City Council
Meeting Minutes 1
February 11, 2003, nr/sv
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
PRESENT B. Anderson, J. Batty, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, E. Gibbons*, R. Hayter,
L. Langley, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel, J. Melnychuk, M. Phair, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith.
A. B. Maurer, City Manager
D. H. Edey, City Clerk
A. Sinclair, Office of the City Clerk
*Participated via telephone.
Deputy Mayor S. Mandel called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Mayor B. Smith and Councillor E. Gibbons were absent.
Reverend Rolf O. Bjornstad, Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, led the assembly in prayer.
MOVED M. Phair – J. Batty:
That the City Council agenda for the February 11, 2003, meeting be adopted with the following changes:
a) Additions:
G.1.a. Status of Snow Removal. VERBAL PRESENTATION.
L.1.f. Bylaw 13295 – City Council–EDE Relationship Review
Committee Bylaw.
b) Postponement:
b) That the following item be postponed to the March 11, 2003, City Council meeting at 1:30 p.m.:H.1.a. Economic Development Edmonton Office
Relocation. Ø / EDE
Due: March 11, 2003
at 1:30 p.m.
c) That the following item be dealt with first on the agenda:
G.1.a. Status of Snow Removal.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, J. Batty, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
R. Hayter, L. Langley, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel,
J. Melnychuk, M. Phair.
OPPOSED: D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith; E. Gibbons.
MOVED T. Cavanagh – R. Hayter:
That the minutes of the January 22, 2003, City Council Public Hearing meeting; the January 28, 2003, City Council meeting; and the January 29, 2003, Special City Council meeting, be adopted.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, J. Batty, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
R. Hayter, L. Langley, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel,
J. Melnychuk, M. Phair, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith; E. Gibbons.
B.1.a. Congratulations to the City of Edmonton Sign Shop (A. Bolstad).
Councillor A. Bolstad, on behalf of City Council, congratulated the City of Edmonton Sign Shop for recognition received at the Neighbourhood Watch Annual Awards night. The Sign Shop was recognized for sincere and dedicated service in posting and replacing the hundreds of Neighbourhood Watch signs at entrances and exits of communities across the city.
Councillor A. Bolstad presented L. McCormick, Transportation and Streets Department, with a plaque from Neighbourhood Watch Program.
MOVED T. Cavanagh – J. Melnychuk:
That items D.2.a., E.1.b., E.1.c., F.1.a., F.1.c., G.1.a. and H.1.b., be exempted for debate; and
E.1.a. Proclamation of Annual Civic Holiday. Ø
That, pursuant to s. 56(1) of the Municipal Government Act, Monday, August 4, 2003, be declared the annual civic holiday. / All General ManagersF. REPORTS RELATED TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MATTERS
F.1.b. Edmonton Arts Council – 2003 Emergency Fund Recommendation for Catalyst Theatre. Ø
That $3,000 from Edmonton Arts Council Emergency Fund be granted to Catalyst Theatre for furnace replacement. / Edmonton Arts CouncilCorporate Svcs.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, J. Batty, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
R. Hayter, L. Langley, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel,
J. Melnychuk, M. Phair, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith; E. Gibbons.
D.1.a. Use of Lands at 50 Street and Anthony Henday Drive (D. Thiele).
“This inquiry concerns future use of the lands located at 50 Street and Anthony Henday Drive. This site is currently being utilized as a shooting range and it was first set up for the Commonwealth Games in 1978.My questions are:
1. How did the City acquire this land, its size, and its purpose? A brief history of it would be helpful (i.e. who owned it in 1900, etc.).
2. Has the site ever been assessed for contamination as a result of 25 years or more use as a shooting range?
3. What is the projected use of this land both in the short term and in the long term?
4. What is the access and relationship to 50 Street, Anthony Henday Drive, and Ellerslie Road? Please enclose a map of the immediate area and one of a slightly larger area as well.
5. I would like a history, as well, of the shooting range, games, championships, organizations that have operated the facility and the agreements that have been in place.
