MINUTES of a MEETING of the HIGHWAYS and PLANNING COMMITTEE of BourneTown Council, held on Tuesday 7 August 2007, at 7.30pm at the Town Hall, Bourne

(Minuted by Assistant Administrator)

Present:ChairmanCllr Ms J Pauley

CouncillorsMrs S CliffeB FinesT Holmes

M HornMrs P MoiseyMrs L Neal

Mrs H PowellA PrenticeJ Smith

5 members of public/press


Proposed Cllr A prentice, seconded Cllr Mrs P Moisey and agreed by majority

Recommendation:To approve the reason of apologies for absence from Councillors G Cudmore, D Fisher and Mrs J Smith


PREJUDICIALCllr A PrenticeItem 9/Minute 829P/IClose proximity to home

PERSONALCllr Mrs H Powell Item 9/Minute 829P/oAcquaintance

PERSONALCllr T Holmesdeclared that he would not take part in discussion and voting on Item 9/Minute 829P/a - q due to his membership of the SKDC Development Control Committee.


The above three sets of Minutes, already approved as true records, were signed by the Chairman.


Cllr M Horn reported that he has issued a joint LCC Report Back with Cllr Mrs C Farquharson


Cllr T Holmes requested that this matter be debated in Committee due to the sensitivity of the issues involved, but it was pointed out that provision for this had not been made. There was a lengthy discussion during which it was made clear that the members feel that it is important for Bourne Town Council to confirm what it stands for, namely the ten general principles in the annexure of the Code of Conduct; specifically in promoting equality by not discriminating unlawfully against any person and by treating people with respect regardless of their race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Cllr Mrs L Neal pointed out that the Monitoring Officer had advised members to be aware when making commitments in public meetings that it is possible for members to disbar themselves from any further discussion or voting. As it is not possible under Standing Orders for this Committee to make a resolution it was

Proposed by Cllr M Horn, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously agreed

Recommendation:This Council i. Condemns racism and bigotry in all its forms

ii. Affirms its commitment to vigorously opposing prejudice and intolerance


Proposed by Cllr J Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs P Moisey and unanimously agreed

Recommendation:Members to submit their comments on or by post to Planning Reform Team, Communities and Local Government, Zone 3/J2, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DU by 17th August 2007


It was pointed out that many organisations would need to be involved in the formation of a Town Plan which must be done within a legal framework in a prescribed manner. A qualified person would need to be employed to pull the Plan together. It was suggested that local organisations have the opportunity to consider whether they would like to be involved. Cllr G Cudmore had produced a preliminary document for members and to refresh members’ memories it was

Proposed by Cllr J Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously agreed

Recommendation:Clerk to furnish all members with a copy of Cllr Cudmore’s preliminary document and for further discussion to take place thereafter


A). Correspondence for information only – to be received en bloc(available for perusal)

a. S07/0329/12 Hotrod Ltd. Removal of condition 7 from p/p S99/0140/12 (retention of turning head as unadopted “private” road. The Spinney, Twenty Approved

b. S07/0531/12 S & D Bookmakers. Extension to betting shop. 17 Abbey RoadApproved

c. S07/0284/12 Larkfleet Homes. Residential development (22) R/o 48-64 Willoughby Rd


d. S07/0606/12 Mr D M Game. Change of use to golf centre. Unit 12 Cherry Holt SquareApproved

e. S07/0515/12 Mr S Singleton. Extension to provide 3 flats & 1 commercial outlet

37 West StreetApproved

f. S07/0614/12 Darryl Coley. Change of use from A1 (retail) to Tattoo Studio (sui-generis)

29 West StreetApproved

g. S07/0638/12 Mr Wormald. Conversion of dwelling to 2 flats. 9 MeadowgateApproved

h. S07/0600/12 P Bellamy. Erection of 2 storey side extension & the provision of a new vehicular access 19 Pinewood Close Approved

i. S07/0654/12 Mr Hilless. Erect single storey dwelling (outline)R/O 37A MeadowgateApproved

j. S07/0579/12 Mr/s T Butler. Erection of single storey dwelling. 123 Harrington StreetApproved

k. CPRE – Countryside Voice Summer 2007

l. CPRE – Raffle tickets CPRE 2007 Annual Raffle.

m. S07/0697/12 LCCBourneGrammar School. To erect an extension to form a drama studio.

