Minutes of W-L PTA Meeting

Tuesday October 14, 2014 7:30-9:00.

Washington-Lee High School Teacher’s Lounge (4th Floor)

Introductions & Appreciations

The meeting was opened by the PTA President Elizabeth Sheehy at 7:30pm.Members introduced themselves.

Elizabeth thanked Liz Tefera, School Directory Chair, for her continuous work to organize the Online-directory and Jill Flack, Co- Chair of the Grants Committee, for her excellent work on requested grants.

Both received, as token of appreciation, a W-L coffee Mug.

Approval of previous minutes:

A motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on September 8, 2014 passed unanimously.

Revised 2014-15 budget/ Review of the 2013-14 Audit

The PTA Treasurer Lee Dioso explained the new updated version of the 2014-15 budget and a motion to approve the revised budget passed unanimously.

Elizabeth confirmed that the 2013-14 Audit would be available for approval at the Nov Meeting

SCA Report

KateriGajadhar-Smith, SCA -Communications Coordinator presented the various activities of the SCA completed in October and announced that the main event for November will be the Thanksgiving Food Drive and Assembly.

Student Presentation

Lydia Cawleypresented the “High School Diplomats” program, a cultural exchange program at Princeton University funded entirely by the AIU Insurance Co. of Tokyowhich brings together rising juniors and seniors Americans students with Japanese students. Lydia participated last summer in that program and left with the best impressions. For information about the 2015 applications visit the website at: or contact Lydia Cawley at . Deadline for applications is January 7th, 2015.

Principal’s report

Dr. Gregg Robertson reported the progress and the successful continuation of the various programs and events at school, such as the 9th grade /new student meetings with the teachers, the Building Level Planning, the PSAT test and the Homecoming Week’s activities.

Important dates for October/November 2014

10/23 College Fair held at Washington-Lee , 10/24 Hispanic Heritage Celebration, 27/10 High School Information Night, 11/4 Election day/ Teachers Work Day , 11/5 Choir Pyramid Concert, 11/11 Veteran Day Holiday.

Counselor Kristin Devaney-Shapiro explained that they have assigneddates to help students for the College Applications:

Two counselors will be available on 10/18 from 9am -12noon, and on 11/5 during school hours.

The dates for December and January will be later announced. November 1st is the early application deadline.

Committee Updates

Jill Flack reported the progress on the various proposals for financing Grants, to inviteAuthors, take fieldtrips to Technology centers, SOL –Tutoring, Gifts-certificates, Food-Certificates, Bus-token for the Saturday classes and others. The proposals will be directed to the PTA for approval. Different school clubs have requested financial help. The Assistant principal Mr. Paul Jamelske helps in the processing of the proposals.

Alcohol and Drugs 101

Officers Ron Files and T. Koch from the Arlington Police Department, assigned to work at W-L gave a very informative speech with slides about the Alcohol and Drug program designed for the Arlington Schools Area. They explained the different methods and means that the Arlington Police uses to identify the “problem” groups and locations and how their presence and involvement in the school helps students (individuals or groups) with these issues. Programs such as “Second chance” give the opportunity to students, who deal with those types of situations for the first time, to work with the specialists and their family to resolve the issue. According to them, Washington-Lee doesn’t have “crucial problems” and thanks to the school’s and families’ support they are able to work on these issues with the students. When answering questions they pointed out the importance of the responsibility that is carried by “everybody present”, even as “stand-byer” in a “special situation”. It is very important for students to understand the catastrophic consequences of the “criminal record” which may follow them for life. The communication through “social media” plays a crucial part in the detection and prevention of problems and for that reason it exists a special forensic team which monitors the “social media” activities.

Ms Maria-Luisa Ceballos ,the W-L School Substance Counselor, participated at the discussion and explained the importance of seeking professional help at the beginning of the troubled situation. She is in the school during the week and students and their families should contact her the soonest possible in order to get help.

Email: , Phone: 703-228-2028

Next meeting

The next meeting will be held on November 10th, 2014 at Washington-Lee High school. The selected topic is: Who are the Assistants Principals (and what do they do?). Come meet the men and women who keeps things running at W-L.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15pm

VassoPavlidis, Secretary, Elizabeth Sheehy, President