6. What can we do to assist the current users in relocating? What sites are available in the area or the region for a shooting range?
7. I understand Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA) and other organizations have expressed interest in building soccer fields to house a large outdoor tournament facility? Where are the discussions at in regard to this?
I would like this information to return to the Transportation and Public Works Committee.” / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
Transportation & Streets
Community Svcs.
TPW Committee
Due: Apr. 8, 2003
D.1.b. Affect of the Kyoto Accord on the City of Edmonton (D. Thiele).
“My inquiry concerns the ratification of the Kyoto Accord by the Canadian Federal Government and the affect it will have on Edmonton. I am sure that many future Council discussions will take this Accord and the ramifications of it into consideration and I feel that we should be well prepared.My questions are:
1. What are carbon sinks, how are they distributed, and what roles will they play in the Accord?
2. Is Administration in anyway involved in discussions with the Federal Government on the implementation of the Accord?
3. Is there going to be federal funding to offset the costs for industry, municipalities, and individuals to help them comply with future regulations that are a result of this Accord? How is that funding going to be distributed?
4. In the case of funds for municipalities – are they being distributed directly to the municipalities or is this being done through the Provincial Government and what is the City of Edmonton doing to ensure that we will be rewarded and not punished for the progressive measures we have taken to date?
5. What is the City of Edmonton doing or going to do to make sure that our residents and our local industry are aware of and able to take advantage of all programs that will help comply with the Accord?
6. How does the Accord affect local industry and in particular EPCOR?
I would ask that City Council request EPCOR to assist our Administration in answering these questions and the response to come back to the Transportation and Public Works Committee.” / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
TPW Committee
Due: Apr. 8, 2003
D.1.c. Air Filtration System at Inland Cement (A. Bolstad).
“This inquiry is in response to the recent decision by Alberta Environment that requires Inland Cement to install a “baghouse” air filtration system within 20 months of using coal as a fuel source at its plant in northwest Edmonton.I would like a report which answers the following:
1. What will the new filtration system accomplish? For example, will it catch most of the particulates? How about the heavy metals? Will it do anything to reduce C02 or greenhouse gas emissions?
2. Will the new filtration system be in constant operation? Does it ever have to be bypassed for safety reasons? Is it ever removed or shut down for maintenance?
And finally, I understand Inland Cement also intends to burn 1.2 million pounds of plastic chips this year in its plant in northwest Edmonton. From what I am told, these chips are made from used pesticide containers. The company is being paid nearly $200,000 to dispose of this material by CropLife Canada.
My questions are as follows:
1. Does Inland require a special permit to do this?
2. Does our Office of the Environment have any concerns about the emissions from this source?
3. Are there other, more environmentally sustainable uses for this plastic?
4. Should the City be expressing any concerns to Alberta Environment over this matter?
I would appreciate it if this report could return to City Council via the Transportation and Public Works Committee.” / Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
D.1.c. Cont’d
Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
TPW Committee
Due: Apr. 8, 2003
D.1.d. The Use of Sir Winston Churchill Square (M. Phair).
“I would like information regarding the use of Sir Winston Churchill Square from the Community Services Department.1. What guidelines are in place for who may or may not use the Square?
2. What is the process to book the Square?
3. Is there a reference to ‘political groups’; and if so, what is the definition?
I would like this inquiry to return to the Community Services Committee. / Community Svcs.
CS Committee
Due: Apr. 7, 2003
D.1.e. Policy Regarding the Regulation of Activities in the LRT Stations
(M. Phair).
1. What policy or rules regulate activities in the LRT stations?
2. Would a prohibition violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
I would like this inquiry to return to the Transportation and Public Works Committee.” / Transportation & Streets
TPW Committee
Due: Apr. 8, 2003
D.1.f. Status of Sidewalks, Road, Curbs, Sewer and Water Lines in Argyll Neighbourhood (M. Phair).
