30635QLD Diploma of Education Support

The Diploma of Education Support is the third level of accredited training for education support workers within the Education Support suite of courses.

Entry requirements

Candidates entering the Diploma of Education Support must either hold a Certificate IV in Education Support, or have extensive and diverse experience in approved supervised educational roles working with students, as indicated by the equivalent of 720 hours of documented education support work over the past three years.

Acceptable current experiences must be drawn from the following:

§  Employed as a teacher aide

§  Tutors engaged in government approved distance education programs

§  Employment in a child care or early childhood setting

§  Tutors in the delivery of vocational education and training e.g. training package qualifications, accredited courses or training package / enterprise units of competency.

Candidates entering this course are required to have basic computer skills that include:

§  Basic word processing and data management

§  Completion of existing templates

§  Email and internet skills

§  Preparation and printing of documents

Candidates must also demonstrate:

·  literacy and numeracy standards appropriate for a supervisory role in an educational facility, as indicated by year 10 English and Maths to a satisfactory level, or equivalent competencies

·  ability to read, comprehend and interpret government policies or procedures pertaining to educational/child care settings, and to provide a written and oral summary

Registered Training Organisations are advised that candidates must demonstrate the above competencies prior to enrolment. Possession of a qualification that includes these competencies, or samples of materials prepared by the candidate are considered suitable evidence.

A Positive Notice for Child Related Employment card or equivalent evidence of successful application for approval to work with children must be obtained prior to entering a school or other environment where children are the client group, to undertake vocational placement in Queensland. This can be obtained from the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian.

Course structure

The Diploma of Education Support is the third level of accredited training for education support workers within the Education Support suite of courses:

30613QLD Certificate III in Education Support

30634QLD Certificate IV in Education Support

30635QLD Diploma of Education Support

The following table indicates the course structure of the Diploma of Education Support:


Unit Code / Unit Title / Estimated Hours / Prerequisites
ESLEG501A / Maintain and promote legal and ethical practices / 40 / Nil
ESDIV502A / Promote and respond to workplace diversity / 50 / Nil
ESDEV503A / Identify and respond to student development needs / 50 / Nil
ESLEA504A / Foster and support an effective learning environment / 70 / ESLEG501A
ESLIT505A / Support the development of literacy skills / 110 / Nil
ESBEH506A / Support the development and implementation of responsible behaviour in the educational environment / 60 / ESLEG501A
Total Hours / 380


Elective units comprising a minimum 500 hours are required to complete the Diploma of Education Support.
A MINIMUM of 300 hours MUST BE SELECTED from this List of Electives.
Note: Of the elective units of competency from the TAA04 National Training Package, no more than six (6) units may be selected to complete the elective requirements of the Diploma of Education Support. This limit includes TAA units not listed in this Elective List that may be selected to meet a particular need as described below.
Up to 200 hours of units from a National Training Package or accredited Diploma qualification, or a combination of units with up to 60 hours from a National Training Package or accredited Advanced Diploma (or higher), may be substituted for course electives to suit a specialised area of work. However, such units must not duplicate the content of units listed in the 30635QLD Diploma of Education Support.
Unit Code / Unit Title / Hours / Prerequisite Units / Recommended prior or co-learning units
ESFIN507A / Manage educational budgets and mandatory financial accountabilities within a management team / 80 / ESLEG501A
ESIND508A / Work effectively with Indigenous students / 60 / ESLEG501A
ESSCR509A / Scribe for students under assessment conditions / 40
ESIMP510A / Provide support to students with multiple impairments / 30 / ESDEV503A
ESIEP511A / Contribute to the implementation of Individual Education Plans for students with special needs / 50 / ESLEG501A
ESADD512A / Contribute to the planning for students with additional needs / 50 / ESLEG501A
ESIND513A / Promote and value the role of the individual in the school community / 10 / ESLEG501A
ESRES514A / Conduct research to investigate an educational issue / 40 / ESLEG501A
ESDIS407A / Facilitate learning for students with a disability / 50 / Nil
TAADEL401A / Plan and organise group-based delivery / 30 / Nil / TAADES402A (where program development and delivery planning are undertaken as single function)
TAADEL402A / Facilitate group-based learning / 30 / Nil / TAADEL401 A (where planning and delivery implementation are carried out as single function)
TAADEL403A / Facilitate individual learning / 20 / Nil
TAADES402A / Design and develop learning programs / 40 / Nil / TAADES401A
TAADEL405A / Coordinate and facilitate distance-based learning / 45 / TAADEL402A
TAADES502A / Design and develop learning resources / 50 / Nil
TAADEL501A / Facilitate e-learning / 30 / TAADEL402A
TAADEL503A / Provide advanced facilitation to support learning / 50 / TAADEL402A TAADEL403A plus one of TAADEL404A TAADEL405A TAADEL501A TAADEL502A
TAACMQ502A / Coordinate training and/or assessment arrangements for apprenticeships/traineeships / 40 / TAADES401A
TAATAS504A / Facilitate group processes / 40
·  Mandatory for participants undertaking the course through an institutional based program, where access to an education workplace is not available
·  Not required for participants employed in a relevant education workplace, but highly recommended as a framework for on-the-job activities, especially for participants who wish to claim credit towards degree programs
Unit Code / Unit of competency - Title / Nominal Hours / Prerequisites
ESVOC515A / Vocational/Industry Placement is required under Chapter 4 of the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000.
[To be completed by participants undertaking the course as an institutional based program, where access to an education workplace is not available] / 200 / Positive Notice for Child Related Employment (Blue Card)

Notes – Electives:

The units from the TAA04 Training Package listed above have been chosen as the most appropriate for workers supporting teachers and students but will require some contextualisation to the school environment, to address the developmental level of students and the supervisory role of teachers.

