements with anyone using our fields, equipment, and supplies
  1. Next Board Meeting will be Monday, December 14th at 7:00 PM. Location TBD.


Official Board Meeting (minutes need to be posted on website).