BourneGrammar School, South RoadApproved

n. S07/0666/12 Mr D Harbinson. 1st floor rear extension. 9 Cawthorpe Road, Cawthorpe Approved

o. S07/0665/12 Mr/s S Garner Extension to front of dwelling. 2 Elder CloseApproved

p. S07/0672/12 Mr B Benton. Conversion of barns to dwelling & erection of new double garage

Walnut Farm, 2 North Drove, TwentyRefused

q. S07/0642/12 Mr F Tate, Futukey Properties Ltd. Demolition of existing buildings & erection of 4 semi -detached dwellings (retrospective) 30 Eastgate Approved

r. S07/0712/12 Mr S Patchett. 2 storey side extension. 36 Westwood DriveApproved

s. S07/0681/12 Horne Bros Carpets. Siting of temporary wooden structure for storage (retrospective)

40 – 42 North StreetApproved

t. S07/0717/12 Mr Thurlby. Convert & extend dwelling to form 2 flats. 6 Burghley StreetApproved

u. S07/0671/12 Mr H Holmes. Erection of conservatory. 25 Fir AvenueApproved

v. S07/0562/12 Mr N Rogers. Erection of rear conservatory. 42 Pinewood CloseApproved

w. S07/0752/12 Mr/s Taylor. Erection of conservatory. 5 Watling CloseApproved

x. S07/0603/12 Miss E M Palmer. Erection of 1.8 metre wall with timber infill panels

Car Dyke Cottage, 58 Willoughby RoadApproved

y. S07/0796/12 Mr I P Lavender. Erection of kennel. 37 Spalding RoadApproved

z. S07/0612/12 Mrs Norton. Erection of front porch to dwelling. 9 Rowan WayApproved

aa. S07/0793/12 Mr/s Croft. Erection of front entrance porch & flat roof to pitched roof

73 Westwood DriveApproved

bb. S07/0535/12 Mr M Spence. Erection of rear conservatory. 8 Teasel DriveApproved

cc. S07/0520/12 R Gray. 2 storey front & side extension, single storey front extension & pitched roof

over garage. 7 Saxon WayApproved

dd. S06/0315/12/APP6 Mr Stark. Erect dwelling. r/o The Coach Hs, Burghley St. Appeal Approved

ee. emda – News magazine July 2007

ff. S07/0869/12 Mr C Shrosbree. 2 storey rear extension. 10 Lindsey Close Approved

gg. S07/0858/12 Mr/s Tshabalala. 2 storey front & rear extensions. 11 Cherry Holt Road Withdrawn

hh. S07/0703/12 T Copland. Erection of dwelling. Land adj 1 Torfrida Drive Approved

ii. Stamford Homes, Wherry Grain Merchants, South Road. Thank you letter from Stamford Homes stating that BTC comments regarding Highways issues, height of buildings near Red Hall, affordable housing and landscaping will be considered before the application is submitted.

Proposed by Cllr Mrs SW Cliffe, seconded by Cllr B Fines and unanimously agreed

Recommendation: To receive the above

B)Correspondence for discussion

1)Anglian Water – Proposed Extension to Bourne STW, Cherry Holt Road, Bourne - Copy of proposed Planning Application for an extension to the existing sewage treatment works -AW would be pleased to receive comments from the Town Council relevant to the project, and if requested would be pleased to make a presentation to the council concerning this project.

Proposed by Cllr J Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs L Neal and unanimously agreed

Recommendation:To ask for a presentation by Anglian Water concerning this project

2)Local Resident – Parking problems at Eastgate – various emails to various bodies and responses

Cllr M Hornhas been addressing this issue at County level. He reported that the legal position had been explained to the resident and that she was kept well-informed at all times. County Council is well aware of the problems involved in this complex issue but all that can be done has already been done at this stage and until legal framework is in place (i.e. decriminalisation) there remains an impasse. No funding is available for a traffic warden for this area and it is felt that until authorities can object to a planning application on the grounds of insufficient parking, this ongoing problem will continue throughout the district. It was therefore

Proposed by Cllr T Holmes, seconded by Cllr Mrs P Moisey and unanimously agreed

Recommendation:To advise the resident that a strong discussion had taken place, exploring options, and that although a long term solution looks possible, all avenues have been covered at the present. The residents may be assured that the short term problems are taken very seriously.

3)Bourne Civic Society– Dr Fuller re CPRE Landscape Project - Dr Fuller is confirming that the Civic Society has agreed that he should accept the council’s invitation to progress the project locally on behalf of the Society. He will seek contact with other relevant organisations and interested parties to obtain a wider consensus for a Community Landscape Charter Statement (CLCS).Note from Clerk: Bourne Town Council to also consider whether any funding will be provided towards this e.g. towards advertisements etc

Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded by Cllr T Holmes and unanimously agreed

Recommendation:To receive the above

4)LALCDriver feedback signs - A demonstrationof the £M Driver-Feedback Sign has now been arranged for Tuesday 4.9.07 at 11am – Cranwell Village Hall, Old School Lane, Cranwell. There will be a practical demonstration of the sign in the car park followed by a presentation in the Village Hall. Places need to be booked.

It was felt that these driver-feedback signs are very effective and Cllr T Holmes stated that he would attend this demonstration on Bourne Town Council’s behalf.