Elective units chosen by participants from other national training packages may require similar contextualisation to an educational environment for use within this course.

Examples of the expected use of additional National Training Package units within 30635QLD Diploma of Education Support:

Participants in 30635QLD Diploma of Education Support may select up to 200 hours of electives from a Diploma qualification or up to 60 hours from an Advanced Diploma or higher qualification - either accredited courses or from National Training Packages - to suit a specialised area of work. Examples below show some suggested units that might suit.

The education support worker, with advice from their Registered Training Organisation, will select elective units that are appropriate for their individual needs. Units chosen must represent specialised requirements not addressed by units within the Diploma of Education Support.

Units completed from training packages will carry credit towards all qualifications in which they appear if the education support worker chooses to complete more than one qualification.

The following examples are representative of some possible options as at April 2007. As National Training Packages are updated, appropriate choices may change.

1.  An education support worker wishing to further develop their skills so as to more effectively support students in the teaching/learning process would choose from the enterprise specific units and up to six (6) of the TAA 04 units listed in the course. It must be noted that, in total, no more than six (6) units from the TAA04 Training Package may be included in the 30635QLD Diploma of Education Support.

2.  An education support worker keen to undertake further tertiary studies in education could select from the enterprise specific units and a wider range of TAA 04 units, to maximise credit potential at university level. Some alternative units from the TAA 04 training package that may be considered include:

TAADES401A / Use training packages to meet client needs
TAAASS401A / Plan and organise assessment
TAAASS402A / Assess competence
TAADES501A / Design and develop learning strategies
TAADES503A / Research and design e-learning resources
TAADES504A / Develop and evaluate e-learning resources
TAAENV501A / Maintain and enhance professional practice
TAADEL502A / Facilitate action learning projects
TAADEL504A / Lead and coordinate training services
TAATAS501A / Undertake organisational training needs analysis
TAACMQ502A / Coordinate training and/or assessment arrangements for apprenticeships/traineeships
TAACMQ505A / Lead a team to foster innovation

It must be noted that, in total, no more than six (6) units from the TAA04 Training Package may be included in the 30635QLD Diploma of Education Support and that units not listed in the course structure must not exceed 200 hours.

*****It is highly recommended that participants wishing to progress into further tertiary studies are offered the opportunity to undertake on-the-job activities based on the framework in the vocational placement unit. The activities may then be compiled as a portfolio of evidence to support claims for tertiary credits.

3.  An education support worker employed in a facility for students with special needs could choose from the following:

§  ESDIS407A Facilitate learning for students with a disability

§  ESSCR509A Scribe for students under assessment conditions

§  ESIMP510A Provide support to students with multiple impairments

§  ESIEP511A Contribute to the implementation of Individual Education Plans for students with special needs

§  ESADD512A Contribute to the planning for students with additional needs

§  ESIND513A Promote and value the role of the individual in the school community

§  ESRES514A Conduct educational research to investigate an educational issue

and/or no more than 200 hours from the following units from the CSH02 Community Services Training Package:

Unit Code / Unit Title
CHCAD4A / Provide advocacy and representation
CHCCOM3C / Utilise specialist communication skills to build strong relationships
CHCDIS7B / Design and adapt surroundings to group requirements
CHCYTH5C / Support youth programs
CHCYTH6C / Provide appropriate services for young people
CHCCD14B / Implement a community development strategy
CHCDIS10B / Provide care and support
CHCDIS11C / Co-ordinate disability work

4.  An education support worker employed in an administrative or management role might select up to 200 hours of units from the BSB01 Business Services Training Package such as:

Unit Code / Unit Title
BSBPM502A / Manage project scope
BSBPM503A / Manage project time
BSBPM504A / Manage project costs
BSBPM509A / Manage project procurement
BSBADV508A / Present an advertising campaign
BSBFLM501B / Manage personal work priorities and professional development
BSBFLM503B / Manage effective workplace relationships
BSBFLM506B / Manage workplace information systems
BSBFLM509B / Facilitate continuous improvement
BSBFLM512A / Ensure team effectiveness
BSBMGT505A / Ensure a safe workplace
BSBMGT506A / Recruit, select and induct staff
BSBFLM514A / Manage people
BSBMGT501A / Market services and concepts to internal customers
BSBOHS604A / Apply ergonomic principles to control OHS risk
BSBRKG604A / Determine security and access rules and procedures

As well as providing some breadth of skills, elective units as listed above would also assist an education support worker to progress along or into another career pathway – that of an administrative officer.

5.  Education support workers intending to work as Out of School Hours Care Coordinators should select up to 200 hours of electives from the CSH02 Community Services Training Package and Community Recreation Industry Training Package, such as:

Unit Code / Unit Title
CHCYTH7C / Respond to critical situations
SRCCRD007A / Develop recreation programs
SRXRIS001A / Undertake risk analysis of activities
SRXTEM003A / Work autonomously
CHCNET2B / Maintain effective networks
CHCORG11B / Lead and develop others