“I would like to know the status (rankings) of the Argyll neighbourhood as to sidewalks, roads, curbs, sewer and water lines.I would like this inquiry to return to Transportation and Public Works Committee.” / Transportation & Streets
Asset Mgmt. & Public Works
TPW Committee
Due: Apr. 8, 2003
D.1.g. The Effects of Snowfall on Roadways (S. Mandel).
“The snowfall has played havoc with our citizens and, not just within their neighbourhoods. One road that seems to be delayed on a daily basis is the Whitemud. I would like Administration to do the following:1. Identify if there is one specific area that has caused these massive delays.
2. Identify the number of accidents on the Whitemud as compared to the other major roads.
3. Are there any methods available that can be used to help alleviate the traffic problems, keeping in mind that the Anthony Henday will not be open until 2006? (Such ideas as a tow truck available on the Whitemud traffic control devices, etc.).” / Transportation & Streets
TPW Committee
Due: Apr. 8, 2003
G.1.a. Status of Snow Removal.
R. Millican, General Manager, Transportation and Streets Department, made a presentation.
B.1.b. Welcome to the Students from the English Language Institute
(S. Mandel).
Deputy Mayor S. Mandel, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the students studying English as a Second Language at the English Language Institute and their instructor Mrs. Phyllis Townsend.
G.1.a. Status of Snow Removal.
MOVED A. Bolstad – D. Thiele:
That Orders of the day be extended to complete item G.1.a.
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, J. Batty, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
R. Hayter, L. Langley, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel,
J. Melnychuk, M. Phair, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith; E. Gibbons.
A. B. Maurer, City Manager; R. Millican, General Manager, B. Belcourt and G. Boston, Transportation and Streets Department, answered Council’s questions.
B.1.c. Welcome to the Students from Bissett Elementary School
(S. Mandel).
Deputy Mayor S. Mandel, on behalf of City Council, welcomed the Grade 5/6 students from Bissett Elementary School and their teacher Mrs. Elliot.
G.1.a. Status of Snow Removal.
R. Millican, General Manager, and B. Belcourt, Transportation and Streets Department, answered Council’s questions.
MOVED A. Bolstad – K. Leibovici:
1. That the Transportation and Streets Department develop a new policy and a communication strategy for Council to consider that would govern the clearing of snow from residential streets.
2. That the Department bring forward a report outlining the costs associated with the recommended approach and the anticipated benefits.
MOVED M. Phair – L. Langley:
That the following motion be referred to the Transportation and Public Works Committee:MOVED A. Bolstad – K. Leibovici (Made at the February 11, 2003, City Council meeting):
1. That the Transportation and Streets Department develop a new policy and a communication strategy for Council to consider that would govern the clearing of snow from residential streets.
2. That the Department bring forward a report outlining the costs associated with the recommended approach and the anticipated benefits. / Transportation & Streets
TPW Committee
Due: Feb. 18, 2003
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, J. Batty, T. Cavanagh, R. Hayter,
L. Langley, S. Mandel, J. Melnychuk, M. Phair,
D. Thiele.
OPPOSED: A. Bolstad, K. Leibovici.
ABSENT: B. Smith; E. Gibbons.
MOVED L. Langley – M. Phair:
That the verbal presentation be received for information. / Transportation & StreetsCARRIED
FOR THE MOTION: B. Anderson, J. Batty, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh,
R. Hayter, L. Langley, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel,
J. Melnychuk, M. Phair, D. Thiele.
ABSENT: B. Smith; E. Gibbons.
F.1.c. Regulation of Non-Domesticated Animals Used in Circuses and Fairs. Ø
MOVED A. Bolstad – M. Phair:
1. That Administration prepare amendments to the appropriate City bylaws which would prohibit:
a) the use of wild animals in circus acts and other forms of entertainment in the City of Edmonton.
b) the temporary keeping of performing wild animals in the City of Edmonton.
2. That the bylaw exclude wild animals kept in facilities accredited by the Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquaria (such as the Valley Zoo and West Edmonton Mall).
D. Leeb and M. Garrett, Planning and Development Department, answered Council’s questions.
Councillor E. Gibbons entered the meeting via the telephone.