8.20pm Cllr T Holmes left the meeting and therefore took no further part in discussions or voting



ApplicantSainsburys Supermarkets Ltd

ProposalRemoval of condition 10 (hours of delivery) to planning application


LocationJ Sainsbury Plc, Exeter Street

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

In discussion it was noted that this is a residential area and the following observation was

Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously agreed

OBSERVATION;the Committee are against the removal of condition 10


ApplicantJ W D Holdings Ltd

ProposalResidential development (6)

Location47 Main Road, Dyke

Application TypeReserved Matters

Proposed by Cllr JI Smith, seconded by Cllr M Horn and agreed, by majority vote,

OBSERVATION;the Committeehas no objections


ApplicantMr & Mrs M Ewles

ProposalTwo storey extension to dwelling

Location34A North Road

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded by Cllr A Prentice and unanimously agreed

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantMr M Thurlby

ProposalDemolition of outbuildings & erection of single storey dwelling

LocationR/o 2 – 6 Burghley Street

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and agreed by majority (3 against)

OBSERVATION;the Committeehas no objections

Following the meeting, the Chairman said that objections had been brought to her notice regarding this proposal and an email was sent to SKDC as follows: Further to my letter dated 8th August 2007, it has come to our notice that although adequate access is shown on this planning application, in fact there is extremely limited access. I should be grateful if SKDC would look into this before a decision is reached. (Signed FAB)


ApplicantMr & Mrs N Bailey

ProposalRear two storey extension & front porch

Location91 Main Road, Dyke

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously agreed

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantAllison Homes Eastern Ltd

ProposalErection of dwelling (ARM)

LocationPlot 14, Zones 1 & 2, Area 3, ElseaPark

Application TypeReserved Matters

Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr M Horn – Voting; 1 against, 3 abstentions, 5 in favour

OBSERVATION;By majority the Committee has no objections, but would request that in future an original plan to enable comparison with the proposed plan would be of assistance in reaching a decision

g).Ref:S07/0961/12/JJ/PC1 & S07/LB/6816/12/JJ/PC1

ApplicantMr J Mellor

ProposalTwo storey side extension to listed building

LocationHolly House, 24 Main Road, Dyke

Application TypeFull Planning Permission & Listed Building Consent

Proposed by Cllr J Smith, seconded By Cllr Mrs S Cliffe – voting 6 for, 3 against

OBSERVATION;by majority, the Committee objects to this proposal on the grounds that the design is out of keeping with the character of the area


ApplicantMr & Mrs Gauci

ProposalTwo storey & single storey rear extension & new access & single storey

Location81 North Road

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr B Fines and unanimously agreed

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantMr K Ulyatt

ProposalErection of bungalow

LocationAdj 14 Willoughby Road

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr J Smith, seconded by Cllr B Fines – voting 6 in favour, 2 abstentions

OBSERVATION;by majority, the Committee has no objections


ApplicantWestside Properties Ltd

ProposalErection of 5 flats with associated parking & access

Location(R/o 35 Abbey Road) Manning Road

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr Ms J Pauley, seconded by Cllr J Smith and agreed by majority

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantMr & Mrs J Tushingham

ProposalDemolition of conservatory & erection of single storey extension

Location9 Mountbatten Way

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr B Fines, seconded by Cllr A prentice and unanimously agreed

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantG O Commercial

ProposalChange of use from Class B2 (engineering workshop) to D2 & A3

(Snooker Club)

Location182 Roman Bank

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr Ms J Pauley, seconded by Cllr B Fines and agreed by majority

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections but would suggest that the drainage system is investigated and assessed


ApplicantMr J Hailey

ProposalExtension to farm shop & change of use from farm store to

Manufacture of paving slabs

LocationSpring Dyke Farm, Main Road, Dyke

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and agreed by majority (7 for)

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantMr & Mrs P Dimbleby

ProposalErection of first floor side extension above existing garage

Location4 Dorchester Avenue

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and unanimously agreed

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantMr W Ash

ProposalResidential development (6)

LocationHome Farm, Main RoadDykePE10 0AG

Application TypeReserved Matters

Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded by Cllr A Prentice and agreed by majority

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantMr & Mrs Parry

ProposalRemoval of existing conservatory & erection of rearUPVC conservatory

Location12 Ostler Drive

Application TypeFull Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and unanimously agreed

OBSERVATION;the Committee has no objections


ApplicantMr A Quayum

ProposalProjecting box sign

Location64b North Street

Application TypeAdvertisement Consent

Proposed by Cllr J Smith, seconded by Cllr B Fines and unanimously agreed

OBSERVATION;as this falls within the conservation area, the Committee objects to this proposal as it is out of keeping with the shop-front design guide for Bourne, and is out of keeping with the character of the area.


The Chairman had received a letter from two young residents regarding the Waterside Close Fishing Pond, which they would like to see cleaned up and made habitable for fish (a carbon copy of this letter had also been sent to South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) and Anglian Water). Cllr A Prentice pointed out that the young men should talk to the other residents of the area as in the past SKDC had provided a skip which the residents filled, having cleaned up the area themselves. SKDC then had the skip removed. Cllr Mrs L Neal stated that a similar scheme had been mentioned earlier in the year and that liaison between the boys and the person who had mentioned the scheme would be a good idea. It was agreed that this matter should be placed on the next Highways and Planning Committee Agenda.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed at 9.35pm